19K members.......

   / 19K members....... #1  


Super Member
Aug 15, 2002
North East CT
2003 Kubota BX-22
I just noticed that we have just passed the 19,000 membership at TBN. Doesn't seem that long ago that we were wondering who was going to be the 15,000 member. Any one care to hazard a guess what Month, day, hour, and minute that we will accept the 20,000 member????? /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
   / 19K members....... #2  
As long as we go by South Australian time /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / 19K members....... #3  
Junk are we talking about some kind of a pool where we all throw in a buck and the member that guesses closest wins the pot?

If so, I'm in........ Hey waitacountryminute, will you be holding the money? /forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
   / 19K members....... #4  
Let's give our money to VIN to hold aren't OZ dollars double ours? We get twice as much back!
   / 19K members....... #5  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( Let's give our money to VIN to hold aren't OZ dollars double ours? We get twice as much back! )</font>

Ahhh, now that he has is houseboat in the water, do you think we'd ever hear back from him if we put all that $$$ in his pocket? /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
   / 19K members.......
  • Thread Starter
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( Junk are we talking about some kind of a pool where we all throw in a buck and the member that guesses closest wins the pot?

If so, I'm in........ Hey waitacountryminute, will you be holding the money? /forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif )</font>

I nominate Henro to hold the pot..... after all, if you can't trust Henro with the pot, then who can you trust....... ?????

If anyone doesn't like the Henro idea, then my second choice would be Bird.... after all, he was a policeman and he knows all about securing the pot.............. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / 19K members....... #8  
Wonder how many are active members? I'd go out on a limb and make a WAG that although there may have been 19,000 people signed up over time, that there are less than 1/4 of that number that post or read actively. I'd bet you a nickel there are 1500 or less active members in the last 7 days/168 hours...

It would be interesting to see the numbers for a typical day, the last week, and last month for total active members(activity reading and or posting).
   / 19K members....... #9  

A few quick observations. There were 1,060 unique registered members who logged in during the past 24 hours. That is fairly typical for one day.

There were about 3,500 registered members logged in during past 7 days. There were about 22,600 posts made in past 30 days.

According to our own and independent third party stats, we have around 90,000 unique visitors per month, which includes both registered and non-registered visitors.

Only registered members are able to make posts.
   / 19K members....... #10  
Thanks for the stats, Hakim. Anyway you look at it, that's a bunch of folks participating.