Anyone on the South Beach Diet?

   / Anyone on the South Beach Diet? #11  
Been on my own modified Atkins for three years plus now. Dropped from 226 to 181 in a few months. I eat anytime I feel like it. I don't eat flour, sugar (Love Splenda!), or potatoes. Eat lots of cheese, veggies, meats, etc. Haven't put any back on. Have a beer or two or more (low carb) on the weekends. Food never tasted so good. Doc has taken me off the cholesterol medicine. Overall level dropped well into the acceptable range and the good stuff TRIPLED. he will take me off of the high blood pressure medicine next checkup. I don't follow any particular practicioner's rules, but I know that diets always fail because you can't conduct your life feeling deprived. Just make a lifestyle change and discover all of the things you never tried that taste so good and are great for you. Just my personal experience and opinions.
   / Anyone on the South Beach Diet? #12  
That's impressive, margaritaman! Your modified Atkins approach sounds like it's working wonders for you, especially with those fantastic health improvements. It's great to hear that you've found a sustainable way to manage your diet and enjoy the foods you love while still achieving your health goals.Speaking of health and fitness, have you ever explored Chris Pratt's workout routine? It's always fascinating to see how celebrities maintain their fitness levels. Maybe you'll discover some interesting tips or exercises to complement your lifestyle change. Keep up the fantastic progress!
Unfortunately this thread is 17 years old and Margaritaman hasn't been on here for over 3 years so I doubt he will see this, but it is a good topic to resurrect.
   / Anyone on the South Beach Diet? #13  
I went on the weight watchers diet in the 70's, lost the weight and kept it off. Weight Watchers was quite a bit different then.
It was about eating a balance of , fruit, veggies and meat protein. Portion control was the rule. And could not eat anything that had sugar in the first three listed ingredients. Eating breads or pasta was very limited. Almost a ban on my regular processed foods.
Lost 90 lbs. and I am a lot healthier because of the experience.
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   / Anyone on the South Beach Diet? #14  
Low carb diet works well for me. Not just weight, but cholesterol and glucose control as well.

It can be expensive as meats are a central figure in the diet.
   / Anyone on the South Beach Diet? #15  
I use extended fasting to lose weight, calorie mindfulness/intermittent fasting to maintain. 36-60 hour fast will remove at least a pound of fat. This has been permanent. I have lost 25+ pounds this way. At the same time I’m weight training and occasionally doing cardio. Bloodwork has improved dramatically along with well being.

Diet is high protein high fat, less carbs.
   / Anyone on the South Beach Diet? #16  
The fasting also eats up loose skin, and who knows what it does for internal organs….studies show it reduces many tumors and polyps and that extended fasting can aid with chemotherapy treatments.
   / Anyone on the South Beach Diet? #18  
I have lost weight in the past with low carb, it worked for me but in my opinion it’s not sustainable. I weigh about 40 pounds less than I did about 5 or 6 years ago. I mostly have been eating less but also have cut out things like chips and deserts. On the occasion I do eat something like a cookie or other desert it sure does taste good.
   / Anyone on the South Beach Diet? #19  
It's a Keto diet for me. Sounds about the same as these other low carb diets > I eat mostly veggies and meats. Lost 25-30 pounds in 6 months - down to my fighting weight. (y) I lots the belly fat. I'm no longer embarrassed about my shape. :giggle:
I staying on it. I'm not hungry. Type 2 diabetes under control. Was about to hit type 1 diabetic last January. Phew !
   / Anyone on the South Beach Diet? #20  
I talked with my doctor and we switched over to Rybelsus for Type II diabetes control. It helps decrease your appetite. At the same time I started using the MyFitnessPal app to track calories and weight. Being retired gives me more time to focus on meal planning and exercise. My A1C was down to 6.6 after 3 months on Rybelsus but the first 3 months are increasing doses of 3 mg, 7 mg, and 14 mg. Now that I have been at 14 mg for 3 months my meter shows the A1C should be around 5.6, based on my average BS checks. So far in the last 4 1/2 months I have lost 54 pounds.