26 Below Zero

   / 26 Below Zero #41  
-25 here in Bath NH I'm trying to stay positive and think if it gets this cold maybe the deer ticks won't be so bad this summer
   / 26 Below Zero #42  
We bottomed out at -18*F just at sunrise. It was -15*F at 6am.

Last summer we had a very long warm dry spell locally. Ticks, mosquitoes and black flies were hardly to be found. The deer fly were thick though. :mad: They aren't repelled much by DEET.

The white footed mice (lyme disease tick co-host with deer) were numerous and we have had quite a few deer hanging around since hunting season began. Not a good combination.

   / 26 Below Zero #43  
Minus 33 in the Bancroft area this morning but that is Celsius, lol.

-27 F

Plug in the diesel or wait till the sun comes up, lol. My brother comes in from LA tomorrow he will find it bracing, lol.:thumbsup:
   / 26 Below Zero
  • Thread Starter
Low yesterday morning Negative 26
High tomorrow 31 F.

That my friends, is a 57 degree rise in two days. Yessir, we are havin' a heat wave, a tropical heat wave. It's all relative, indeed, but I am rather enjoying it!! Where's my Hawaiian shirt, honey?
   / 26 Below Zero #45  
Trim your hood with Wolverine fur. It doesn't frost up.:thumbsup:

Egon, my USAF/SAC "issue"cold weather flying jacket, AKA parka had the hood trimmed in Wolverine and the longer "guard" hairs let you look out with the hood drawstring pulled nearly shut. That let your exhalations temper your inhalations so if you didn't exert yourself to the point of huffing and puffing (hyperventilation) you didn't frostbite your lungs, cough up pink foam, collapse, and die.

When PETA comes up with something better we can give the wolverine population a break, meanwhile I vote for wolverine.

   / 26 Below Zero #46  
bp fick said:
Low yesterday morning Negative 26
High tomorrow 31 F.

That my friends, is a 57 degree rise in two days. Yessir, we are havin' a heat wave, a tropical heat wave. It's all relative, indeed, but I am rather enjoying it!! Where's my Hawaiian shirt, honey?

LOL 71F as I read this, but it did get down to 62F about 2AM :)
   / 26 Below Zero #47  
Low yesterday morning Negative 26
High tomorrow 31 F.

That my friends, is a 57 degree rise in two days. Yessir, we are havin' a heat wave, a tropical heat wave. It's all relative, indeed, but I am rather enjoying it!! Where's my Hawaiian shirt, honey?

Good Evenin bp fick,
It was -30 F in East wells, Vt this mornin, at least acording to my Uncle Dave..... at my palce in Ct it was - 6 F ! Stll pretty darned cold ! ;):)