2305 & 200CX Float

   / 2305 & 200CX Float #1  


Silver Member
May 22, 2007
Central Pa.
Hi all,

I have the 2305 with a 200CX FEL, and I'm having trouble getting the FEL into and out of 'Float'. I remember reading somewhere in one of my manuals about how to do it, but I can't seem to find those instructions again?

The problem I'm having is getting the FEL out of 'Float'. Sometimes, no matter what I do, the bucket just wants to float. Can someone tell me the exact steps to get the bucket into 'Float' and then the exact steps to get it out of 'Float'? Also, is there some kind of adjustment dealing with this issue?

   / 2305 & 200CX Float #2  
Usually (I haven't used a 200 series loader in a couple of years) it is just a detent position when pushing the loader joystick forward. Often described as a quick jam/shove/push forward, you will feel it click and stay in place--to get out of float--just snap/pull the joystick back. If the detent position hasn't been used a lot it could be a little gummed up or sticky--maybe a couple quick in/out of float positions will free it up. If not--post back and maybe someone can let you know how to dis-assemble and clean the assembly--maybe a search on the problem will help you find the process, I think it has been on here before.
   / 2305 & 200CX Float #3  
B8 described it pretty well, you need a quick, forceful push forward to engage the float and the joystick should stay forward. Practice while the bucket is about 3 feet in the air to avoid doing wheelies;)
   / 2305 & 200CX Float #4  
It would be best to practice in reverse
   / 2305 & 200CX Float #6  
Practice it with the motor off and then you won't need to worry about the bucket moving.
   / 2305 & 200CX Float #7  
Hi all,

I have the 2305 with a 200CX FEL, and I'm having trouble getting the FEL into and out of 'Float'. I remember reading somewhere in one of my manuals about how to do it, but I can't seem to find those instructions again?

The problem I'm having is getting the FEL out of 'Float'. Sometimes, no matter what I do, the bucket just wants to float. Can someone tell me the exact steps to get the bucket into 'Float' and then the exact steps to get it out of 'Float'? Also, is there some kind of adjustment dealing with this issue?


I have the same equipment, and use the float frequently. When I first got the tractor, I had a little trouble getting the "feel" for using float. To me, it seems that if you push the lever quickly forward and slighty to the right (away from the tractor), it goes into float. The lever will "stay" forward when you're in float. To get out of float, pull the lever backward until it "centers" in the normal position.
Hope this helps.
   / 2305 & 200CX Float #8  
You could just lift the front of the tractor up with the fel and when you push ALL THE WAY forward and go into float you will know because the front will set back down. As far as what you said about not being able to get it to not float, that sounds like worn pins and bushings causing movement that makes it seems like it is floating. If the bucket will stay in the air, it is not stuck in float.

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