Adding an LED voltmeter to my Kioti DK35se

   / Adding an LED voltmeter to my Kioti DK35se #31  
After reading this thread I decided to pick on of these meters up myself. Would it be a big drain on the battery if it is connected to always be on? These meters can be picked up on ebay or aliexpress for $3 or less shipped.
   / Adding an LED voltmeter to my Kioti DK35se
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After reading this thread I decided to pick on of these meters up myself. Would it be a big drain on the battery if it is connected to always be on? These meters can be picked up on ebay or aliexpress for $3 or less shipped.

I am not sure how much current it draws, but I would think it would drain the battery down in less than a week. It sure needs to be put on a key switched power source in my opinion.
   / Adding an LED voltmeter to my Kioti DK35se #33  
I am not sure how much current it draws, but I would think it would drain the battery down in less than a week. It sure needs to be put on a key switched power source in my opinion.

Agreed; any current draw will drain your battery down to nothing, eventually. Not good for the battery to go below 80% of full charge regularly, it will kill the life of your battery by a significant amount.
   / Adding an LED voltmeter to my Kioti DK35se #34  
I agree with the others, connect it to a switched supply to prevent parasitic battery drain. Always try to avoid constant battery drains. However small they may be, they do add up over time and will lead to shorter battery life. If you must connect it directly to the battery, add a push button switch in series as you probably don't need a constant voltage reading.
   / Adding an LED voltmeter to my Kioti DK35se #35  
I agree with the others, connect it to a switched supply to prevent parasitic battery drain. Always try to avoid constant battery drains. However small they may be, they do add up over time and will lead to shorter battery life. If you must connect it directly to the battery, add a push button switch in series as you probably don't need a constant voltage reading.

Thanks for the advice. I am using a marine rocker switch for my LED lights. I believe I should be able to connect to the switch and have it power on the voltage display when the switch is in the on position.
   / Adding an LED voltmeter to my Kioti DK35se
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Thanks for the advice. I am using a marine rocker switch for my LED lights. I believe I should be able to connect to the switch and have it power on the voltage display when the switch is in the on position.

Please don't accidently leave the rocker switch in the on position as you take your key and get off of the tractor.:) I suppose if your LED lights are also on you would notice it.
   / Adding an LED voltmeter to my Kioti DK35se #37  
Here's my copy of your voltmeter on my kubota bx1860. 1463206271653.jpg hard to see from the seat, but easy standing next to the tractor.
Tied into a wire in the blinker switch by removing the pin from the connector and soldering a wire on, then putting it back in. So I could remove it without leaving skint wires.
   / Adding an LED voltmeter to my Kioti DK35se #39  
Changed it to look a little better1463414786115.jpg1463414804509.jpg
   / Adding an LED voltmeter to my Kioti DK35se #40  
Here's my install of an oil pressure gauge and volt meter on my little Yanmar. Voltmeter is connected to key power so it goes off when key is turned off.


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