You Know You Are Old When

   / You Know You Are Old When #1,802  
Quick poll...

How many basin wrenches have you purchased in your lifetime?

Me - 3.
2 - broke the first after 10 years or so.
   / You Know You Are Old When
  • Thread Starter
Maybe you are old when you call the bathroom sink a basin?

I asked my kids (24 and 26) what a basin was. Both said a depression in the Earth - like the Amazon Basin.

I asked what the thingy in the bathroom was where they brushed their teeth?

Both said “it’s a sink Dad” and rolled their eyes.
   / You Know You Are Old When #1,804  
I remember I acquired some of my grandfathers tools years ago had no idea what some were used for. Some were surplus tool kits acquired by him after WW2 I think, so I guess I acquired rare specialty tools to fix a Sherman tank or a b17 maybe. Lol
   / You Know You Are Old When #1,805  
I remember I acquired some of my grandfathers tools years ago had no idea what some were used for. Some were surplus tool kits acquired by him after WW2 I think, so I guess I acquired rare specialty tools to fix a Sherman tank or a b17 maybe. Lol
During the war the British prized Merican tool kits that were sent with every Merican Packard built Merlin engine. I'm sure that was the case with other lend lease equipment.
The Britts were under such pressure to build war machines they took short cuts where possible.
Their tool kits were just stamped out of soft steal and no chrome finish. They easily stripped and broke.
The Merican tools were properly made and appreciated by mechanics.
   / You Know You Are Old When #1,806  
Maybe you are old when you call the bathroom sink a basin?

I asked my kids (24 and 26) what a basin was. Both said a depression in the Earth - like the Amazon Basin.

I asked what the thingy in the bathroom was where they brushed their teeth?

Both said “it’s a sink Dad” and rolled their eyes.
When I as a kid we called the toilet a Hopper!
   / You Know You Are Old When #1,808  
Christmas was great but I got yet another reminder that I’m getting old.

We had a bunch of younger nieces and nephews over Christmas Eve. I had Dean Martin and Bing Crosby Christmas songs going as background music.

My 18 year old niece asked “who is singing”?

I said “Bing Crosby, maybe the best singer ever”. She looks at me and says “who is that”.

OMG in their language.

After much discussion and and a brief survey, turns out NONE of the kids 18 or under had any clue whatsoever about Bing Crosby, Dean Martin or Frank Sinatra. Not a clue.

I am getting old!!!
you forgot Andy Williams, Bobby Helms, Glen Campbell, and Gene Autry!

Yep. When the Rankin and Bass shows come on it is always fun to see people look at those as "NEW"... :).
   / You Know You Are Old When #1,809  
Quick poll...

How many basin wrenches have you purchased in your lifetime?

Me - 3.
Ok. I had to Google basin wrench. So that’s what that thing is. 😄
   / You Know You Are Old When #1,810  
Basin Wrench, great tool when you need it. I have 2.