Are our grandkids getting too sissified?

   / Are our grandkids getting too sissified? #11  
Agree that things have changed since when we were kids.
Guns at young age to pick off squirrels, rabbits and chipmunks. Nobody ever got shot.
Rode my bike 35 miles one way to visit grandparents who were surprised to see me that far from home on my bike. They called Mom and Dad and I spent the night and rode home the next day. No helmet, knee pads etc. Just followed the law and rode with traffic.
No cell phones or video games. We had to make up our own games or things to do. We had to use our minds. We didn't even have a TV until 1956 and then it was B&W.
Rode in the back of open pick ups without seat belts. Most vehicles didn't even have seat belts then.
We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth and there were no lawsuits from these accidents.
We ate cupcakes, white bread and real butter and drank Kool-aid made with sugar, but we weren't overweight because, WE WERE ALWAYS OUTSIDE PLAYING.
We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and then ride down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes.
When we did wrong we got spanked either by hand or with a belt. Nobody would ever call the police to report your parents for child abuse.
No childproof caps on medicine bottles.
We had to do chores or we didn't get supper. When we did eat we had to eat everything put on the plate.

Ahh, the good old days.

Ditto, and YES...we Survived!
   / Are our grandkids getting too sissified? #12  
"Ahh, the good old days." is right!

We didn't go running to a lawyer every time we got a bruise on somebody else's property. Or even bitten by the neighbor's dog for that matter. Although they did pay several bucks for the doctors bill. A stitch or two, a bandage and a shot, that's all there was to it. Life went on............:dance1:
   / Are our grandkids getting too sissified? #14  
My kids, I have 3 boys went to this type Kindergarten. Almost outdoors all year, sleep out doors down to -10 - 15C, climbed trees, learnt to use knife, axes and hammers etc. Works very well and they loved it.
   / Are our grandkids getting too sissified? #15  
My kids, I have 3 boys went to this type Kindergarten. Almost outdoors all year, sleep out doors down to -10 - 15C, climbed trees, learnt to use knife, axes and hammers etc. Works very well and they loved it.

Very cool! These days the kindergartners are all sporting smartphones and tablets. No time to play outside. Sad and unfair.
   / Are our grandkids getting too sissified? #16  
Playgrounds - insurance liability rules.

More people are at work today than when I was a kid. Mothers stayed home and were home makers.

The kids today are sent to daycare, after-school programs. The kids get downtime by hitting the electronics, just like their parents do after a day at work.
If you leave your kids unattended in the car you may come back to a cop and the state taking your kids.

We have snowflakes - but we also have a government that dips into everyones's business.

4 years ago when I retired from teaching - one of my female students was proficient with a handgun. Her father was an instructor. She made cookies for his group classes.) Another female student looked forward to hunting - deer, turkey. Another tagged her first doe. I had a male student who taught himself to trap, tan the hides. He carried a club he made himself to finish them off if they were still alive (and they usually were.

Some kids are tough in new ways, some in old ways. I think it depends on the income of the family the type of toughness they develop. Rural poor hunt, poach, work on their junk 4 wheelers, snowsleds. Rural well to do kids participate in farm league, school athletics, ride and care for the motorized equipment they are given. Drive to work. Rural church kids keep out of trouble, engage in the school activities - plays, chorus, clubs. They attend church functions. They are never disciplined because there is no need. And there are many who don't fit any category. - I had one student who liked to listen to music. He knew the best way to get the best sound of equipment. His jokes were good, but he was never pushy, never fought, never in trouble. This mild kid got his first job in the fall of his sophomore year. He butchered turkeys for his neighbor, using a cone. The work lasted from before Thanksgiving until Xmas. He did tell me that it was getting "old". He was tough.
   / Are our grandkids getting too sissified? #17  
We have farm kindergarten, a lot of different outdoors Kindergarten, nothing like that in the US?
   / Are our grandkids getting too sissified? #18  
I think we can blame the opportunistic lawyers who see a dollar in every cut and bruise so much so that local authorities, schools etc have to make everything idiot proof and negate any form of injury.
We had a case a few years ago where some clown dived off a bridge despite warning signs that the water was shallow and succeeded in paralysing himself, he won a multi million dollar payout but lost on appeal, the local authority contested the claim that despite the signs warned of shallow water they did not warn of what injuries could be expected.
In this case common sense prevailed.
My daughter broke her arm when she was at primary school, she was climbing up a slide while someone was coming down, as far as I was concerned it was her fault and she learned a lesson through the pain, we could have sued but it wasn't anyones fault but her own.
Unfortunately the system only serves to increase insurance premiums and ultimately we pay for it through higher fees and taxes.
May I add that I used to eat dirt until my first wife walked out and I got a wife who can cook....
   / Are our grandkids getting too sissified? #19  
Yea the Good old days. My childhood was no different than many of you are talking about. Parents changed too through the years. Did parents even care if you were around all day ? As long as you didn't get into trouble they were happy. And I know of a few old time farmers who would tell their sons to leave the house if they weren't going to work the farm. My FIL was told to leave because he was one 5 boys and didn't need that many boys around. So yea things have changed. For the better or worst I don't know. What I do know is none of us have an answer.
Are kids whimper today ? Sure. Not by their choice though. Just like it wasn't our choice to be the way we were.
   / Are our grandkids getting too sissified? #20  
More people are at work today than when I was a kid. Mothers stayed home and were home makers.

The kids today are sent to daycare, after-school programs. The kids get downtime by hitting the electronics, just like their parents do after a day at work.
If you leave your kids unattended in the car you may come back to a cop and the state taking your kids.

We have snowflakes - but we also have a government that dips into everyones's business.

Both of my parents worked, my mother went back once my youngest sister started school. I think I was 11, as the oldest it was my responsibility to look after my siblings.
School vacations and summer my father would leave a list of chores for my brother and me, my mother did the same for my sisters. If we hustled we could finish by lunch time and have the afternoon to ourselves.

No one's mentioned the big to-do these days over "bullying". We had bullies when I was growing up too, as I'm sure did every other generation before. We just learned how to deal with them.

Agree with you on government meddling.