Are our grandkids getting too sissified?

   / Are our grandkids getting too sissified? #171  
I got a small toy steam engine before I was five and no mention was ever made about supervision. Made lots of gun powder in the basement and cast lead objects on kitchen stove out of wheel weights. Fired a million pellets in the basement with a few coming back to hit me in the face. Not the slightest thought of safety glasses.

I just saw a documentary on how microwaves can destroy DNA but it only shows up generations later. The ex military microwave expert thinks anyone that puts WIFI into schools should be imprisoned! These kids may actually be playing with things far more dangerous than I did
   / Are our grandkids getting too sissified? #172  
I got a small toy steam engine before I was five and no mention was ever made about supervision. Made lots of gun powder in the basement and cast lead objects on kitchen stove out of wheel weights. Fired a million pellets in the basement with a few coming back to hit me in the face. Not the slightest thought of safety glasses.

I just saw a documentary on how microwaves can destroy DNA but it only shows up generations later. The ex military microwave expert thinks anyone that puts WIFI into schools should be imprisoned! These kids may actually be playing with things far more dangerous than I did

It was always a toss up...having to bother one of your parents to take you to the ER to get sewed up...or toughing it out with butter fly band-aids and not getting to add to your total "stitches count" for bragging rights...!!!
   / Are our grandkids getting too sissified? #173  
   / Are our grandkids getting too sissified? #174  
Common sense has become a rarity. Just glad my child rearing days are done.
   / Are our grandkids getting too sissified? #175  
I stepped on nails while barefoot at construction sites (a favorite hangout) but fortunately, there was lots of pink cotton in the walls to wrap up the wound. I went to the hospital once as a kid on account of accident or illness, after being thrown down the stairs by my slinky. Spend days in there with a concussion.
   / Are our grandkids getting too sissified? #176  
Common sense has become a rarity. Just glad my child rearing days are done.

Similar thoughts here and I really like being around kids...
   / Are our grandkids getting too sissified? #177  
I was brought up on an island (had bridge access) but quite rural.
We scuba dove using a garden hose.
Our submarine was an inverted rowboat.
My homemade racing boat was 2 4 x 8 sheets of plywood and a 2 x 10" transom. It sunk mid river when it hid some waves, actually it dove, LOL. But with 25HP on 4 x 8 really was thrilling. (actually steered with a pair of vicegrips.)
We fell thru the ice a few time in the springtime.
Some winters after a thaw we'd drive our cars onto the ice and had a blast. Pulling a friend on a metal disc (flying saucer) and whipping would send the rider flying at breakneck speeds generally ending on shore against a tree.
We waterskied on home made skis steam bent from 1 X 8 pine boards with running shoes as harness. (worked OK until they broke from hitting waves)

But, what the hey, never broke any bones and I'll soon be 80. (and plan to live forever, LOL, so far so good!)
Well perhaps not forever but genes look good, Mom made it to 98 another kin to 102.

In retirement I live on a small lake and my daughter has her cottage across from us,
She is raising our granddaughters much as we raised her and her brother so the girls are being very much raised as she was. Nice young ladies and not too spoiled.
Both had to work their way thru college for their wants while parents covered the tuition.
As they graduate they also share the 'rent' ,so to speak. No free rides.