4310 just stops

   / 4310 just stops #1  


New member
Mar 28, 2006
I have a 4310 ehydro and when I am running in low gear at maximum speed and 1/2 to 3/4' s throttle it just stops and will not go again for about a minute, the engine is still running but the tractor will not move. This has only happened twice in about 20 hours of use. Thanks for any help.
   / 4310 just stops #2  
Probably checked already, but is trans fluid level okay? Any kinked or bound lines that might restrict flow, cause overheating?
   / 4310 just stops #3  
Does you error light flash when this happens? You probably have a sensor out of adjustment. Either a forward or reverse potentiometer or throttle position sensor. Check your manual. It should explain how to count the short and long flashes.
   / 4310 just stops
  • Thread Starter
Yes I did but thanks for thinking of it you never know what people checked or not and some times its that simple
   / 4310 just stops
  • Thread Starter
I didn't think to check if the error light was blinking but I will next time, thanks.
   / 4310 just stops #6  
is there any chance that the operator is lifting off
the seat enough to have the seat switch trip the
drive module?
I think there is a delay built into that switch,
but if a smaller operator is sitting on the seat, and
they lean a bit forward and the switch thinks
the operator is off the seat, it may do what you
are describing also..
I also think that the light will blink when that happens..
   / 4310 just stops #7  
Likely a sensor. think transmission, as throttle you'd hear, and I am almost certain to be fully mechanical.
   / 4310 just stops #8  
The throttle is fully mechanical but it does have a sensor that sends a signal to the e-hydro controller so it can compensate for speed. If that sensor is out of range, it has no effect on engine speed, but it will default the transmission to neutral, the same as if one of the forward or reverse sensors would.
   / 4310 just stops #9  
Thanks, I wasn't aware of that, that definately could factor in this....
   / 4310 just stops #10  
I had the following happen to my 4310 shortly after delivery. I don't know if this is exactly the same problem as you are experiencing.

Within 10 to 15 seconds after applying full forward pedal, the machine comes to an abrupt halt as if I had quickly taken my foot off the pedal. Releasing the pedal and then pressing it again results in no forward motion. If I let the tractor sit for 10 to 15 seconds or if I hit the reverse pedal first (it will move in reverse), I regain forward function.

This does not seem to happen at any other pedal position but I can consistently make it happen by pushing the pedal all the way to the end of travel. It happens in any speed range.

At first I did not think there was any code blinked but the blinking happens pretty fast and I had to watch it closely. I don't remember what the code was.

The problem was a bad potentiometer for the forward pedal. It was replaced an I have not had the problem since.
