YM2310 service manual in Japanese?

   / YM2310 service manual in Japanese?
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Truly, bmaverick has been and continues to be a great resource. And also by saving other resources and I really appreciate all the work done. I do go to the YTOG and I also get email updates from YTOG. So I too am saying Thank You for all the good work.
It is interesting owning a gray market machine because while the manufacturer made a good, even excellent, product, they don't want to provide any support for machines that certainly have little to no effect on new sales except in showing just how good the machines are. This is because people buying 40 year old machines are usually not in the market for new machines. But then other people can look at existing older machines and if they are high quality it helps inform their decision when buying new.
I don't make tractors and so can't have a well informed opinion, but still, it seems like supporting gray market machines with manuals and parts availability could go a long way for advertising just how good an investment their machines are.
Still, at the end of the day, we have bmaverick and similar folks helping us to keep our Yanmars running.