Cigarette Lighter

   / Cigarette Lighter #11  


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   / Cigarette Lighter #12  
I am interested in installing a cigarette lighter on my tractor. I do not plan on smoking! It may be nice to charge a phone while working.

Has anyone ever added a cigarette lighter to a tractor without a cab.
I have one on the little Ford to power the sprayer.
   / Cigarette Lighter #13  
If you plan on installing a cancer stick lighter in your tractor for smoking purposes then good on you. What's up with the exclamation point? Are you going to stop eating fried chicken because it makes you fat, and helps lead to heart attacks? I don't smoke.... 85% of the time. Still smoking is good for stress relief in stressful situations. If you don't want to smoke then awesome. If you do want to smoke, and want to install a cigarette lighter in your tractor to help you do so, then that's " COOL" in the fact that you're an adult, and it's your business to do so if you please. This is Merika!
   / Cigarette Lighter #14  
If you plan on installing a cancer stick lighter in your tractor for smoking purposes then good on you. What's up with the exclamation point? Are you going to stop eating fried chicken because it makes you fat, and helps lead to heart attacks? I don't smoke.... 85% of the time. Still smoking is good for stress relief in stressful situations. If you don't want to smoke then awesome. If you do want to smoke, and want to install a cigarette lighter in your tractor to help you do so, then that's " COOL" in the fact that you're an adult, and it's your business to do so if you please. This is Merika!
Mate... the OP is simply referring to the type of electrical receptacle; the round one that used to be used for a vehicle's cigarette lighter. They are still used today but for alternative purposes.

The OP wants to plug in an amber hazard light on top of his ROPS, not a cigarette lighter.

Heck, my '07 ute has a couple of these receptacles that I can plug in a USB adapter/jack.

Edit: I just re-read the OP's original post and he doesn't want to power a hazard light (I and SARG did, using this type of receptacle)... all the OP wants to do is provide power for a USB adapter/jack. He, adamantly states that it's not for a cigarette lighter. It is, as I stated, what is colloquially known as a 12VDC, round, "cigarette" type of electrical receptacle.
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   / Cigarette Lighter #15  
If you plan on installing a cancer stick lighter in your tractor for smoking purposes then good on you. What's up with the exclamation point? Are you going to stop eating fried chicken because it makes you fat, and helps lead to heart attacks? I don't smoke.... 85% of the time. Still smoking is good for stress relief in stressful situations. If you don't want to smoke then awesome. If you do want to smoke, and want to install a cigarette lighter in your tractor to help you do so, then that's " COOL" in the fact that you're an adult, and it's your business to do so if you please. This is Merika!
Somebody is a little defensive... no worries, were all okay with you smoking so long as we don't have to share it. Years ago many of us did smoke. I saw a bunch of old celeb pics and quickly noticed hey - everybody was smoking. lol - Myself included but I quit 25-30 yrs ago. Scared I might still get the big C.
   / Cigarette Lighter #16  
Somebody is a little defensive... no worries, were all okay with you smoking so long as we don't have to share it. Years ago many of us did smoke. I saw a bunch of old celeb pics and quickly noticed hey - everybody was smoking. lol - Myself included but I quit 25-30 yrs ago. Scared I might still get the big C.
It is a proven fact that almost 100% of the people that died in the last 50 years either smoked or were exposed to second hand smoke at some point in their lives.

Also they all drank water.

Can't tell which contributed to their death.
   / Cigarette Lighter #17  
Somebody is a little defensive... no worries, were all okay with you smoking so long as we don't have to share it. Years ago many of us did smoke. I saw a bunch of old celeb pics and quickly noticed hey - everybody was smoking. lol - Myself included but I quit 25-30 yrs ago. Scared I might still get the big C.
I don't think you need to worry about John Holmes rising up from the grave, and man raping you for smoking. If smoking leads to the big C then I feel that we'd have a lot more ******, and gay men advocating for cigarettes. Why is it taboo to smoke Cigarettes? It's okay to be racist against people for smoking cancer sticks, but you can't be racist against people who dress up as the opposite sex they were born, and strip for little kids? I quit smoking about 20 years ago as well, but eventually started up again, then I quit again, and started again, and quit again, etc, etc. I generally don't smoke, but will sometimes get a hankering for a Newport, and will go buy a pack. Not because it's good for my health, but because I want to do it. Cigarettes have about gotten too expensive to justify.

Still there are several benefits to smoking cigarettes. As I previously said, they're good for stress relief. It acts as a suppository. It helps you look cool in high school, and helps you elevate your social status among your more popular pears. Smoking cigarettes is great for social gatherings during say your breaks at your place of employment. They give you something to do to help pass the time while you're bored out of your mind after sitting in your tractor seat for 8-9 hours mowing hay, etc. If you smoke weed they help elevate your high, or help pick it back up when you start coming off it. Many benefits to smoking, but like most things there are negatives to it as well. As an adult you should be able to decide whether or not it's for you without being discriminated on for it.
   / Cigarette Lighter #18  
We don't smoke but I put a lighter on mowers. I powered straight to battery with an inline 20 amp fuse right at battery +, that way everything is protected (closer to battery the better). When Flys and bugs are at peak I'll carry a cigar! I'm talking about a few a year, so don't consider myself a smoker.
   / Cigarette Lighter
  • Thread Starter
If you plan on installing a cancer stick lighter in your tractor for smoking purposes then good on you. What's up with the exclamation point? Are you going to stop eating fried chicken because it makes you fat, and helps lead to heart attacks? I don't smoke.... 85% of the time. Still smoking is good for stress relief in stressful situations. If you don't want to smoke then awesome. If you do want to smoke, and want to install a cigarette lighter in your tractor to help you do so, then that's " COOL" in the fact that you're an adult, and it's your business to do so if you please. This is Merika!
You asked the point of the exclamation mark: My tractor has no cab. Smoking and cutting hay is dangerous; it is dangerous to my property and my neighbor's. Are you frustrated because you cannot stop smoking?
   / Cigarette Lighter #20  
You asked the point of the exclamation mark: My tractor has no cab. Smoking and cutting hay is dangerous; it is dangerous to my property and my neighbor's. Are you frustrated because you cannot stop smoking?
Well, not really. Cutting green grass is highly unlikely to ignite it due to a cancer stick unless it's extremely dry out... Now tedding, raking, or baling dried grass you may have a point. Still you go back 40-50 years, and probably 90% of farmers smoked. You need to be responsible with your smoking. Don't just flick your lit cigarette butt into a bunch of dry grass.

Yes, I'm so furious that I can't quit smoking.... Okay, maybe not. I haven't had a cigarette in 3-4 weeks. I've gone over 2 years without a cigarette before. I just enjoy nicotine, and will smoke a pack every 1.5-2 months because I feel like it, and could careless what anyone thinks of smoking. If you don't smoke then I'd recommend not starting. It can lead to cancer among other things, and has gotten way too expensive to justify buying a pack a day. Smoking a pack of premium brand cigarettes a day during today's time will cost damn near $70 a week. Probably over $250 a month. At the same time if someone wants to smoke then that's their business, and people should leave people who smoke alone about it. I'm sure most people understand the risks. If you're 70 lbs overweight then you have 0 business knocking someone else for being unhealthy. If you have more than 1 or 2 drinks after work you have no business bashing smokers. If you have unprotected sex with anyone other than your spouse you have no business knocking smokers. If you're a tailgater, someone who forgot how to use a blinker, or speeds obsessively then you have no business knocking smokers. Judge not, least ye be judged. Exclamation points emphatically letting people know that you're not smoking leads one to believe that you look down on others who do smoke and have an addiction to nicotine. I don't drink coffee, but I don't frown on people who do, and who have an obvious addiction to it. "I can't function in the morning before I've had my coffee!" (Exclamation point) Well then I would say that would be a good reason not to drink coffee if you ask me. "I need a new coffee maker. Not for drinking that poison! I need to brew my tea." See what I mean.