expectation of privacy?????

   / expectation of privacy????? #11  
What I take personally was your decision to post my private e-mail to you in a public forum, and your almost weekly commentary on the moderation of these forums. It is depressing me. It has been explained over and over that there is no vendetta, black list or personal agenda when it comes to moderation of these forums and specific members. Yet it is a continuous theme that never seems to go away.

I would find the reading of other's personal mail just as offensive as breaking and entering, purse snatching and voyeurism. It doesn't happen and can't happen unless someone decides to post it in public. That's a pretty clear answer to your original question.

As far as your Patriotism goes, that has not and never will be in question. The question was the chain of events that got the thread removed, not the content of the thread itself. It could have been on any subject and gotten removed because of the sequence of events that happened.

While it may seem that I am holding a grudge by typing something up and keeping it for 6 months, the reason I did it is because it was a recurring theme then that I wanted to comment on, but I decided to bite my tongue hoping it would die down. It didn't. It has gone on long enough without my comment and today I just happened to bite through my tongue and now it hurts. /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Junkman, I find the majority of your posts entertaining, educational, well written and outstanding. I just wish these recurring topics of moderator injustices and censorship would not rear up so often. It's hard not to take it personally when it is repeated over and over again. As a TBN member first, and moderator second, I try my best and that's all I can do.

Peace to you and yours'.

David G.
   / expectation of privacy????? #12  
I have to respond to this. I've never had a post censored or deleted that I know of, but if I did so what? This site is Muhammad's and is his to do with how he or his representatives see fit. If they were to read the PMs (and we now know that moderators can't) so what? Do you really think there are people that can't read or see your e-mails on your private ISP or Yahoo or wherever? Granted you may "know" the moderators and owners here a little better than the IT department at Yahoo, but it is no different. In reality is anything you do on the private? My definition of "Private Message" is, not the general community can view it, but I know as a SQL Server administrator I can darn sure view anything in the database that I want. But why would I sit and do that when I have better things to do.

I know someone has said "The it is my toys and I'm going home" sounded childish. Well, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. How long do you think your local (insert a store name here) would allow you to stand inside their store and criticize them or their management? Probably not very. And that is exactly what is happening here. I think for the most part they do a very good job. Maybe sometimes there is an error in judgement, but I think most of them would rather error on the side of caution rather then let something go through that probably shouldn't have been. I feel that is fine. I applaud them for the job they do. I appreciate the fact that they are there to keep us in line. That is exactly why I don't frequent any other boards because I usually don't like how they are run.
   / expectation of privacy????? #13  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( The only question that has yet to be answered is "Do administrators have access to the PM's)</font>

Not wanting to steal any of Muhammad's thunder, but as a professional MS Database Consultant I can tell you that anyone who gains access to the server and can successfully log on to the MySQL database as an administrator can indeed read any record stored in any table on that database. Furthermore, if you can log on to a database account that has read privs, then you probably can read most any data stored in that database.

That being said, unless you are the administrator or a hacker and have access to the server system, the actual data cannot be read by the average person who is a TBN member or TBN moderator.
   / expectation of privacy????? #14  

As a couple of people have already said, PMs are stored in our database, which we of course have access to.

But, PMs are not screened or monitored.
   / expectation of privacy????? #15  
I very much enjoy this forum.

To me it is well run and the moderators are excellent. Think of the times Moderators have gone out of their way to provide information and give sound advice.

I have had posts deleted as well they should have been.

   / expectation of privacy????? #16  
<font color="blue"> PMs are stored in our database, which we of course have access to. </font>
Being a security person by profession, I am compelled to mention that this is not just true of PM. This is also true of personal as well as corporate email systems. An email resides on a number of servers on its trip from the sender to the receiver. At any one of these places it can be read by the administrator of that server.
   / expectation of privacy????? #17  
<font color="blue">long-standing members </font>
Atta Boy, Harv and you do a darn fine job, You should take a break and sit down once and a while.
   / expectation of privacy????? #18  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( long-standing members )</font>
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( You should take a break and sit down once and a while. )</font>

/forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

... and you've been long-standing longer than I have, Al! /forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

Thanks for the levity. We needed a little about now. /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
   / expectation of privacy????? #19  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( ...I have had posts deleted as well they should have been. Egon )</font>

You know your posts will be deleted, but you still post?

As for the topic; I have a feeling that, like it happens everywhere, some biased moderators are there. A moderator who is probably a friend of a member is deleting some posts of another member "that friend member" doesn't like and another moderator is deleting some posts of "that member". So, I do not see United Moderators here. Wondering if Moderator Wars are already in action. Who is Moderator of Moderators? Muhammad? Or, they are self-moderated members? Then, the question arises; why isn't the same right (self-moderation) given to the members?
   / expectation of privacy????? #20  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( Then, the question arises; why isn't the same right (self-moderation) given to the members? )</font>

Because that is the way Muhammad wants it. If you'd like to start your own forum-based website, then you can create whatever rules you want to set up.

I've been to many many forums, and I have yet to find one that allows all members to be moderators. If you know of one that does, please post a link.