Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #8,201  

Maybe you should have a TBN Mid-Atlantic Chainsawpalooza weekend and Invite us all down to help ya out...

Just a thought...

David that is a splended ideal.i have to figure out how to put everyone up for the night.and feed everyone and just take care of everyone in general.the tree's might even be gone when you get here that way we could just have a good ole time.
   / Good morning!!!! #8,202  
19F Cloudy no dusting of snow,temps upper 20's..heard tell theres storm brewing for Friday into Saturday AM..could be interesting.
   / Good morning!!!! #8,203  
20F in our neck of the woods, talking about into the thirties today. Time to get ready for the pending storm on Fridat, guess I will take the FEL of and put the blower back on!
   / Good morning!!!! #8,204  
David that is a splended ideal.i have to figure out how to put everyone up for the night.and feed everyone and just take care of everyone in general.the tree's might even be gone when you get here that way we could just have a good ole time.


A spot for a camp fire, and a couple tents/campers/trailers and plenty of WORK to do...

Maybe a tractor parking area too...

That's all you will need...

   / Good morning!!!! #8,205  
Good Morning! 64˚ and a slow rain. Looks rainy most of the day.
Yesterday was actually hot getting up to a sunny 80˚.

I was motivated to finally set up my solar panel next to my 1200 gallon cistern, which catches all the rain from the house roof. I connected it
to the small pump and now with the flip of a switch the newly planted blueberries on the other side of the hill get rain water.


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  • blueberries.jpg
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   / Good morning!!!! #8,206  
If I lived reasonably close to where sam5570 does, I would be very happy to drive over and help. "Have Stihl, Will Travel....."
   / Good morning!!!! #8,207  
45 an temps are 50s
   / Good morning!!!! #8,208  
First cup of iced coffee is poured. 73 degrees with lots of clouds. Heading to 84 with possibility of thunderstorms. Yesterday another record temperature was set here in south TX. 90 degrees. Not going to complain to much. It was 27 back in MI. I have carpets to clean today. But with possibility of a thunderstorm that will never show up. Maybe I should put it off for another day. This retirement snowbird life has so many stresses. :D
Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #8,209  
27 and some leftover fog, 48 later, feel like crap again, probably look just as bad! :D

Wife's pacemaker went into emergency reserve the other day, so she's in slow motion from the reduced output, trying to get the scheduled for change. Two weeks before they told her 2 months on battery before reserve, now we're just hoping we don't hear the beeping start before the change gets done.
   / Good morning!!!! #8,210  
It's 56 F with light haze here this morning. I just got breakfast fixed for my grandson (my daily morning chore) and poured me a big mug of coffee. My wife and I were both supposed to attend a meeting with my grandson's teachers this morning, but I still have a hacking cough from a head cold that went down to my chest. I'm sure all the teachers will appreciate that I am not going to be there coughing in the same little room with them. I don't think I'm contagious at this stage, but why push my luck. I'm thinking I may just go to my doctor and get a steroid shot to help clear out the chest congestion. It's not bad, but keeps hanging on and makes me short of breath. We're supposed to see rain over the next few days and weekend with mild temperatures. Surely, winter has not given us it's last cold blast. February is not supposed to be this nice. I hope it doesn't do a Jekyll/Hyde switch.