Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #170,631  
Fritz- You, your Wife, and family amaze me in the most + of ways. You and your Wife know more and can apply "real solutions" better than the "experts," and even better enlist your kids in your projects to help them better build their own life foundations by example. Jay
Thank you for your kind comments. We learned and explained to the kids we were not there to be win a popularity contest but to guide them to do the right thing even if it caused some grief and tears. For some it worked for some not so much but they had other issues at work.
   / Good morning!!!! #170,632  
Helped wife mulch her flowers. Those $2 bags don’t go far.
Nice sitting on porch listening and watching the birds, and a nice breeze. Hear the train in the distance.
Gonna go see if TSC has some 16 ft panels. Can fit 2 curved where I normally plant tomatoes, but since this wasn’t planned, not sure where 3rd or 4th will go. Not sure some of the peppers planted last night will make it.

Sprayed more weed juice earlier hit the drive and fence, and a lot of poison ivy under the pine trees.
Helicopter flying around again like it did one day last week,
   / Good morning!!!! #170,633  
As for tools, when I cannot find a tool I know I own, I go a buy another one. That way I am guaranteed I will find the first one.
Same here, depending on need I usually give myself a time out before ordering.
In the process found some tools in the touring bike's saddlebags that I'd been missing for a while.
Had you bought replacements? :)

I've a cherished (to me) Swiss Army knife, Cybertool model which my wife bought for me while she was on a factory tour in Switzerland about year 2000. It's been my constant pocket knife since then. I've "lost" it several times, thankfully always finding it later (sometimes after several months). About 2020 I bought a replacement of a different color. Remains unused, have not misplaced the original one again.
   / Good morning!!!! #170,634  
Morning all;
It's a beautiful morning here 67F and sunny may reach 77F this afternoon.
I'm certainly not as energetic as many on here. Did just order $1300 worth of electric heat mat to lay down in the new sidewalk concrete pour we have coming up. With the house garage repair project. Jacked up the front and cut off the lower 18" of bad wall, poured concrete in the block sill wall holes, then formed up and poured a sill wall on top of that and placed a new sill plate and set the wall down it.
Now prepping and repairing the one wall and adding some electrical boxes to pull some new feeders to.
And hauling garbage wood and siding to the dumpster ( a bit of tractor work).
Good luck to all,
stay safe and enjoy
   / Good morning!!!! #170,635  
Good morning! Low was 48°, heading up to 78°. Slight chances of t-storms. Haven't got another drop since Friday...

Apparently, my post yesterday is floating around cyberspace? .... I sure don't know where it went...

So, a synopsis of the past few days....
Over 3 days, got 90% of the weed-wacking done. That last 10% is waiting until I get some more line.... I swear I bought a new spool last year.....mmmm

Mowed all around the house area too.

Got a bit more gravel spread, but still not done.

Late Sunday evening, was perusing the HD sale add ---- and guess what? They are having the 5 for $10 sale on 2cf bags. Which I have never seen at HD.
Lowes does not have the sale this year....
So decided to drive into town for a pallet. Closest store showed 174 bags in stock. Get there and they have about 25... 2 store employees found another 1/2 pallet.... so bought all they had -- 70 bags.
Going to go to Santa Fe today for a couple more pallets.

Dennis, you are correct.... A bag doesn't go too far at all! Hence, why I buy pallets at a time..... When it's on sale, cheaper than bulk mulch by a lot.

RNG, yes, our local transfer station takes all "forestry waste" and shreds it into mulch. For probably 20 years, I have gotten our "mulch" from there. Only single shreaded, lots of junk in it, lots of weed seeds in it too.
Wifey likes the 'clean' mulch and the look of the bagged.... guess who wins?

Gotta get movin'.....
Everyone have a great day!
   / Good morning!!!! #170,636  
Went to town and picked up groceries and plants for wife. Saved 120 dollars on groceries between points and senior day discount.

Wife heard from son in treatment and he feels better than he has in years and has a place lined up to go to after treatment. Maybe spending time in streets in big city and getting robbed multiple times have finally sunk in to seek a better life. We hope but in any case wife feels better now. She was worried sick about him.

On tool storage my new system is to move the tool to the drawer that I opened first to look for it and it was not there. That system seem to work since I can find it on first try
   / Good morning!!!! #170,637  
65°F and .43 inches rain.

Good Happy Hour at neighbors. Even got to meet a recently new couple. Good food as well.

Hope to get last front wall pw today. Of course that will depend how the weather shakes out. Lucky yesterday that I could work in between the bouts of wind and rain. Might not be that lucky today

Prayers for all
Be safe
Have a great day
   / Good morning!!!! #170,639  
RonJ- Great sunrise picture. Thanks for sharing.

Billy- Nice fire pit.

Fritz- Good news about your son; at least for the moment.

As for hand tools I have at least 2 of everything like many here. I am organization-challenged which I "blame" on my self diagnosed Late Onset Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

It was ground fog below and hazy/milky skies and high level cloud above with 42ºF as this morning’s low temperature It has been a mix a hazy clouds and filtered sunshine so far today. 66ºF is the current temperature and I expect these weather conditions to continue through the afternoon with a high temperature in the low 70ºF’s.

The "Honey Dipper" guy showed up and cleaned out the septic tank. He says the system is in decent shape and will need to be cleaned out in 3 years.

This Canadian wildfire smoke makes for beautiful sunrises an sunsets. I really believe that this smoke is negatively impacting on bird migration, but I am certainly no expert.
   / Good morning!!!! #170,640  
I always thought bulk mulch was cheaper here, but haven’t bought it in years. I noticed a 5 bags for $10 sign at Lowe’s yesterday, but couldn’t tell what it was for while driving by.

Whatchathink? Instead of arching the third one, might put it up like the bean ones and fasten tomatoes to the side.