Yet another grapple project

   / Yet another grapple project #21  
   / Yet another grapple project
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Sunday, I moved all the tree limbs and brush from our recent ice storm and from trees I've cut down in my yard (about a 6' cubic stack!). I intended to use the grapple contraption to do this, but it simply won't do the trick. The problem is that the bucket pushes the stuff away and it rolls off the front before you can get the grapple clamped down on it. And if you do get any clamped down, then when you raise the lift arms they fall off because the grapple opens. Drat! Oh well, loaded it by hand.

This wasn't a wasted project, though. Sometimes the best thing to learn is what won't work moreso than what will work!

If you're making your own grapple, stick with the convention hydraulic actuated design!
