I do, but everything just looks like chaos. In the past I was concerned about looks, straight rows, sections of this or that. After failures of all kinds, this year I just stuck stuff in any old where there was an open spot, brought dirt in, made several 4x8 boxes from 2x10s, reduced the half dozen 16x16 plots to a couple small high intensity areas, and now produced more than we can use. One of the 4x8 boxs produced two cases of early pickled beets, and soon a second crop of late sweetcorn. Spent corn stalks in other places are just cut and dropped, and covered with chips. The hills of 5-6 sweetcorn plants self pollinate so can be stuck in anywhere. For some reason there are praying mantis all over this year. We never saw one ever before this. No potatoe or vine beetles for a change. Cross my fingers for now.