You Know You Are Old When

   / You Know You Are Old When #3,021  
Growing up in California there were always new families moving in a the school district could not keep up... lots of military and defense plus tech was taking off...

I've noticed quite a reversal as military all but gone, a lot of tech relocating and schools continue to shutter...
They're still coming. But instead, to inland California.

Daughter did the student teaching for her degree, in suburban Sacramento. She said the diversity was beyond anything you could imagine, something like 32 different languages spoken in the various children's homes. Lots of Russians and Ukrainians, other Eastern Europeans, people from every region of Asia, Afghan refugees, little girls in full headscarf conservative getup. Bikers and Americans of every color there to pick up their kids after school. And every one of those families had arrived looking to improve their lives. Lots of entrepreneurs, startups, in simple things like roofing. For the Eastern Europeans, running Volvo etc shops specializing in European cars.

The yuppie DINK techie crowd that had descended on the Bay Area wasn't represented in this school. Those who had moved from your Bay Area had found their peers in the newly developing culture of downtown Sacramento and now work remote from there. Paying far less rent and living close to new coffee shops and exotic restaurants (staffed by folks from that other neighborhood), in many cases businesses that had followed where their customers had gone.

We had an interesting, scary experience last weekend in the East Bay. Departed Fremont northbound in heavy, insane traffic. Two! instances of BMW's driving doorhandle to doorhandle with me, crowding me, as their way of showing they wanted me to move aside so they could get to the next offramp from the fast lane. Many many skidmarks seen going diagonal to crash hard into the concrete center divider - I've never seen that anywhere else. Several 75 mph to 5 mph sudden stops. Maybe that accounts for the skidmarks.

Got up by the Coloseum and wife wanted a restroom break after all her nervous 'co-piloting'. She pointed out a McDonalds. You know where this is going! The offramp went to a block of homeless encampments - right in the street, that we had to thread our way through, before we got to the Home Depot / McDonalds compound.

I don't mind the traffic up by Berkeley - but I hadn't been south of there for a while.
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   / You Know You Are Old When #3,022  
Very representative...

The only Oakland Home Depot has publically said it will close unless crime is curbed...

Often Police Officer is parked at the store entrance... at least every time I go.

The Nimitz freeway requires 100% vigilance...

The Mac Arthur freeway has no trucks but getting passed like standing still happens all the time...

You didn't get tied up in a police action by chance...?

Nearby a 77 home owner arrested for shooting and killing 1 of 3 breaking into his home... neighbors call 911 seeing people going into the home...

Turns out crowbar, knife and toy gun...

Injure someone breaking into your home go to jail... who says police are not arresting folks... National Wall Street Journal story.

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   / You Know You Are Old When #3,023  
He forgot to make sure the body was inside the house... that's was my stepdad's (LAPD) advise.
   / You Know You Are Old When #3,024  
Very representative...

The only Oakland Home Depot has publically said it will close unless crime is curbed...

Often Police Officer is parked at the store entrance... at least every time I go.

The Nimitz freeway requires 100% vigilance...

The Mac Arthur freeway has no trucks but getting passed like standing still happens all the time...

You didn't get tied up in a police action by chance...?

Nearby a 77 home owner arrested for shooting and killing 1 of 3 breaking into his home... neighbors call 911 seeing people going into the home...

Turns out crowbar, knife and you gun...

Injure someone breaking into your home go to jail... who says police are not arresting folks... National Wall Street Journal story.

Ya'll need to replace Newsom.
   / You Know You Are Old When #3,025  
Did that three times in the '70's.
Lot's of good times.
Our "group" (about 10 bikes and assorted riders) was based in Burlington, Vt so it wasn't very far.
I rode on a Honda 305 Super Sport from Northern Virginia to Key West FL in 1967 and back on a 2 month trip. I'm scared to get on my kids bikes now.
   / You Know You Are Old When #3,026  
Ya'll need to replace Newsom.
Proposition 47 (Prop 47) was a ballot measure passed by California voters on November 5, 2014. The law made some non-violent property crimes, where the value does not exceed $950, into misdemeanors. It also made some simple drug possession offenses into misdemeanors.
There is now a prop going on the Nov ballot to reverse prop 47 due to rampant theft and drug abuse.
   / You Know You Are Old When #3,027  
He forgot to make sure the body was inside the house... that's was my stepdad's (LAPD) advise.
One of the neighbors said shot inside and stumbled out?
   / You Know You Are Old When #3,028  
One of the neighbors said shot inside and stumbled out?
Bob said if you shoot and they fall out, put em back in the house. Even in 70's CA laws were weird.
I hope I'm never forced to that step, lots of effective deterrents in place. Mostly the pack of giant dogs backed up by firearms have been more than enough to remove problems. No biting or shooting yet. It's crap shoot even here if you need someone removed from your property, easier if they leave on their own accord with some encouragement.
   / You Know You Are Old When #3,030  
Bob said if you shoot and they fall out, put em back in the house. Even in 70's CA laws were weird.
I hope I'm never forced to that step, lots of effective deterrents in place. Mostly the pack of giant dogs backed up by firearms have been more than enough to remove problems. No biting or shooting yet. It's crap shoot even here if you need someone removed from your property, easier if they leave on their own accord with some encouragement.
Lots of pitbulls around and homes with pits seldom have issue with breakins.

Apparently the other 2 remained inside until police... I'm guessing at gun point?

Grew up around a lot of combat vets and fearless would describe many and they were not the type to give an inch...

One had a showdown with the police animal control unit who called for backup and I saw it all...

Animal control investigating unleashed dog in public...

Kids trespassing didn't feel safe.

Thing is the old man owned several acres including to the middle of the private road.

He drew a weapon on animal control saying I won't say this again... you are trespassing and have been told to leave and I won't say this again...

My dog never leaves my property and if those delinquents continue trespassing it's on them...

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