Impact and Torque Wrenches

   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #71  

Close only counts in horse shoes, hand grenades and ball room dancing.

   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #72  
Na, I don't think your an ego tripper or else I wouldn't have commented on the truck. I liked the first picture better than the one with the torque wrench though. Nothing better than a nice worktruck.

On the subject of torque wrenches I've got from inch pounds up to major foot pound wrenches. Used to use them on a daily basis. Now they only get used once in awhile. My new job all tools are supplied by the employer. Sure is nice not to have to worry about the good old tool bill.

As for impact guns I've got guns made by Ingersall Rand. Well the one half inch drive is Mac tools racing gun. But it's made by I/R mac just puts thier name on it. Tough as nails. ya get what ya pay for when it comes to tools.

If I was going to buy an impact for around the house use only go for a decent name brand. That way down the road if you do need to have the gun rebuilt then parts might still be availabe. I say might!

Another thing that is key to any airtool---KEEP IT OILED---when your finished using it for the day remove the airhose and put a few drops of oil in the gun. Replace air hose and burp the gun a couple of times. Some guns have oil supplies built into the gun. Some also have grease fitting for the gun as well. The nicer the gun the more bells it will have. This also equals longer life as well.

To all the guys that are using a torque wrench on a regular basis at the house. How accurate is it????? Do you really know? How tight is tight? Is it better to be tighter or looser than a certian spec?/w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif


   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #73  

<font color=blue>bout this god rock thing clear up this point i thought he/she (yea yea nonbeliver here)only made liveing things rock would not fall in to this group also to lift some thing ya have to frist be standing on something .
kinda like picking up a bucket while standing in it
</font color=blue>

All the teachings I've seen, and the "believers", claim two things, ..that (their-version-of)God made everything, and that He can do anything. /w3tcompact/icons/shocked.gif

Reconciling these two with "the rock thing" is the point of the puzzle. Usually leads to mumbling about "working-in-mysterious-ways" (which explains nothing, of course), ...and an increase in atmospheric tension. /w3tcompact/icons/mad.gif

   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #74  
Gordon, Thanks for friendly interpretation. The good news of buying your own tools is that they are 100% writeoff
A N D they are yours to use all the time A N D you don't lose them if you change jobs. Of course it can be a very expensive evolution. A plumber just put a few feet of PEX tubing in at my mom's new house. Cows leaned on frost free faucett and broke a 6 in piece of PEX. Locke Supply wanted $160 for crimping tool to crimp PEX connections. LOuckily I was 10 min late getting there to buy it and they closed at noon on Sat. This "F O R C E D" me to buy it at Lowes for $98.

   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #75  
<font color=blue>key to any airtool---KEEP IT OILED---when your finished using it for the day remove the airhose and put a few drops of oil in the gun. Replace air hose and burp the gun a couple of times</font color=blue>

Gordon, you trying to put the air tool repairmen out of business?/w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif I'm afraid that even those who use the air tool oil tend to do it before they use the tool and don't think about doing it afterwards as they should, to get rid of any moisture that came through the air hose.

   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #76  
Shoot Bird now I remember what I forgot to post the first time around.

ALWAYS use some sort of a filter/water separator as well in the air line. Sharpe makes some nice ones. They catch the water and impruities from the air line instead of the air tool being used.

Sorry Bird I had to do it for the good of all./w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #77  
<font color=blue>Sorry Bird I had to do it for the good of all.</font color=blue>

That's all right, Gordon. I think this air tool repairman is going to be out of the business after this weekend anyway; selling it to a shop in town./w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #78  

Re: <font color=blue>Can GOD make a rock so big that he can't pick it up?</font color=blue>

Given that in most theistic belief systems, if God exists then he created the universe ... we need to look at the wider problem.

Rocks I don't think would be a problem. You and me are supposed to be able to handle mountains:

Matthew 17:19-20 : 'For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.'

(By the way, stump removal can be handled in a similar manner ... Luke 17:5-6 "The apostles said to the Lord, 'Increase our faith!' The Lord replied. 'If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it would obey you.'")

When you get to a larger scale, gravity becomes an issue. It's not so much you lifting the rock - as the rock pulling you toward it. Einstein, of course, deduced with his General Theory of Relativity that gravity was a warping of the space-time continuum. This happens to a minor degree for planets - gravity is a 'weak' force (as compared to a 'strong' force like electrostatics).


Going up the scale from planets (small ones are large and rocky, bigger ones are gaseous with metal cores) you get to stars and then strange objects such as the White Dwarf. A White Dwarf is a collapsed star - extremely dense. (A teaspoon of matter from a White Dwarf is estimated to weigh around 5 tons.) Toward the end of the spectrum for gravitational pull you find the black hole ...


... and at the extreme end of the spectrum would be the 'singularity' from which astro-physicists theorize the whole universe emerged in the 'Big Bang'. This 'singularity' represented the entire mass of today's universe in a point source.

None of this is evidence for or against the existence of God. But, if He is around - then I would suspect that rocks wouldn't be a problem. I doubt that the laws of physics would apply somehow. If He exists, He was certainly able to handle that singularity too.


P.S. Some would say that from Einstein's famous equation, mass is related to energy etc. Therefore, if God is energy the bigger the rock he creates the less energy he has (conversion of His energy to rock's mass).

I don't subscribe to that - if God exists it would be in some state that we have no way of currently detecting. If God was energy we would have had some kind of blip on some kind of meter by now.
   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #79  
Interesting observations...... relating to "Impact and Torque Wrenches" how???? /w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif/w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

   / Impact and Torque Wrenches #80  
Sorry - just replying to Jor_EL ... I know that I am well in the running for "Off Topic" King - but suspect that I have competition!!!
