Snow An observation from the deep south.....

   / An observation from the deep south.....
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You forgot to mention swatting the mosquitoes that are big enough to eat horses for snacks.:laughing:

It's not so much the skeeters that bother us in the summertime, Repel and other insect repellents work pretty good on them if you need it. It's the gnats that are just as bad, if not worse! Nothing worse than a swarm of pesky little flying zits trying to fly up in your nose, your eyes, your mouth, or in your ears!! :mad: Or the fireants that are hiding in the grass waiting to bite you about 20 times on your barefeet before you realize what's going on and the burning sensation sets in! :mad: :mad:
Still, I'll take the heat, the humidity, and the biting, stinging insects over 20 deg weather!! :laughing:
   / An observation from the deep south..... #32  
We're only part way through our second tank of
*heating oil,
which at the price of oil this year is a huge relief. Miss the snow though.
*Do you use this in your tractor ?
I sure would be if i heated with it.
   / An observation from the deep south..... #34  
the tractor gets used year round here no matter what because the cows have tobe tended to.
   / An observation from the deep south..... #35  
I have not taken the time to read all the replies here but I for one LOVE the snow!!! My license plate says it all "W8N4-SNO"!!!! This winter is killing me!! I want to ride my snowmobile but we have not had enough snow to get out and ride on. I will take Western PA over almost anywhere in the states any time!!! we have four very distinct season. We have almost no tornadoes or earthquakes and most of the time when we do they are not that bad!
   / An observation from the deep south..... #36  
*Do you use this in your tractor ?
I sure would be if i heated with it.

Heating oil is about 20 cents a Litre more than coloured diesel. I wish I had a transfer tank big enough to fill our household oil tank with it.
   / An observation from the deep south..... #37  
Not much snow here but still been pretty cold. We've had a day or two of warm weather and then it drops right back down to 0 or below.

For those of you thinking of using heating oil in your tractors, you may want to remember that heating oil is not the same as off road diesel. Heating oil has additives to help keep your fuel tank clean while off road diesel has additives to help lubricate the fuel system and here's the important one, it has anti-jelling in it. So if you want to use heating oil you should add something like Power Service.
   / An observation from the deep south..... #38  
Not much snow here but still been pretty cold. We've had a day or two of warm weather and then it drops right back down to 0 or below.

For those of you thinking of using heating oil in your tractors, you may want to remember that heating oil is not the same as off road diesel. Heating oil has additives to help keep your fuel tank clean while off road diesel has additives to help lubricate the fuel system and here's the important one, it has anti-jelling in it. So if you want to use heating oil you should add something like Power Service.

Yep... that's exactly what I do - Power Service. Of course, most diesel fuel additives for truck-tractor use have anti-fungal additives as well.

At a $1.00+/gallon difference between fuel oil and off-road/on-road fuel; I burn what's in that big drum next to the barn.... :D

   / An observation from the deep south..... #39  
Warm days, very little snow. Felt like early spring today. Robins have been here in central Maine for the past week. I like it.
   / An observation from the deep south..... #40  
We have had Robins here in the Niagara-on-the-Lake area for the last 10 days also
A real nice non winter have not used my Cub since its repair as there been no snow to blow