Another Battery!

   / Another Battery! #1  


Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2009
Southern Ca. halfway up a mountain in rural Ramona
273 TYM. 2009 //Yardmachines 7 Speed Shift-on-the-goScotts L2048
I went out to use the tractor and move some wood chips around. Turned the key and nada, zilch, no clicking, no lights on dash, nothing. 5 years and 21 days on the Legend from Napa. I was sort of surprised because ever since I put that Legend in on 8-01-2019 it's had a BatteryMinder 1500 hooked up and plugged in.

I was hoping that would get me 10-15 years of life from the battery, but nope! So I'm not sure if the battery just had a specific lifespan or if my BatteryMinder Chargers are just not up to snuff; or I was expecting/hoping for to much! Probably the last!

I guess I'll just have to stick with a 5 year lifespan on batteries. I know that's what a lot of you have all said but I was sort of hoping to beat the odds and get a battery to last for a really long time! I ran down to Napa and got another one and I'm still "hoping" for a "long" lifespan but I'm not going to hold my breath!!

$110.00 in 2019 and $224.00 in 2024, $114.00 difference for the same darn item - that "probably" won't even last 5 years this time! Go figure!!
Oh well, I need my beast to fire up at any moment that I have the need so that's what it takes. It's just sorta hard to accept that big of a change in cost for the same darn thing!!
   / Another Battery! #3  
Time was - I unhooked every battery and brought them into the spare bedroom in the winter. Except for my pickup. Then I got Battery Tenders for all the batteries. Much easier.

My batteries tend to last 9 to 12 years. I replaced the OEM battery in my Kubota with an Odyssey. Going on eleven years and still strong as an ox. Yes - it was expensive - $400 - but with a mile long driveway I would be stuck if we ever again get much snow.
   / Another Battery! #4  
A good battery well maintained will last 4 to 5 years. I had one make it to 6 years, but that is about the limit of a wet cell battery.
   / Another Battery! #5  
the bouncing and rough abuse most tractor batteries take a toll on them. but even a good, solid battery in the generators i service will easily get 5 years under constant maintainer, but seldom reach 7 years.
   / Another Battery! #6  
12 volt Walmart battery in my 8N Ford tractor lasted an unbelievable 18 years ! Naturally when it failed I replaced it with another Walmart battery, that was about 5 years ago.
   / Another Battery! #8  
Batteries are kind of a crap shoot, but my recent experience is that they now last a good while. The original battery in my tractor gave up in less than 5 years, but the replacement lasted 8 years. I put a couple of layers of foam underneath in hopes it will cut down on the vibration.

I replaced my current car battery after 9 years just on principle, but I'm using the original one as a spare around the shop. My original equipment truck battery seems to be doing fine after more than 7 years but it's an AGM so I guess it will last pretty well.

I try to keep them clean and give them a booster trickle charge several times a year.
   / Another Battery! #9  
I agree with KennyG....crap shoot. The original battery in my Kubota B2620 lasted 11 years. I replaced it with a new battery 2 years ago with, after lots of research here, made by Johnson Controls with high CCA's and after two years it sounds so sickly cranking over you sometimes wonder if it's even going to start.
Not sure what I'm going to buy next.
   / Another Battery! #10  
I've had more batteries fail that have been left on battery tenders (several brands) than not.

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