Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #140,031  
Thanks for the sailboat story.

I know a couple roads you still drive thru a creek, there is no bridge. Both are pretty wide creeks, not just a little stream.
First time I did that, I had a pretty new mid-sized pick up and wasn't sure I was gonna make it to the other side...My son was very small hanging out the window spotting for me. Lots of rocks in that river.
   / Good morning!!!! #140,032  
46 going to 77. A few clouds out.

Prayers said for Don, Buppies and Thomas. I hope you decided to cancel, Don. Give it another day of rest.

Speaking of gas prices, when I went to the dermatologist last week, I was gonna fill up at the nearby Costco. Pulled in and all the gas lines were backed up through the parking lot and almost blocking the main lane. I wondered why such a big crowd at 10am, especially when I got a look at the sign and it was 2.99...that's just as high as the little town near the mountains where I last filled up. I didn't have patience to wait in line, so headed home...the next two stations were 3.19 and 3.18...I had no idea gas had spiked up that much since last time I had been out.

Real nice looking cottage,'ve been very smart.

I think I have a problem with the hot water first I thought my son used all the hot water last night, but still cold. I'll go check it out when I finish this cup of coffee.
   / Good morning!!!! #140,033  
45 outside this AM, heading to upper 70's.

Looks like our septic/drain field project will get underway today. For real. Pretty sad that it has taken almost a year to get to this point. Two miles down the road my county is installing sewer hookups because this whole area has issues perking and what not. Two miles away. LOL. A price one pays for being rural. Bet the suburb/city folk never give a second thought to sewer/water and internet.

Anyway, need to make a grocery run this AM. Nothing on the agenda. May run the tractor today just because I need some seat time to distract from all the noise and projects on going. Milk house is about half way cleared.

Floor looking good, David. We have laminate in our guest cottage. Floating, is OK even after ten years. Just a few boards have sustained water damage. The edges peel up slightly. Laying it went smooth. Reminds me that I need to finish the first level of the farmhouse. Re-sand and refinish floor. Now that's a dirty job, especially with furniture in place.

Wngsprd, I have a filter issue with two showers. Both do not seem to want to put out hot water. Unfortunate both require whole house cut off to work on them. Did not think of that during the remodel, separate shower lines. Or cut-offs near bathrooms. Oh well, next life.

Hope all are on the mends. Sending positive thoughts for healing.

Stay safe, have a great day, in whatever you undertake!
   / Good morning!!!! #140,034  
Good morning! 44 now, may get to 72. Yesterday was very nice in the afternoon.

I am on the other end of the phone with calls in for support. There are 2 sides to the customer support thing responses. I try, really do, but sometimes, you just have to say enough. Yesterday I was very busy. I was helping someone who was working with me on an odd intermittent electrical issue. He was using his laptop and following instructions. The other was a mess one of my co-workers created, and I had to “fix” it since he ran from the issues.

I am involved with construction equipment. It is painted yellow. In the midst of a number of calls I get a call from a “tech”. Starts right into his problem, no model, no S/N nothing. So when I finally get a word in, I ask him “what model”. His reply, and he was serious, “a yellow one”. Sorry, I don’t have the patience for this. I transferred him to the guy who is responsible for that dealer territory. I simply wasn’t dealing with it.

See what entertainment I get today

Hope everyone starts feeling better

Everyone stay safe out there!
   / Good morning!!!! #140,035  
As reported earlier on Antibody Test:
Me - 6 months after 2 shot Moderna- 1700u/mL
Wife - 5 months after one shot J&J - 300u/mL
Brother - one month after 3rd shot Moderna > 2500u/mL

Studies are finally being done:

"There is one pre-print study that offers some clues. The research specifically looked for correlates of protection against symptomatic COVID-19 and found that vaccine efficacy against symptomatic infection was 90.7% when antibody levels were at 100 u/mL in lab results and increased to 96.1% when antibodies were at 1,000 u/mL.
But that’s just one study, and we need many more. “There is still not a really robust correlate of immunity, meaning a level of antibody where if you’re above that level we can confidently say, ‘yes, this person is protected,’” Ratner said.
At this point, experts largely agree that antibody tests may be most useful for determining prior infection and identifying if an immunocompromised person mounted an immune response to the first round of shots or after the booster, Gandhi said."
   / Good morning!!!! #140,036  
Morning all, Dark with blue skies and back to warmer days. Still waiting for wind to die down so I can go clean up branches in the back area.

Sodamo-like the floor-coming together really nice. Like the whole setup, looks welcoming.
Top-sorry about your friend
Rip- a year to get septic started- hopefully the actual install will go a lot faster!

Stay safe and be well,
🐶 🏠
   / Good morning!!!! #140,037  
Hey Dennis, will this one work?
View attachment 717668

Thanks. Amazing what you have done with it.

Here’s the Costco flooring I did. This kind can get damp and wiped, but can’t be mopped due to the backing. Never got the hall baseboard & closet door done.
   / Good morning!!!! #140,039  
41Fclear sky mid 60's for high.

Outside chores done slice toast will do.
Welll the Mrs. came home from work yesterday with the "bear flu" :oops: next 5 or so day might be interesting.

Plans for today...If I can musta up some get up and go I'll attempt cut down the leaning ash tree over driveway and clean up,other than than slow motion day.

Enjoy your day all.
   / Good morning!!!! #140,040  
Good morning, low temp is 44° and going to a high of 59. Wind calm. Increasing cloudiness.

Welcome to the 'good morning' thread Rebeccaharris01.

I got my busted off grease zerk replaced yesterday, and now that I have a free day more or less I will try to replace the zerk on the lower swing joint of the hoe. Right now it is almost impossible to get my nipple grabber of the grease gun into there to grease. I am going to try a 45° fitting first.

Have a safe day all