ym 2000 smell

   / ym 2000 smell #1  


Bronze Member
Oct 2, 2009
I have A ym2000. After it runs for about 15 min, I can smell transmission fluid( I think). I can not find A leak and It does not seem to using any extra. Any ideas?
   / ym 2000 smell #2  
If the transmission works fine, maybe check the brakes holding and generating some heat and associated smells. I had a 1610 D Yanmar that was bad about that and also the drive clutch sticking, if not used often. Ken Sweet
   / ym 2000 smell #3  
Wouldn't be antifreeze your smelling would it?
   / ym 2000 smell #4  
Im not trying to be a smart A so bear with me. There should be no transmission fluid (as labled on bottle) in that tractor. I know you said "think" but if your correct and know what hot or burning tranny fluid smells like you might want to chech what your fluids are. The transmission/hydraulics are (by the book) supposed to br unversal tractor transmission/hydraulic fluid of JD 303 spec.

Now thinking about it tractor ernie and others use Transmission fluid in their tractors with no problem, but i think they mostly use it in the powershift ones for cold operation. Not saying in a gear one you could not use it with out trouble though.

But your only fluid in that tractor is what ever is in the transmission resivoir, engine oil 15w-40, and radiator fluid, and deisel fuel, so it has to be one of those getting hot and leaking or burning on the exhaust or in combustion chamber.
   / ym 2000 smell #5  
I have A ym2000. After it runs for about 15 min, I can smell transmission fluid( I think). I can not find A leak and It does not seem to using any extra. Any ideas?
Is there any way the hydraulic system could be operating under constant load, heating the fluid? The lift handle is pulled full back to raise then forward a little to hold. It might be straining if the lever is stuck all the way back.

And ... I once poured the remainder of a jug of UTF (JD303) into my fuel tank so I could re-use its container for something else. It was maybe a pint of clean UTF mixed into five gallons of diesel. It ran fine.

But for months the tractor smelled just like the gear oil smell from my old 4 speed Wagoneer when it was run hard in 4wd, playing Rally on fire roads, which smelled hot everywhere underneath and left its transmission seals sweating.

I had to keep reminding myself that this time the hot-transmission smell was from the Yanmar's exhaust as it consumed that ersatz fuel, not from its transmission.
   / ym 2000 smell #6  
I have A ym2000. After it runs for about 15 min, I can smell transmission fluid( I think). I can not find A leak and It does not seem to using any extra. Any ideas?

Does the transmission case feel hot to the touch after running it for a while? Ken Sweet
   / ym 2000 smell
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I have only had the tractor for about twenty hours, so I really don't know what kind of fluid the pre owner had in it. Maybe i just need to drain all of the fluids
and start over with fresh. The trans is warm to the touch but i would not call it hot. Thanks for everyones help.
   / ym 2000 smell #8  
My tranny will get hot after an hour or two, but you can still hold your hand on it. Yep , you got it changing fluids is the best bet for a new to you tractor. Piece of mind that you know its the right stuff, plus it gives you a base line for future change times.
   / ym 2000 smell #9  
Did the previous owner paint the engine or muffler right before you bought it?
Sometimes paint will let off a smell when it gets hot.
   / ym 2000 smell #10  
If the tranny fluid is still red, I wouldn't worry about it unless you have hydraulic problems. As Ken said, make sure the brakes are not locking up. I would remove the drain plugs from the brake housings and the bellhousing and see if any fluid comes out, and make sure the servicing stop valve is not partly closed.

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