Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #108,951  
48° and rain, looks like an all day event. .25 so far today. Nearly three inches since Friday. Binge watching The Ranch, not much else going on today. I’ve had a suicide knob on just about all my tractors, but this steers so easily and if I tilt it right it’s not an issue.
Hope everyone stays safe and well. Prayers.
   / Good morning!!!! #108,952  
43°F with some fog and light clouds this morning, going up to 60° today. Some potentially severe storms forecast for Friday.

Wife decided to send me to the store last night to pick up a few things. I decided to go to the Walmart in Carlyle, based on their stock situation the last time I was there. It paid off, as they had everything we needed. I chuckled as I turned the corner into the bread isle. Found everything I was there for, and left just in time, as they close at 8:30 now.
Walmart bread.JPG

My boss gave us all a letter on Monday with an attached letter from one of our bigger customers (who makes green tractors, amongst other things) citing their exemption from restrictions, as they are "essential" to the food supply and road maintenance/construction. Hence, all in their supply chain are also essential. So, should any jack-booted thugs stop me and say, "Vee need to zee your papuhz," I actually have some papers now. :laughing:
   / Good morning!!!! #108,953  
32*, The governor has passed a stay at home order for the entire state except for essentials. I hope everyone heeds this.
   / Good morning!!!! #108,954  
Good Morning!!!! 42F @ 7:30AM. Partly cloudy. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 58F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.

Glad to see those well stocked isles, Paul. Any sign of normalcy is a small comfort in these troubled times.

I had all those items on my shelves too, Don, except the high oxylate ones.

I've heard moonshine makes you lazy, so maybe you're right, Wng. I had a 12" adjustable wrench and a little 10" pipe wrench when I tightened that union the first time, and thought about walking up the hill for the 14" and 18" adjustable wrenches, but was too lazy to do it. Pressure was down by a needle width yesterday morning, easily within the range caused by temperature fluctuation, so I'll be out of the woods if I can manage to get the dirt back into the hole without breaking anything.

I liked the way you saw the electrical wire before you broke it, Ted. Usually it's the other way around when I'm on the backhoe.:laughing:

Got two letters from the bank complaining that the last credit card auto payment bounced. It should have come out of the savings account there, but for some reason it didn't. Called 'em up and got that straightened out, then asked myself why I still had that card. I've pretty much moved on from BofA, stopped using the card (the balance was from back in January), and only have a small savings account there so I can have a large safe deposit box, apparently the only bank in town that has them.

Pretty much the rest of the day was spend on the phone with Apple tech support trying to get the iPhone going again. It stopped syncing with the photo app, complaining it couldn't read the photos, but they would transfer with AirDrop just fine. The error dialog said to Restore the phone, which I did after first backing up both it and the laptop. Took three hours to download the OS, it came up fine, but none of the apps or data would come over. Apple tech couldn't figure it out, but while on hold while he consulted with someone else, I tried swapping to a different USB port, and that seemed to get it going again. And then the call dropped, and I gave up and had dinner. Decided to just manually download the apps, which had their icons still on the screen, but would start a download instead of launch when poked. So that's what I did the rest of the evening, and what I'm still doing. I'll tackle moving over photos and music later, as that was still problematic. Apple released new versions of iOS yesterday, too, and their servers are really, really, slow now.

Is there such a thing as non-fat sour cream? I found low-fat versions at the grocery store last time, and that's what I'll use for a batch of Beef Stroganoff this week.:licking:

Not sure what I'll be doing today, it mostly depends on the weather and how wet the ground is. We only got a little less than a quarter inch of rain yesterday, but that still might be enough to make a mess with the tractor.

And I see a new widget on Weather Underground tallying the CoVid-19 cases and deaths. Four cases in the county so far, no deaths.

Meanwhile, two city council members have asked the mayor to resign over comments he made that made light of the epidemic. He's up for reelection in November anyway, and has very little chance of winning, but things are getting so bad with the homeless situation and crime that citizens are staging demonstrations at each council meeting. Or at least they were before the shelter-in-place orders went out.:confused2:

Happy Hump day, everyone!
   / Good morning!!!! #108,955  
Both ends of the dil are O.K., but they still don't know where the iron went. I've got some here on my scrap steel pile, she has most of her own teeth so she can chew on a hunk of iron if she wants.
   / Good morning!!!! #108,956  
A cloudy 28ºF for today’s low temperature; a cloudy, but brightening 37ºF presently; and I expect a cloudy afternoon in the mid40ºF’s with maybe some late day drizzle/shower. A decent day to smoke a rack of ribs. It’s too bad that I ran out of beer yesterday and decided that maybe now is the time to start cutting back on the beers. I have more than plenty alternatives. Difficult times call for difficult measures.

Billy- I had to backtrack a bit to read your dream. That’s a strange one.:cool:

I hate waking up in the middle of the night; I rarely can get back to sleep like last night. Mr. B decided in hindsight that he did not like yesterday’s seat time. I spent the rest of the evening bouncing between my easy chair and the heating pad and the sofa, and/or walking around trying to work the knot out. Aside from a rare Alka Seltzer® I have not taken any OTC anti-inflammatories since I got sick 12 years ago until early this AM. It seems to be working.

Don- Thanks for the list. We have everything on the list, but were starting to run low just before the C-19 situation began.

David- Thanks for sharing the natural beauty that surrounds you and Sophie.

Rick- I am happy to read about a + resolution.

Randy, Ted,Don, Bill, et. al. - I thought that suicide knobs were illegal on tractors. I do not see too many around here on tractors. My NH has PS and I never saw the need especially with the way the steering walks.

“So, should any jack-booted thugs stop me and say, "Vee need to zee your papuhz," I actually have some papers now. ”- Paul I am laughing now, but that could unfortunately change. Right now I am more concerned about the potential for mob mentality and actions.

Fruitcakesa- In MA there is a voluntary shelter in place request from the Gov, a realistic list of essential personnel and services that the general public is still able to access those listed goods and services.

I hope that we can all remain productive in our own ways and stay healthy.

My + thoughts, wishes, and prayers for all
   / Good morning!!!! #108,957  
Jay I find the suicide knob is most useful for backing up when my upper body is turned and only one hand is on the steering wheel.
   / Good morning!!!! #108,958  
Jay I find the suicide knob is most useful for backing up when my upper body is turned and only one hand is on the steering wheel.

Don- Thanks. I never thought about it before, but based on my body's feedback, using a suicide knob makes a lot of sense for backing up. My NH seat used to swivel which helped. Maybe it's time to revisit fixing the seat.

Out of boredom I checked about the legality of spinners in MA and I was wrong. They are not.
   / Good morning!!!! #108,959  
62°F and .35 inches rain. Looks like a repeat of yesterday

Prayers for all
Be safe
Have a great day
   / Good morning!!!! #108,960  
Don- Thanks. I never thought about it before, but based on my body's feedback, using a suicide knob makes a lot of sense for backing up. My NH seat used to swivel which helped. Maybe it's time to revisit fixing the seat.

Out of boredom I checked about the legality of spinners in MA and I was wrong. They are not.

"They are not."

Not legal? Why?