SCUT's with backhoes

   / SCUT's with backhoes #91  
No no, on the GC17xx series, it says right there, no mass warrantino if you go 3 point hoeno.
   / SCUT's with backhoes #92  
No no, on the GC17xx series, it says right there, no mass warrantino if you go 3 point hoeno.

Duly noted. I had not seen that one. I stand corrected. I would say that I am surprised by that but not really. An unknowing and uncaring person could do some damage to the tractor with one of those.

I would in no way ever buy one of those anyway. Just my take but a BH needs to be designed in and mounted as an integral part of the tractor. The SCUT and CUT are almost unique in that they are designed to be removable as opposed to a fixed hoe on a larger machine.
   / SCUT's with backhoes #93  
Yeh, I think with somebody working a 3ph hoe like they're working a subframe mounted hoe, they're gonna definitely farq up their (s)cut tractor, no doubt. You gotta be way too careful there, it ain't worth the worry, and also your work with it will suffer.
   / SCUT's with backhoes #94  
I have no plans on getting that backhoe (i am waiting on a HF backhoe, looked at Jansen but just not to sure on it) I was just wondering about this 3pt hoe which seems more suited for a older tractor or a off brand tractor, I am sure it would beat the heck out of a light 3pt hitch but due to not weighing much it seems like a good option for certain tractors.
   / SCUT's with backhoes #95  
I have no plans on getting that backhoe (i am waiting on a HF backhoe, looked at Jansen but just not to sure on it) I was just wondering about this 3pt hoe which seems more suited for a older tractor or a off brand tractor, I am sure it would beat the heck out of a light 3pt hitch but due to not weighing much it seems like a good option for certain tractors.

I would really evaluate my anticipated needs of one and if they were numerous enough then I would spend a few $$ more to get a used SCUT or CUT w/BH installed or even a bigger older backhoe tractor. I probably would not spend my money on one to be installed on a 3PT hitch unless it was really cheap and on a tractor that I didn't care about.
   / SCUT's with backhoes #96  
I guess like most thing on the internet this thread has taken on a life of it's own. It definitely has turned into SCUT/BH owners defending their purchase, and letting everyone else know how great a tool it is. Which was never my question.

In case no one wants to actually read the thread the question originally was why are SCUTs so often sold with a backhoe, and CUTs mostly not sold with backhoes.

None of the defensive arguments being made by all the SCUT owners answer that question, so this thread, like many, has become a petty argument about mostly nothing. I didn't ever say a backhoe isn't a worthwhile tool, on a SCUT or anything else. But it is interesting to me that that option is most often bought by SCUT buyers and not CUT buyers. As far as this thread goes, it's also interesting that almost no CUT owners have chimed in about why they did or didn't buy a backhoe with their tractors.

That's not to say their silence has any meaning one way or the other, just that I find it interesting.

I think CUT and larger tractors are bought for tractor chores. I think SCUTs are generally bought for lawncare chores.

The CUT and larger buyer is more likely to buy or rent a larger hoe when needed.

The SCUT buyer is smoozed by good sales tactics and "zero percent financing".
   / SCUT's with backhoes #97  
No smoozing. I needed to put in a septic system and I wanted to dig out lots of stumps. No rentals available so I purchased what I needed.
   / SCUT's with backhoes #98  
I don't know why some people seem to think that anyone who buys a scut with a backhoe have somehow been suckered into a bad deal by some slick marketing or super smooth salesman, rather than going for an excavator or larger backhoe. If my only need was to dig holes with a hoe then I might go bigger, but it's not and I need a multipurpose machine, as many people do. They definitely have their limits, some are better than others, and they aren't meant for commercial grade workloads on a daily basis. But if they suit your needs then what is the problem? If others need more, or use bigger equipment on a regular basis, great. For those of us who don't need to, these smaller machines are the ticket vs buying overkill equipment and while still working smarter, not harder. I have done so many different jobs with my hoe, loader, blade, brush hog, mower, etc. and all with the same tractor. I bought mine after borrowing a friend's for a project and realizing just how handy they are. Two guys that work for me each bought their own after seeing how much I do with mine. The small job list seems never ending if you have one. You can't deny the versatility and convenience of owning one if you actually use it, and use it within the limits of what it was built for. Trying to belittle people or their machines because you run something bigger and badder is just childish. That's where the big ego comes in, not from the average rural homeowner or hobbyist just getting done what they need to get done.
   / SCUT's with backhoes #99  
And no ovrszd, that was not just directed at you, so there is no ill will there. The issue I'm ranting about surfaced several times in this thread and others, and also people I have personally dealt with.
   / SCUT's with backhoes #100  
And no ovrszd, that was not just directed at you, so there is no ill will there. The issue I'm ranting about surfaced several times in this thread and others, and also people I have personally dealt with.

No worries. :)

This entire thread is "opinion". We each have our own. None are wrong.