Need help please.

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hope you enjoy the 1533 i almost bought a 1526 they look like great CUTs, simple and effective. the current owner of the 1526 did warn me that the tractor is a little light for some of the things i was planning and i ended up with a much larger tractor, but i was impressed by what he could do with his 1526.
I love mine. I got on the bigger one when I test drove the one I got and I turned around and said hmmm nope. Too much power and I know me. Mine is the 1538. Same thing as the 1533. It may be old but a couple of more payments and it is paid for! DaBear3428 what size did you end up getting?
   / Need help please.
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good god i'm glad all of that is over!
good luck with your tractor and i hope you have fun.
Ha ha ha! Meeeeeee, too! I was ready to choke some folks! 😂🤭I don’t like ignorance and I sho don’t have time for stupidity.
   / Need help please. #53  
Vaxxed boosted double boosted vaxxed again and still get covid , Humm, Sounds like maybe somethings not working.
   / Need help please. #54  
I love mine. I got on the bigger one when I test drove the one I got and I turned around and said hmmm nope. Too much power and I know me. Mine is the 1538. Same thing as the 1533. It may be old but a couple of more payments and it is paid for! DaBear3428 what size did you end up getting?
i'm confused your sig says 1533 do you have a 1533 or a 1538?

my mahindra is listed in my sig to the left just like yours lol, and below this line. mine is several years away from being payed off, but then again with 0% fin I do not care lol.
I may have to get the wife a smaller HST because she sees me having so much fun on mine but all the gears and the shuttle shift intimidates her, not to mention the PTO clutch may be beyond her strength.

about the only drawback (for us) with the larger tractor is that it tracks up our yard so i try to keep off the grass.

I have to chase her around the yard to do maintenance on the ZTM. it had a low tire the other day and she was mowing I had to stop her and bring out the air compressor so she could continue lol, and she was upset that i stopped her lol.
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   / Need help please. #55  
Oh puhleeze get on your phone arrow and read it. I am trying to thank people and this whole time you have been waiting. Sorry for the delay. I got a bad case of COVID in my lungs.
Well Ace, I am puzzled on two planes: 1. why do you keep quoting my post and basically giving me the same answer 5 times?
2. When you say "they replaced the plug", what plug do you make reference to?

Now for the blah-blah. Many people who post here asking for solutions, have a preponderance of never getting back to the forum for what the solution may have turned out to be.
That helps no one. The eventual "feed back" is more important than the initial question. Working at a Mahindra dealership, I was intent on attempting to aid your situation. I asked a pertinent question and received no response.
I cannot tell you how many people have stated to us, "my tractor won't start". We used to ask, "does it crank" and have changed that to, "when you turn the key, do you get any sound from the engine"? because "crank" means different things to different people.
"No it won't crank" we are told and sure enough, the engine does indeed turn over (crank) but it won't start which for some means "it won't crank". This is an important question because it points us in a direction.
Just today I had a "no crank" situation on a tractor with 61 hrs on it. The guy had a snowblower attachment that when he took off last year, he failed to fully tighten a bolt holding the ground cable.
It took all summer and fall to finally loosen to the point of no "ground" contact.
Instinctively, I do a couple things and one of those is to wiggle the ground wire. If it starts, then we solved it and that was gonna be my next advice to you if I'd ever gotten an answer as to what you considered "no start".

I hope you feel better soon. The vax was just a big fat lie to placate the American people in thinking their government was on top of things. That universities are forcing their students to get vaccinated is just a continuation of "stupid and absurd". I mean how many times do they need to say "the vaccine is not a preventative".
I also got the vax and also got the delta variant and after 3 days of 103* temp, I got the antibody infusion which cured me the next day. I did lose my taste and smell for 8 months
The next time I got the rona 10 months later with no booster, I had the sniffles.

Also, I do not have a smart phone. I sit at a computer table so I don't always "come here" even when called like a dog.
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   / Need help please. #56  
That is what I did just to get the plug tied in.
After re-reading some of your posts, I now get the idea that the "plug" was an electrical terminal connector going to one of your sensors.
It sounds that someone botched this up horribly.
Just for your info and what you can say to anyone if you confront this type of treatment again relating to electrical is "did you back probe the connector" meaning placing a probe at the back of the connector to make sure there is an electrical transmittance in the wire attached to the "plug". This test is done upstream or before the connector and tell-tales if the connector itself is the culprit if the wire is getting juice.
   / Need help please.
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Ace, most everyone on TBN wants to help. Sometimes people that are upset add to much information about the scenario and not enough about issues with the equipment. That opens the door for emotions to enter in and not thinking clearly about the problem.

Several things are still a question for me to be able to help find a solution. Some real testing will have to be done and likely will require a dealership diagnostic computer to trace out the problem. It is possible that when the sensor plug was cut or replaced something shorted and killed part of the ECU but not likely.

One question is when the tractor ran for you when only 1 wire was connected to the sensor, did you see any warning lights on the dash?

Second question is when you had water in the fuel way back when, do you recall how many wires where on the sensor then?

Third question is did you have some change in tractor performance that prompted you to get the service done or was this just the normal scheduled service?

If all else fails, maybe dinner with the retired owner if he promises to fix your tractor would be a fair trade. :ROFLMAO: Not really!
LOL!!My friends said go out with him and get you a new tractor! After he showed out over the phone with me, I saw who he was.
please step back from the keyboard, collect your thoughts, and then start typing!
So sorry. 😢
   / Need help please.
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LOL!!My friends said go out with him and get you a new tractor! After he showed out over the phone with me, I saw who he was.

So sorry. 😢
Everything is fixed and good to go,now. After two months.
LOL!!My friends said go out with him and get you a new tractor! After he showed out over the phone with me, I saw who he was.

So sorry. 😢
To answer your questions. The only wires holding the sensor plug on was the hot wires. And not many of them were there. They knew this from the dealership because they took the time to tuck the other two wires neatly into itself. No warning lights on the dash. Way back when there were three wires on the sensor. It was time to get the tractor serviced. I guess you saw my answer about going out with him. He had already told me it was a messy divorce and I sure didn’t want to get involved in that. I had planned to go to his lake house for dinner but then all of this happened plus I was thinking i didn’t need anymore drama in my life and then his hauty attitude about my tractor really changed my mind. He was trying to put the blame on me and I thought oh no you don’t. Oh well. I am like Dabear, I am glad this is over. Neeeeext!
   / Need help please.
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Well Ace, I am puzzled on two planes: 1. why do you keep quoting my post and basically giving me the same answer 5 times?
2. When you say "they replaced the plug", what plug do you make reference to?

Now for the blah-blah. Many people who post here asking for solutions, have a preponderance of never getting back to the forum for what the solution may have turned out to be.
That helps no one. The eventual "feed back" is more important than the initial question. Working at a Mahindra dealership, I was intent on attempting to aid your situation. I asked a pertinent question and received no response.
I cannot tell you how many people have stated to us, "my tractor won't start". We used to ask, "does it crank" and have changed that to, "when you turn the key, do you get any sound from the engine"? because "crank" means different things to different people.
"No it won't crank" we are told and sure enough, the engine does indeed turn over (crank) but it won't start which for some means "it won't crank". This is an important question because it points us in a direction.
Just today I had a "no crank" situation on a tractor with 61 hrs on it. The guy had a snowblower attachment that when he took off last year, he failed to fully tighten a bolt holding the ground cable.
It took all summer and fall to finally loosen to the point of no "ground" contact.
Instinctively, I do a couple things and one of those is to wiggle the ground wire. If it starts, then we solved it and that was gonna be my next advice to you if I'd ever gotten an answer as to what you considered "no start".

I hope you feel better soon. The vax was just a big fat lie to placate the American people in thinking their government was on top of things. That universities are forcing their students to get vaccinated is just a continuation of "stupid and absurd". I mean how many times do they need to say "the vaccine is not a preventative".
I also got the vax and also got the delta variant and after 3 days of 103* temp, I got the antibody infusion which cured me the next day. I did lose my taste and smell for 8 months
The next time I got the rona 10 months later with no booster, I had the sniffles.

Also, I do not have a smart phone. I sit at a computer table so I don't always "come here" even when called like a dog.
Hello Arriw,

the reason I keep posting was because
Neither of your posts make any sense.
Neither of your posts make any sense.
Sorry Hornet,
I was pretty upset when I put my fingers on the keyboard. My apologies.
   / Need help please.
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you fail to understand that I was trying to help you, but in order to help you I need to understand what you need, unfortunately your posting style makes that difficult. If you feel that I was not trying to be helpful I apologize for that misunderstanding. but sometimes it is a skill to understand who your friends really are.

anyway Good luck
I have seen many posts, and I am guilty of it, and obviously was guilty of it this time. Words on a keyboard cannot be expressed like talking to a person. I have taken texts wrong. I have sent texts to people and they took it wrong. We called, explained and no big deal. Like I said I read the post and I can see where in the last paragraph it sounded like I was singling out you by using the word “you” to others. I apologize. I appreciate your help immensely. I appreciate all of the participants in this nightmare that attempted to help me. I really do. I am sorry the way I expressed myself but I was in a pickle. My guy friends were trying to help and they wouldn’t know a fuel filter from a hydraulic filter. I thought. I know how knows! The guys on TractorByNet. You all have helped me so much. Without all of your help on here and reading and studying manuals I wouldn’t know a thing. So again, I apologize and I sincerely appreciate all of your help.