B2650 vs B3350SUHSD

   / B2650 vs B3350SUHSD #1  


New member
Jun 25, 2021
Hi I'm looking at 2 used Kubotas with same pricing $15900. First is a 2017 B2650 with 507 hrs and the second is a 2016 B3350 with 248 hrs. I have a 3 acre property and I believe(based on reading this forum) that the B2650 is more than sufficient for my needs. My question is how much can I offer the dealer for the B2650 ? I've seen it priced $14000 by private party elsewhere(with more mileage). I dont want to lowball but I dont want to spend too much either. My question is whether I could offer $12500 for it. TIA.
   / B2650 vs B3350SUHSD #3  
Hi I'm looking at 2 used Kubotas with same pricing $15900. First is a 2017 B2650 with 507 hrs and the second is a 2016 B3350 with 248 hrs. I have a 3 acre property and I believe(based on reading this forum) that the B2650 is more than sufficient for my needs. My question is how much can I offer the dealer for the B2650 ? I've seen it priced $14000 by private party elsewhere(with more mileage). I dont want to lowball but I dont want to spend too much either. My question is whether I could offer $12500 for it. TIA.
You may offer whatever you like.

Dealer will almost certainly reject anything less than $15000 but it does not hurt to offer whatever.
   / B2650 vs B3350SUHSD #4  
I would not EVER consider the B3350 because of the widespread emissions issues. Back in 2016 when I was in the market the B3350 was on my short list until I read all of the horror stories. Some folks here had problems, others did not.
   / B2650 vs B3350SUHSD
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You may offer whatever you like.

Dealer will almost certainly reject anything less than $15000 but it does not hurt to offer whatever.
This is my first tractor purchase and I'm coming in from the car dealer world so I'm not sure what the "correct" negotiation process is. Thats why I am leaning on TBN for experience. Based on what you say $12.5K might be a low ball so I'll stick away from that. Thanks
   / B2650 vs B3350SUHSD #6  
Maybe you should consider whether a FEL or MMM is involved in the purchase now or later.

   / B2650 vs B3350SUHSD
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FELs are there for both. No MMMs. I have a zero turn that I plan to use for lawn mowing. The tractor more for the loader and PTO functions
   / B2650 vs B3350SUHSD #8  
I would not EVER consider the B3350 because of the widespread emissions issues. Back in 2016 when I was in the market the B3350 was on my short list until I read all of the horror stories. Some folks here had problems, others did not.
Though it took much too loong, the B3350 issues have largely been resolved.

Yes, operators do need to read the Operator's Manual and follow the instructions.

FWIW, The B3350 is the only tractor available from any manufacturer with a lifetime, transferrable "emissions" warranty.
   / B2650 vs B3350SUHSD #9  
Though it took much too loong, the B3350 issues have largely been resolved.

Yes, operators do need to read the Operator's Manual and follow the instructions.

FWIW, The B3350 is the only tractor available from any manufacturer with a lifetime, transferrable "emissions" warranty.

I know you have first hand experience with the B3350, and a good outcome. That said, a 238 hour B3350 being sold at the dealer is very likely to still have issues. I suspect it didn't get there by being a reliable machine.
   / B2650 vs B3350SUHSD #10  
I know you have first hand experience with the B3350, and a good outcome. That said, a 238 hour B3350 being sold at the dealer is very likely to still have issues. I suspect it didn't get there by being a reliable machine.
I would hope that the dealer would make the necessary changes to the B3350, and that he would be careful to inform prospective buyers about the "special history" of that model. The lifetime transferrable warranty would be part of that. So the OP probably already knows.

If the dealer does not or has not, .... then that would be something to take into consideration.

The only other Kubota model I can recall having a known problem were the ones with the jerky 3pt hitch a decade before the B3350.... been so long that now I forget that model. Someone will probably remember.

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