
   / Amazon? #321  
One of the advantages of texting is sending a message that the recipient can read and respond to when they have time, unlike a phone call.
I prefer a text 10 to 1 over a phone call. With a lot of people we text before calling to see if the other can take a call.
   / Amazon? #322  
Different generation, different times. Those seen as job hoppers were frowned upon at hiring time.
Hippies had very little to do with it.
Correct on the generational differences. I had 3 jobs during my 70+ years.
   / Amazon? #323  
We haven't had a landline in at least 10 years now. I only know one person that still does and she's almost 90 - you know what they say about old dogs and new tricks. The SO and I were actually talking about this other day, wondering when they were going to finally kill off the ancient POTS stuff, kinda like how they killed off NTSC. At some point there will be so few users that it won't be economically viable to maintain any longer. If you tried calling any of my kids they wouldn't answer, and you couldn't leave a message either because the voice mail box is full. I mentioned this to one of them and they didn't even know they had a voice mail box, nor how to check it.
Our provider requires every member have and pay for a landline. Stupid requirement but necessary for Service.
   / Amazon? #324  
The amazon cult has sucked in a lot of people 9 out of10 times EBAY is cheaper and free shipping I still buy from amazon once in a great while but most of the time its better on EBAY
   / Amazon? #325  
The amazon cult has sucked in a lot of people 9 out of10 times EBAY is cheaper and free shipping I still buy from amazon once in a great while but most of the time its better on EBAY
I check on items prices now and then and in general, Amazonie is about the same price or less so as other on-line retailers so we'll get it from them. From them it arrives faster and it can easily be returned.
   / Amazon? #326  
We haven't had a landline in at least 10 years now. I only know one person that still does and she's almost 90 - you know what they say about old dogs and new tricks.
I have DSL, so I have a landline to carry the signal. It's what the call naked DSL, so very limited. I get incoming calls and I can make calls to 800 numbers, but not local numbers. I used to have a physical copper connection to the local switch so as long as the line wasn't damaged I had dial tone and could call 911. Some years back, they changed to fiber fed DSL DSLAMs which made the lines more or less VoIP. Now, if the distant connection goes down, I lose dial tone. Not sure how that's legal.
You do realize that cellphone calls are actually transmitted over conventional telephone lines ?
Not really. Many use fiber between nodes, others use microwave links. Some may still use copper for digital data transmission, but I'm not sure any use analog dialtone connections until the 'last mile' when calling (or being called by) a conventional landline number.
   / Amazon? #327  
I don't get the appeal of texting, seems like a real PITA trying to type something out on a dinky cellphone screen. Maybe I'm just old. :whistle:
For those of us in the fringe areas of cell towers, the text msgs are clear and readable whereas the voice calls are not understandable. And like was mentioned earlier, I do text to see if someone is home before I visit or if I need to talk to them for awhile.
   / Amazon? #328  
When I gave up my landline, the cell company wouldn't give me a phone unless I listed a landline #. (I gave them the number of my company cell)
About 8 years ago cell service had gotten so crappy here that I've gone back to a landline. Funny thing, I haven't gotten a bogus call on either phone (Mine or company cell) since the start of the year, although I am getting frequent quasi erotic texts.
About 15 years ago I was issued a new company truck with free 3 month OnStar. I was coming out of the woods on Friday night, miles from any type of cell coverage when I received an incoming call from the Onstar. It was some type of spam call... the only time that I ever used that phone.

I'm sorry if I hurt his feelings.
I was bragging about not getting any robocalls. Then I got two yesterday. One on personal cell, one on the work cell.
   / Amazon? #329  
I was bragging about not getting any robocalls. Then I got two yesterday. One on personal cell, one on the work cell.
And you think that Big Brother isn’t watching you? 😂😎🤓🥸😳
   / Amazon? #330  
And you think that Big Brother isn’t watching you? 😂😎🤓🥸😳
Those robocalls are from private businesses wanting to sell you crap. The government doesn’t have time or interest in watching you. You are too boring to watch (like most of us).