Yikes- She Trapped a Hawk !!

   / Yikes- She Trapped a Hawk !! #11  
That is a very good story with a happy ending. Thanks for sharing with us and good job.
   / Yikes- She Trapped a Hawk !! #13  
Great Job, someday we'll all be judged-and that hawk will be there to speak for you.

Awesome bird

   / Yikes- She Trapped a Hawk !! #14  
That's wonderful ! Now what are you going to do with all the rabbits and mice he brings you for presents gifts and thank-yous? I used to bring home a lot of local small road kill to offer a mated pair of red tails that lived at our place. I usually wear a 'Hair Flair' visor cap just for yucks. One day one of them snatched the hat off my head and scared the crap out of me. No clue it was coming in.

Now we have a few owls and a golden eagle in the 'hood, with a singleton hawk. The local murder of crows gives them all a hard time. I've put a wreath of small sticks up on one of the windmill platforms with hope that one of the eagles would nest there, but no takers, yet.
   / Yikes- She Trapped a Hawk !! #15  
If you plan to keep the netting up, I suggest you use some flagging tape to mark it at different heights and random patterns so hawks and the like can 'see' the upcoming netting before becoming entrapped in it.
   / Yikes- She Trapped a Hawk !! #17  
Great story and good job of freeing that beautiful animal.

I'm astonished that you had the presence of mind to actually take pics of the process. I would have never thought to do that.
   / Yikes- She Trapped a Hawk !!
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I am glad you all enjoyed our story and photos. I put on all the armor I could think of because I had no idea what would happen but needed to try to free it. I always have a camera. As it turned out I worked very slowly and the hawk was very co-operative and didn't thrash around or attempt to defend himself so I was able to get the pictures. I wish I got one at the end where he finally stood up looking majestic, just before he flew, but I was busy backing away and he didn't hang around.
   / Yikes- She Trapped a Hawk !! #19  
Thank you for sharing, but more importantly for saving that majestic bird!

Apparently that Hawk understands KARMA better than most people do!
   / Yikes- She Trapped a Hawk !! #20  
Not that can be added. Great job saving the bird.
The hawks have returned to our area over the past few years,
answer a few pairs of bald eagles too, saw one just today when the
wife and I were on the way home from breakfast.