Did the Covid shot make you cranky?

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   / Did the Covid shot make you cranky? #341  

I'm also expecting some sort of vaccination passport and if you don't have one, you don't work either, or travel anywhere and certainly not fly or take a cruise ship.

People have needed "Yellow Cards" to enter certain countries in the past but it's use has been minimized. We will go back to using "Yellow Cards" to travel to other states. It is already happening in Europe.

   / Did the Covid shot make you cranky? #342  
Getting on my vitamin D soap box.

There is quite a bit of evidence out there prior to the pandemic, and now during, that vitamin D helps fight of respiratory illnesses. It also fights inflammation many of the things that make WuFlu so bad. But it does more than that including helping with depression.

The Irish health committee just recommended to the Irish government that every adult should be taking a vitamin D supplement to combat the low levels of the vitamin in the population.

Every adult in Ireland should take vitamin D supplements, report recommends

It was also discovered that 47 per cent of people aged 18-39 are deficient in the vitamin. Thirty-five per cent of 50-59 year olds are also deficient.

However, the older population and people who have a darker skin tone are most at risk of deficiency.

Sixty-four per cent of over 80s and more than 67 per cent of nursing home residents are deficient.

Ninety-three per cent of people in the BAME (black, Asian and minority ethnic) community in Ireland are also deficient.

The US and other industrialized countries have similar, if not worse, levels of vitamin D. Getting enough sun for vitamin D production within the body is impossible if one is north of the NC/CA border, something like 40 degrees north, during half the year. Eating enough vitamin D in foods is problematic as well. India might be suffering so badly because the population has large numbers of non meat eaters, darker skin, and they dress to minimize sun exposure so they likely have low levels of vitamin D. Before India was just slammed, they were treating patients with vitamin D. The problem is that your body can directly use vitamin D, it first has to be converted into another chemical and this takes a week or so. That might be too late... Some hospitals in the west are giving massive dozes of the needed chemical to ICU patients.

From the Irish committee paper, https://data.oireachtas.ie/ie/oirea...-as-a-public-health-measure-in-ireland_en.pdf
710.Evidence cited to the Committee from a major international study (the Jolliffe papers) shows a 25% reduction in the risk of respiratory infection in those taking daily Vitamin D supplements. In the face of a lethal respiratory pandemic, this study would suggest that there would be a strong case for population intervention in Ireland in the form of Vitamin D supplementation.
Respiratory infection is not just WuFlu but other infections as well and this was known prior to this pandemic. Years ago, I got Whooping Cough, in spite of being vaccinated and having had many, many booster shots over the years. There was an outbreak of Whooping Cough in my area and I think I picked it up on the handle at the diesel fuel pump. Contractors and landscape workers are not always washing their hands as they should. o_O I also figured/wondered I might have picked up a variant from South of The Border....

However, years after recovering from Whooping Cough, my doctor did a blood test for vitamin D. My level was 17! Anything under 30 is really bad. I know wonder if I picked up Whooping Cough because my vitamin D level was so bad... As a result of catching Whooping Cough, I would use paper towels and hand cleaner after using the fuel pump AND at the grocery store. I was doing this well before the pandemic.

From the Irish Times,
Prof John Faul works in Connolly Hospital Blanchardstown and he contributed to the report.

“I’ve gone to the ICUs, where, I can tell you, it’s very upsetting going to people who are on ventilators and telling their families they are really in trouble. Many have died.

“We did massive profiling of these people, in terms of their immune systems and biologic situation. The only thing that was really sticking out was vitamin D deficiency.

“Their average vitamin D levels were 27. This was the first wave. These people had never been sick before, they had never been to doctors. That is why we need public health messaging.”

Taking statins or steroids can lower vitamin D levels. Obesity can lower your levels as well. Dark skin people are more at risk. The only way to know your vitamin D level is to have your blood checked. The Irish recommendation is to take a 1,000 IU vitamin D supplement each day. After taking supplements for a year, I went back to the doctor had requested another blood test. My vitamin D level was in the 40's, if I remember right, and it should be between 30-100. I took an extra supplement, and the following year, I was at 70 or so. It really should only take a week or so for the vitamin D level to go up in your blood but I only got tested at checkups. :D

There have been several posts on this discussion where people have said that a person died and had no underlying health conditions. I would change that to "no KNOWN underlying health conditions" and I would bet the person had low vitamin D levels.

There are studies where people who have adequate levels of vitamin D die in far less numbers than those without, if they die at all. The same goes for going into an ICU. Very, very few people with adequate amount of vitamin D go into the ICU, much less, die.

From the Irish government recommendation,
Evidence given to the Committee confirms the accepted medical norm that Vitamin D is well-known for its importance in supporting human health. Not only does it support bone health and prevent osteoporosis through its promotion of calcium absorption, it is also known for assisting muscle strength. An inadequate level of vitamin D has been associated with a number of diseases including metabolic disorders, autoimmune conditions, psychiatric, respiratory and cardiovascular disorders, and cancers, as well as osteoporosis and osteomalacia.

Vitamin D is not needed just for the current pandemic.

   / Did the Covid shot make you cranky? #343  
That’s a long, round about way to say the Irish are cranky.
   / Did the Covid shot make you cranky? #344  
People have needed "Yellow Cards" to enter certain countries in the past but it's use has been minimized. We will go back to using "Yellow Cards" to travel to other states. It is already happening in Europe.


When did we have to have a yellow card to travel to other states? I've never heard of that.
   / Did the Covid shot make you cranky? #345  
I don't think the vaccine made me "Cranky" trying to get an appointment did. I tried to get an appointment on line at the .gov site. There was a place to click on to “Make an Appointment”, so I clicked on it. That sent me to a place that sold programs to “Make Appointments”. I'm not a Dentist or a beauty parlor. So, I tried the phone number provided by NYS. I got a sweet computer generated female voice that asked me if I had any questions. I asked, “How do I make an appointment?” The voice proceeded to go through a litany of information, most of which I had already tried. Because of “Corneal Grafts” the Dr. advised that I should get the J&J one shot and double up on the anti rejection meds for two weeks. So I asked the “Voice”, “How I could get the J&J shot.” She went through the same litany as before. At this point I was more than a bit “Pissed”, so I asked the voice, “At the time of your birth were your parents married?” I received the same litany. Obviously “Sweet Voice” wasn’t listening.
The J&J shots were being given at the state fair grounds from 10:00PM to 8:00 AM so over there I went. I explained, when asked if I had an appointment, what I had been through, and I mean everything! The girl at the gate said, “You can make an appointment on your phone.” I handed her my flip phone and said, “SHOW ME!” She handed me back my phone, a couple of sheets of paper, stamped my hand and said, “Follow the arrows.” All told it took 35 minutes at the fair grounds to get the shot including the 15 minutes wait to see if I would keel over. I spent more time than that just trying to get an appointment.
   / Did the Covid shot make you cranky? #346  
I don't think the vaccine made me "Cranky" trying to get an appointment did. I tried to get an appointment on line at the .gov site. There was a place to click on to “Make an Appointment”, so I clicked on it. That sent me to a place that sold programs to “Make Appointments”. I'm not a Dentist or a beauty parlor. So, I tried the phone number provided by NYS. I got a sweet computer generated female voice that asked me if I had any questions. I asked, “How do I make an appointment?” The voice proceeded to go through a litany of information, most of which I had already tried. Because of “Corneal Grafts” the Dr. advised that I should get the J&J one shot and double up on the anti rejection meds for two weeks. So I asked the “Voice”, “How I could get the J&J shot.” She went through the same litany as before. At this point I was more than a bit “Pissed”, so I asked the voice, “At the time of your birth were your parents married?” I received the same litany. Obviously “Sweet Voice” wasn’t listening.
The J&J shots were being given at the state fair grounds from 10:00PM to 8:00 AM so over there I went. I explained, when asked if I had an appointment, what I had been through, and I mean everything! The girl at the gate said, “You can make an appointment on your phone.” I handed her my flip phone and said, “SHOW ME!” She handed me back my phone, a couple of sheets of paper, stamped my hand and said, “Follow the arrows.” All told it took 35 minutes at the fair grounds to get the shot including the 15 minutes wait to see if I would keel over. I spent more time than that just trying to get an appointment.
Even if its a pain in the %$!* to make the appointment, I'm glad you could get it. Thanks!
   / Did the Covid shot make you cranky? #347  
The minister at my Mom's church was fully vaccinated and still caught Covid and died. We do have the SA and Brazil variants in this area too. I'm happy that Mom tells me that "be careful and wear your mask".
   / Did the Covid shot make you cranky? #348  
Had Pfizer, did not make me cranky but I did have headache and sore arm. I get the second one tomorrow.....will try hydration for sure...
   / Did the Covid shot make you cranky? #349  
I was once on the fence about COVID and the vax. Had a great friend of many years, served in the military together pass away from COVID two weeks ago!!! He moved to and was living in Natal Brazil at the time.

The messed up part was he was careless, became lock down defiant, always with people without mask or distance. Called USA a communist country...then he got sick last January but recovered quickly. Thought he was immune from COVID and got even more careless. I warned him...but at the same time I though if he got it again it will just make him sick. Why? Well he was 63, fit and trim, walked 10,000 steps on the beach a day. Worked out at the gym three hours a day...ate healthy.

He decided he would travel to Russia with another friends so he made an appointment with the VA to get the vaccine here then go to Russia. Before you can fly you need a negative test for COVID, unfortunately he tested positive. A week later after sufferings diarrhea, vomiting and coughing it got so bad he was ambulanced to the hospital. In another few days he went sepsis, then nemic and passed away. They had to bury him there because of the COVID so we couldn't bring him home to a VA cemetery :( He was a devout Christian so he was not afraid of departing...I had to attend his burial and memorial by skype video.

Only 63....I still miss picking up the phone and talking to him daily.
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   / Did the Covid shot make you cranky? #350  
I was once on the fence about COVID and the vax. Had a great friend of many years, served in the military together pass away from COVID two weeks ago!!! He moved to and was living in Natal Brazil at the time.

The messed up part was he was careless, became lock down defiant, always with people without mask or distance. Called USA a communist country...then he got sick last January but recovered quickly. Thought he was immune from COVID and got even more careless. I warned him...but at the same time I though if he got it again it will just make him sick. Why? Well he was 63, fit and trim, walked 10,000 steps on the beach a day. Worked out at the gym three hours a day...at healthy.

He decided he would travel to Russia with another friends so he made an appointment with the VA to get he vaccine here then go to Russia. Before you can fly you need a negative test for COVID, unfortunately he tested positive. A week later after sufferings diarrhea, vomiting and coughing it got so bad he was ambulanced to the hospital. In another few days he went sepsis, then nemic and passed away. They had to bury him there because of the COVID so we couldn't bring him home to a VA cemetery :( He was a devout Christian so he was not afraid of departing...I had to attend his burial and memorial by skype video.

Only 63....I still miss picking up the phone and talking to him daily.
Sorry for the loss of your friend :cry:.... This is why we all need to get vaccinated AND be careful after getting it. All the folks without the vax, are incubating these new variants.
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