Africanized bees and tractor operator

   / Africanized bees and tractor operator #2  
Happened to me, but I was in a closed cab Wheel Loader. I hit a hive somehow in the ground/scrub brush. The came at me in full force, looked like a solar eclipse inside the cab. The cab went dark and it was high noon. Wife was walking towards me and saw what was happening and ran inside.
Happened to me once on a smaller scale without a cab, lucky for me the heat coming off the engine was so hot, they approached me but then backed off when they felt the heat. After 100 yards I out ran them. That was the last day I drove a tractor without a cab, never again.
   / Africanized bees and tractor operator #3  
I know timing is never right but very early/late in the day gives one a little edge. We just are not really programmed to expect that form of danger.

It had to be hard on the family to see it and not be able to help stop it. Sounds like it was close for the daughter as well.

Thanks for posting since I have to get back to doing some clean up work that I left off last summer due to the hot dry weather.
   / Africanized bees and tractor operator #4  
Over the years I have been reading about the migration of these bees. Now they are in my back yard. Moody, Texas is 4-5 hours west of me. Not good. I read the article a few days ago on AOL. I did a search for any protective measures, not much there. Mostly cover head and face, run as fast as you can into the wind. Going into water is no good as they wait for you to come up for air. Best defense seem to be find them before they find you. I've seen some large hives down in Honduras. Not sure what they were as I did not get too close.
   / Africanized bees and tractor operator #5  
These bees are everywhere most large bee keepers have them . My honey guy said half his were . Says there nothing you can really do about them . But he says there just a little meaner is all . But he has them in hives and isn't driving a tractor over there hives .

Sent from my iPhone 5 using TractorByNet
   / Africanized bees and tractor operator #6  
There was a report of a hive two counties south of me. Less than two hours drive. It's only a matter of time. B.
   / Africanized bees and tractor operator #7  
Would a spray can of wasp and bee killer drive them away?
   / Africanized bees and tractor operator #8  
I doubt it would help. I tried keeping a can on one of my dozers last summer. It didnt seem to phase the yellow jackets at all, they tore us up all summer. My open station dozer will be replaced with a cab machine when those bees get to south Ms.
   / Africanized bees and tractor operator #9  
I don't really want an enclosed cab, they look hot, without air conditioning. I wonder how window screen inside of expanded metal would work?
   / Africanized bees and tractor operator #10  
I think a window screen would do ok. But my main reason for buying a machine without cab was for visibility. With window screens you will have the same problem and also have to have doors to get in and out. The only advantage i see to window screen is that your A/C will never cause you to lose a day or two of downtime each time something goes wrong.

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