New member
Hello all. Hoping someone can guide me to options on my new to me B2301. In short, the Loader fell off working in the woods, 1 side. Hoping I can get consideration from Kubota, I'm the 2nd owner. It has 250 hours. Trashed the hood and the grill, and bent the loader to the point it will not reattach. Bent hydraulic lines, scratched it all over and took out the rear lights trying to get it out of the woods with minimal damage. Was cleaning up brush hog cuttings and some small trees I cut or pulled out. When pushing the piles into the woods, something must have caught the mount/retention pin and knocked the small retaining pin out of the oversized bracket on 1 side. Misery to try and align it enough to move it at all. Extremely poor design, albeit very similar to my 2000 B2710, that I bought new and worked much harder (and still have in the family). Seems to have a much broader neutral load point for the mount pin removal than my B2710, which, if so, would make it more prone to coming out. I also saw on a quick i-net search there have been others with similar experiences
Any ideas who to reach out to at Kubota and the odds they will make it right? While it is still under warranty, guessing they will say user error or abuse, which is definitely not the case.
All the best,
Any ideas who to reach out to at Kubota and the odds they will make it right? While it is still under warranty, guessing they will say user error or abuse, which is definitely not the case.
All the best,