Any bets on which State will be the next doper State?

   / Any bets on which State will be the next doper State?
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I never would have figured that out. Lowest graduation rate states per this link are

1. Nevada
2. New Mexico
3. Georgia
4. Oregon
5. Alaska
6. Louisiana
7. Florida
8. Alabama
9. South Carolina
10. Michigan

My Kids Can't Read: 10 States with the lowest graduation rates in America

Your posting lists these

* District Of Columbia 59%
Nevada 62%
New Mexico 63%
Georgia 67%
* Alaska 68%
* Oregon 68%
Florida 71%
Louisiana 71%
Alabama 72%
* Colorado 74%

Slightly different.
   / Any bets on which State will be the next doper State? #42  
It came from this website.
High School Graduation Rates by State

Anyhow, close enough for government work. Can't prove a correlation between pot-legal states and low high school graduation rates, but its a pretty interesting coincidence. ;)
   / Any bets on which State will be the next doper State? #43  
MossRoad, Using data from your website, Alaska, Oregon, District of Columbia, and Colorado have some of the LEAST children with disabilities. Does that mean having legal pot is helping them? I doubt it.
I really don't think your correlation means anything without further information or study. I suppose it makes a good argument for those who like to argue with statistics. Hence the saying "You can prove anything with statistics". :laughing:

"Just say no"
   / Any bets on which State will be the next doper State? #44  
MossRoad, Using data from your website, Alaska, Oregon, District of Columbia, and Colorado have some of the LEAST children with disabilities. Does that mean having legal pot is helping them? I doubt it.
I really don't think your correlation means anything without further information or study. I suppose it makes a good argument for those who like to argue with statistics. Hence the saying "You can prove anything with statistics". :laughing:

"Just say no"

Its not my website. The data's out there to be looked at any way one wants to. I just find it interesting that the states that legalized it or are about to legalize it also have the lowest high school graduation rates in the country. And to be clear, we are talking about legalized for the general public. Don't mix this with medical marijuana, disabled children, poverty, affluence, etc... just general use legality VS overall lowest high school graduation rates. It doesn't mean a thing. Its just interesting.
   / Any bets on which State will be the next doper State?
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This is the other end of the high school graduation listing. Vermouth may blow the theory.

Vermont Could Be Next State To Legalize Recreational Marijuana

In the most recent federal survey of state graduation rates, published in October 2011, the data are correct as of 2009.
At that time, the average for all reporting states was 75.5% and the states with the highest graduation rates were:
Wisconsin (where 90.7% of students graduated in four years’ time);
Vermont, 89.6%
North Dakota, 87.4%
Iowa, 85.7%
New Jersey, 85.3%
New Hampshire, 84.3%
Missouri, 83.1%
Nebraska, 82.9%
Montana, 82.0%
South Dakota, 81.7%
Idaho, 80.6%
Pennsylvania, 80.5%
Kansas, 80.2%
Maryland, 80.1%
The states with the lowest rates were Nevada (56.3%), Mississippi (62%), and the District of Columbia (62.5%).

On the other hand I think many school officials are the ones dazed and confused
   / Any bets on which State will be the next doper State? #46  
This is the other end of the high school graduation listing. Vermouth may blow the theory.

Vermont Could Be Next State To Legalize Recreational Marijuana

In the most recent federal survey of state graduation rates, published in October 2011, the data are correct as of 2009.
At that time, the average for all reporting states was 75.5% and the states with the highest graduation rates were:
Wisconsin (where 90.7% of students graduated in four years’ time);
Vermont, 89.6%
North Dakota, 87.4%
Iowa, 85.7%
New Jersey, 85.3%
New Hampshire, 84.3%
Missouri, 83.1%
Nebraska, 82.9%
Montana, 82.0%
South Dakota, 81.7%
Idaho, 80.6%
Pennsylvania, 80.5%
Kansas, 80.2%
Maryland, 80.1%
The states with the lowest rates were Nevada (56.3%), Mississippi (62%), and the District of Columbia (62.5%).

On the other hand I think many school officials are the ones dazed and confused

That list pretty much mirrors the demographics of race not drug use. Vermont is arguably the whitest state in the union if you count the Indians on the Dakota reservations. I know several Vermonters that smoke pot on a daily basis but they graduated from high school, college even,
went into the service and or got a job and pay their bills.
The above argument/ correlation is false.
   / Any bets on which State will be the next doper State? #47  
Vermont has a bill pending but for some reason they think it will take a year. Seems silly to me, if your going to do it why not get on with it and move on to more pressing problems.

I don't think it's going to happen in Vermont...unless the Feds remove it from the list of illegal drugs.

I have mixed emotions on legalization. I smoked pot up until about 1985 or so...enjoyed it too. But legalization has drawbacks. So far, it hasn't produced the revenue forecasts. In Washington state, black market pot is cheaper then the legal smoke, so guess where the users are buying their pot?
Also, legal pot tends to attract lowlifes as well as dealers (and users) of harder drugs ...we have enough of them in towns like Burlington. Amsterdam suffered this problem and dramatically restricted legal hash sales.
   / Any bets on which State will be the next doper State? #48  
The real answer is State laws doesn't ***** Federal law. Period. There is no State not one where THC is legal. Not to today, not till congress changes the law. HS.
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   / Any bets on which State will be the next doper State? #49  
The real answer is State laws don't ***** Federal law. Period. There is no State not one where THC is legal. Not to today, not till congress changes the law. HS.

True enough but it wouldn't surprise me to see Congress repeal the federal law and leave it to the states. Both the liberal left and the libertarian far right would go for it now so just a few in the center need to get on board.
   / Any bets on which State will be the next doper State?
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True enough but it wouldn't surprise me to see Congress repeal the federal law and leave it to the states. Both the liberal left and the libertarian far right would go for it now so just a few in the center need to get on board.

Once 50% of the states legalize, and that may be sooner than later, that is quite possible. Let the local government take care of it.