A windpower first

   / A windpower first #11  
Translated: he cant.
I got to stand next to one of these and the noise and visual pollution is considerable.
Theres the noise, the bird kills and fact that so much of the windmill is built offshore using foreign labor and fossil fuels tells me they‘re not the answer, they‘re just the answer being forced on us.
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   / A windpower first #12  
I have posted before I worked on a wind farm 60 turbines, about a year before I retired. I did survey work and did a lot of construction layout. Just me driving a pickup burned hundred of gallons of gas. A mind boggling amount of materials were delivered and installed. All this burning thousands of gallons of gas and diesel.

My point is how long does it take for all this fossil being expended building a wind farm before it balances out? I tried to find this information but couldn’t and of course it varies by location.

Im not saying wind farms are bad or good, I just wonder what the net gain is on fossil fuels being expended is.
   / A windpower first #13  
I have posted before I worked on a wind farm 60 turbines, about a year before I retired. I did survey work and did a lot of construction layout. Just me driving a pickup burned hundred of gallons of gas. A mind boggling amount of materials were delivered and installed. All this burning thousands of gallons of gas and diesel.

My point is how long does it take for all this fossil being expended building a wind farm before it balances out? I tried to find this information but couldn’t and of course it varies by location.

Im not saying wind farms are bad or good, I just wonder what the net gain is on fossil fuels being expended is.
I think wind and solar both suffer significantly from the short lifespan of efficient production.
   / A windpower first #14  
Translated: he cant.
I got to stand next to one of these and the noise and visual pollution is considerable.
Theres the noise, the bird kills and fact that so much of the windmill is built offshore using foreign labor and fossil fuels tells me they‘re not the answer, they‘re just the answer being forced on us.
The talking points are always “overall windows kill more birds” never per megawatts produced when they fact check.
   / A windpower first #15  
Even the French aren’t aren’t afraid to use nuclear power 😉, so why are we? Modern nuke plants are safe and efficient and disposing of the waste is trivial, bury it in a deep hole in the desert. A square mile of desert could hold a thousand years of nuclear power plant waste. All of our aircraft carriers and most (all?) of our submarine fleet is nuclear. The tech is solid.
   / A windpower first #17  
Energy and drugs are the two largest problems in the world . I remember back in college that a little ditch weed was as close to harmless as driving a car . Both could kill you only if you severely abused them . Now a product the size of a grain of salt can kill a 300# man within minutes.

Energy is the single largest business in the world covering almost every aspect of life . We keep getting this non substantial alternative thing pushed down our throats all for someone’s agenda. As the gentleman above stated it takes large amounts of known energy to build and dispose of the clean energy. You can’t even research the truth because nobody can report it . Anybody ever look up mining Lithium?? Not good for anyone.

Ok rant over LOL ! Maybe some day the Aliens visiting Earth will deam us worthy of clean energy and show us the way . Carry on !
   / A windpower first #20  
Please post your scholarly source for that claim.
Gigantic Plumes Of Oil Are Forming Under The Gulf -- Spill ...
Why Are Seabirds so Vulnerable to Oil Spills? | response ...
Next Year Country: Will Shell Oil save Saskatchewan birds?

SAVE OUR PLANET: Gulf Oil Spill Pictures: Birds, Fish ...

oil spills - {Count back to the days of that happy ending

apparently some people think the oil spill isn't that bad ...

International Bird Rescue - Every Bird Matters» Blog ...

luthfispace: Oil spill, dying birds and Quran

Animals and Climate Change

This list is almost 10 years old, so there may be some changes ....

Solar: Anywhere from about 1,000 birds a year, according to BrightSource, to 28,000 birds a year, according to an expert at the Center for Biological Diversity.

Wind: Between 140,000 and 328,000 birds a year in the contiguous United States, according to a December 2013 study published in the journal Biological Conservation. Taller turbines tend to take out more birds.

Oil and Gas: An estimated 500,000 to 1 million birds a year are killed in oil fields, the Bureau of Land Management said in a December 2012 memo.
[DATA MINE: Natural Gas to See Biggest Gains in Coal Country]

Coal: Huge numbers of birds, roughly 7.9 million, may be killed by coal, according to analysis by Benjamin K. Sovacool, director of the Danish Center for Energy Technologies. His estimate, however, included everything from mining to production and climate change, which together amounted to about five birds per gigawatt-hour of energy generated by coal.

Nuclear: About 330,000 birds, by Sovacool’s calculations.

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