2024 garden season

   / 2024 garden season #191  
Pulled 4 ears of sweet corn for supper last evening, sure tasted good..!! My tomatoes aren't ready yet, so traded some sweet corn for some tomatoes my buddy had from plants I gave him. He watered his all along, so his came on earlier.

Made one of my Summer staples, a couple bacon, egg and tomato sandwiches w/cheese and slathered with Miracle Whip. I grew up eating these, and never seem to tire of them.


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   / 2024 garden season #192  
Pulled 4 ears of sweet corn for supper last evening, sure tasted good..!! My tomatoes aren't ready yet, so traded some sweet corn for some tomatoes my buddy had from plants I gave him. He watered his all along, so his came on earlier.

Made one of my Summer staples, a couple bacon, egg and tomato sandwiches w/cheese and slathered with Miracle Whip. I grew up eating these, and never seem to tire of them.
Love the sandwich. I have it for brekky 3-4 times a week.
Hate Miracle Whip with a passion. Always have. Leaves a funny taste in my mouth.
In High School I'd get a Kaiser bun with ham, cheese, lettuce and tomato for lunch. It came with MW. The lunch lady knew to have one with mayo for me.
I use real mayo and lots of pepper, sprinkle of salt.
   / 2024 garden season #193  
Funny how people have different tastes. I grew up with Miracle Whip so there's that. I like Mayo too, but only really prefer the Kraft brand. A friend from the South told me I just had to try Duke's, it's the best ever. They didn't have it here until a few years ago so picked up a jar. Tried it on several things including the BET, and just was not impressed. Pitched the rest of the jar and got my miracle whip out.

A lot like BBQ sauces, I like a mustard/vinegar type like Cattleman's Carolina Gold. But there is a big difference between "gold" sauces, tried Heinz because the store was out of Cattleman's. It's just
Ok, but Cattleman's is the best in my book. Don't care for a sweet sauce of any kind from BBQ to pizza sauce. Guess that's what makes the world go around...
   / 2024 garden season #195  
I'll assume you've been having some dry conditions too seeing a couple of the tips either not completely filled or starting to dent. Or, like here pretty sure Aphids cut the silk off some ears here, did completely pollinate but had some dented kernels at the end.

My buddy picked some from a fellow who raised some to sell wholesale, so he could fill CSA orders he and another fellow are doing a joint venture on. I'm assuming it is a Round Up Ready hybrid, but tips were bare back about 1-1/2". The rest looks fine, but they too have had drought conditions.

Kinda' thinking that particular hybrid he picked doesn't have drought resistance in its genetics. He did plant some Incredible of his own and just picked it yesterday. He has had severe drought conditions, only about 1/2" -3/4" of rain since May. It fully filled out, but kernels may not be as full as mine. But he has a tendency to pull corn just beyond what I would call the blister stage. Just the way he prefers it. Me, I prefer like yours, plump but tender.
   / 2024 garden season #196  
We had a month of basically no rain in June. July has been ok. We have deer nipping off tips and full ears. Some with silks clipped. Next year we are fencing it all in, and I'll be retired so I can care for it better. This year I just planted it and let it go since I'm on the road for days at a time. The early maturity corn has nicer ears, the mate stuff is making two ears, but they both suffer in size. I'd rather it make one good ear than two so-so ears. I never got to hill it, side dress, or anything else. Our pumpkins are doing excellent however, and the corn is delicious
   / 2024 garden season
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diggin out the failed broc. plants. now to haul them over to the compost pile.
spuds only have 1 nice tater per plant, so wont be many of them this year!


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   / 2024 garden season #198  
We had a month of basically no rain in June. July has been ok. We have deer nipping off tips and full ears. Some with silks clipped. Next year we are fencing it all in, se. Our pumpkins are doing excellent however, and the corn is delicious
My corn's weird this year. Ears are already well underway, but the plants themselves are rather stunted...the tallest might be 40" or so high. Usually we don't see ears form until mid August.

Been a VERY rainy summer.
Funny how people have different tastes. I grew up with Miracle Whip so there's that. I like Mayo too,
I detest both equally. If I'm making something that requires some sort of mayonnaise-y goop (coleslaw, potato salad, tunafish sandwich, etc), I'll use MW (or store-brand equivalent) sparingly. Still don't like the taste, but at least it doesn't give me the runs... :poop:
   / 2024 garden season #199  
My corn's weird this year. Ears are already well underway, but the plants themselves are rather stunted...the tallest might be 40" or so high. Usually we don't see ears form until mid August.

Been a VERY rainy summer.

I detest both equally. If I'm making something that requires some sort of mayonnaise-y goop (coleslaw, potato salad, tunafish sandwich, etc), I'll use MW (or store-brand equivalent) sparingly. Still don't like the taste, but at least it doesn't give me the runs... :poop:
I've seen stunted like that during a rainy Summer that lays wet and can't drain. I'm somewhat fortunate mine has some slope to it and drains well. But during real heavy rains it will wash soil somewhat downhill. I used to plow rolling the dirt uphill with the 2 bottom plow I have, but have to deadhead around to make another pass. 4 years ago, I found a Fast Hitch hillside plow for my Farmall 140. Plow one direction, flip the plow and plow right back the same furrow going the other direction. Love this little plow.

I have a buddy the same way, doesn't even like tartar sauce on fish, says it's disgusting. Yet, we've gone to Frisch's, and he's ordered a cheeseburger because he loves the sauce to which I agreed. On about the 3rd time of him doing that I waited until he finished, then told him what that sauce was. I thought he was going to upchuck right there, and his wife is about to bust out laughing. Now if he gets one, it's minus sauce.

Same with another that hates Ranch dressing. We used to frequent a small Mom & Pop steakhouse that had a small salad bar. They did have the best mac salad. He always commented it was the best mac salad next to his wife's. One evening when half-way through his small 3rd helping, he was going on about how good it is and wondering what they used to make it. Setting directly across the table from him, I told him it was Ranch dressing. The look on his face was priceless, slid his plate back, and never got it again.


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   / 2024 garden season
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our corn got only 4 feet tall,--VERY small ears and no taste whatsoever!! NOT a good garden year!

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