Attracting Purple Martins

   / Attracting Purple Martins #1  


Super Star Member
Apr 17, 2009
nowhere, md
I would like to have purple martins.

I have a very irregular shaped cleared area about 4 acres in size with woods around it and a pond at one end. It has good southern light exposure. There is also a small drainage ditch which usually has a trickle of water in it. Don't know how close to the woods martins like to be.

I have read about the right time of year to attract new colonies and so forth but would like to hear any thoughts from folks who have had tried - with or without success. :)

Anyone have a story to share?
Thanks, Dave.
   / Attracting Purple Martins #2  
Always wanted to do it Dave but never got around to it. I understand they they eat on the wing. Probably put away a few black flies for you.

I guess you'll be putting up a house?
   / Attracting Purple Martins
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Always wanted to do it Dave but never got around to it. I understand they they eat on the wing. Probably put away a few black flies for you.

I guess you'll be putting up a house?

That's the plan. About ready to order a house and pole and wondered if anyone had advice. Attracting and Managing Purple Martins

Unfortunately they do not eat mosquitos as people think - according to this site. They can have all the black flies their little bellies will hold :)

   / Attracting Purple Martins #4  
I’m far from an expert. I know you can find tons of info on the internet. From what I’ve seen, there just isn’t any secret to attracting them. They seem to prefer some yards for no obvious reason, at least none that I can figure out. We would always throw our egg shells in the driveway for them and the barn swallows. I do recall reading that they seem to prefer the gourd type houses. I don’t know and probably won’t find out. That’s a bit more elaborate than I’m willing to get. :D Still, I love hearing them through the summer.
   / Attracting Purple Martins #5  
I have 16 gourd martin houses at my farm. Put up some gourd houses and if you have purple martins in the area, they will come to them. The martins arrived late in north Louisiana this year because of colder weather.They have been arriving in late Feb. or early March most years. Here is a picture of some of mine from 2 years ago.


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   / Attracting Purple Martins #6  
That's the plan. About ready to order a house and pole and wondered if anyone had advice. Attracting and Managing Purple Martins

Unfortunately they do not eat mosquitos as people think - according to this site. They can have all the black flies their little bellies will hold :)


must be one of those bits I picked up along the way....looks like they might help out with those other fly problems we see though.

They're a pretty bird and I imagine attracting a colony would be fun.
   / Attracting Purple Martins #7  
That site you linked to doesn't make a big point of it, but I always heard they most like to have their home near water. So, in addition to a spot in the open not too near trees, I'd put it close to your pond. :thumbsup:
   / Attracting Purple Martins
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Thanks for the replies. So, gourd homes and near water. Makes sense.
Good input. Keep 'em coming please.
   / Attracting Purple Martins
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must be one of those bits I picked up along the way....looks like they might help out with those other fly problems we see though.

They're a pretty bird and I imagine attracting a colony would be fun.

I wasn't too happy to see dragon flies on the menu! I could use something that eats flies for sure. Little boogers winter under my vinyl siding.

I don't know if I will still be able to hear them, they have a twitter sound I think. Need to get me one of them Game Ears from Cabela's one of these days. For now, I'm having too much fun driving my wife crazy. :D

   / Attracting Purple Martins #10  
I set up a Purple Martin gambrel roof barn in red that boasts 16 nest holes. It is on a telescoping pole that goes up 15'. I put in our front lawn area (about 2 acres) about 60' from our front porch. Purple Martins don't mind people nearby, but your Martin house needs to be at least 40' away from any trees in order to not unduely attract other birds.
Starlings and Sparrows are mortal enemies of Purple Martins and will try to take over their nests. Keep them at bay be removing any nest materials they try to set up and chasing them off. Once the Martins are established, they should defend their turf unless harrassed alot. At that point they may just leave.
Last year was my first time with Purple Martins. It seemed like awhile but they showed up and established 3-4 nests. Around late July and August they left for South America, their winter quarters. Here in Southwest Missouri, they begin to return around March 15th. Last year's nesting birds are the ones who will return to your Martin house. New birds will also establish themselves if they like what they see. Your colony will begin to grow each season and then its time to add more houses.
My wife and I enjoy sitting on our front porch and watching Purple Martins, especially in the evening as they go about catching insects in the air. I've noticed that they will range out quite a distance over our pastures and grasslands. By the way, Purple Martins are pretty much 100% dependent on man for their nesting needs, so establising a colony is a good thing for the environment. Finally, after the birds have left for South America, I take down the house and pole to clean it and store it for the winter. Mike.

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