Global Warming?

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   / Global Warming? #441  
'Gravity is climate': 10 years of climate research satellites GRACE

Posted: 16 Mar 2012 04:53 PM PDT

For the first time, the melting of glaciers in Greenland can now be measured with high accuracy from space. A new sharp image also renders the spatial distribution of the glacial melt more precisely.
   / Global Warming? #442  
Well, thanks. I didn't know what kind of fallout to expect from that post. I just figured there would be some. I'm not saying our situation is hopeless. I just can't see the way we'll get through it right now. My personal path will probably be to die off and leave it to a few survivors. Back when I went out into the brush, I wouldn't have imagined the world we are in today. I think if there are any solutions, some power players would use their powers to keep them down. No one fears change more than those holding the winning cards, or naming the game.

What part of "American Exceptionalism" do you not understand?

And just what is the "change" you speak of in your last sentence?
   / Global Warming? #443  
It doe's not matter if the World's climate change is increased by man caused activity's or natural progression. The change would happen anyway. Just because something has not occurred in recent memory will not make a difference in the long run. What the climate did last year or five or one hundred is not the question.

The question is why did mankind not prepare for climate change when we realized there had been cold and warmer times. Hundreds or thousands of years previous. I answer that by saying. We did. Migration began when hunter gatherers moved with the food source. Animals migrate today for the same reason.

"So easy even a caveman can do it."
   / Global Warming? #445  
Hot- 74 yesterday and 60's today. They are predicting 78-80 by the end of the week. In like a lion and out like a lamb will become in like a kitty and out like a butterfly.
I call this global warming. I say it is man made.
Curious- if the house is burning- we do something. If the planet is burning we pretend it isn't and say just get used to it!:laughing::laughing:
   / Global Warming? #447  
I'm afraid our friends in Anchorage, Alaska would disagree.

Alaska's largest city eyes snow record - Yahoo! News

There has been record cold in Europe and over parts of the North American Continent. Here in The Pacific Northwest we are having a colder winter. Have you ever noticed when you watch the weather channels the weather stops at the Canadian border.
"The weather didn't change it just moved to a different location." Something we used to say in the Weather Office.
   / Global Warming? #448  
Increased snowfall amounts don't necessarily indicate colder than normal temperatures. Snowfall in odd places at odd times might mean overall warmer temperatures. If it's colder here this year, it's because the sun rarely shows. These clouds over me come from evaporation of the ocean. What does anyone suppose causes that?
   / Global Warming? #449  
American Exceptionalism is a wonderful feel-good myth for a small percentage of the world's people.
   / Global Warming? #450  
Increased snowfall amounts don't necessarily indicate colder than normal temperatures. Snowfall in odd places at odd times might mean overall warmer temperatures. If it's colder here this year, it's because the sun rarely shows. These clouds over me come from evaporation of the ocean. What does anyone suppose causes that?

I didn't mean extreme cold just a average mean daily cold.

In the Pacific Northwest the Maritime Polar air mass is the major player for our wet, cold days. If the air mass is becoming warmer and unstable as it nears the coast, clouds predominate. Then also comes the rain, and snow. If it stagnates, fog.

There is speculation that the warming climate will add more snow to the Antarctic. About one inch Rainfall Equivalent per year fall on the Continent.
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