Tell us something we don’t know.

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,831  
It is illegal in Switzerland to own just one guinea pig. You are required by law to have at least two. :)
The government has determined that guinea pigs are social animals that are stressed by solidary living conditions. Because of this > lol ...

Küng, 41, rents out her guinea pigs, a service that has been in high demand in the Alpine nation ever since animal welfare rules were tightened up a few years ago. Switzerland has forbidden people from keeping lone guinea pigs because the animals are sociable and need each other's company.

As a result, the sudden death of a guinea pig, shocking enough in itself, can also place the hapless owners outside the law if they only had two of the pets.

That is where Küng comes in. "Because they hardly ever die at the same time, even if they are exactly the same age, people who don't want a new guinea pig and lose one of their two animals need an interim solution," she says.

But by the same logic shouldn't old people be assigned companions?
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,833  
Guinea pigs are a popular food source in some countries in South America.

Also Capybara are a pretty common food source.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,834  
In Alaska, it’s illegal to wake a sleeping bear to take its picture.

simple to catch the perp as well. Just examine their camera or phone during surgery at the hospital.
   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,836  
It’s also illegal to be drunk in a bar, in Alaska. This is still strictly enforced in Anchorage.

   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,839  
Hurling missiles into busses or terminals at the airport is illegal.
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   / Tell us something we don’t know. #1,840  
Remember touching bumpers for the ground side and clamping the jumper cables together for a longer reach? It would be tougher to do today with all the plastic fake bumpers. But thankfully jumping off vehicles isn’t as often necessary as it once was. 👍