Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2

   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #14,682  
With kW approaching 50 cents and gas $5 a gallon a lot of things that didn't pencil out maybe do...

For all I know this might be the overall plan?

My 6kW array covers all my electric plus a small 250-300 check I receive each year which covers the monthly meter fee.

I have almost nothing in my system except my time... the previous owner started it 15 years ago and never completed... the components came with the house as in we are leaving when I bought.
Is gas really $5/gallon where you live? I just filled up this afternoon at $2.59/gallon.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #14,684  
Is gas really $5/gallon where you live? I just filled up this afternoon at $2.59/gallon.
Down a little… 4.69 today.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #14,685  
Funny compilation, apparently in the UK...some ICE made it, some didn't:
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #14,688  

And now you know as they say.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #14,689  
New Cybertruck long distance test and it aligns with what many are concerned about.

The efficiency is much worse than other Teslas, No driving over 2 hours. No driving 75 unless you want to stop even more often.
This truck needs more battery, which will decrease storage and increase price.

They were not towing or loaded heavy either.

Good Local sport / work truck.

Not going to be chosen for long distance trips over the other Tesla models by many.

They added at least 7 hours to their trip for charging.
12 charging stops 30-50 minutes each charging session

   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #14,690  
Theoretically a sufficiently well to do person could buy a decent sized acreage , outright purchase a large off grid system with storage and an EV or more and never even hook up to the grid assuming they got the solar storage inverters set up with a genny first,
then keep the generator for back up :)

By Large, I Do mean LARGE Solar, and storage, inverters

Of course being an Electronics Tech you already know that.
kinda done that 90 kw local storage 40 kw solar array off grid with 30 kw backup generator (used 120 kw of gen backup in last 12 months), have a plugin hybrid about 90 km/ 50 Mile range ev only.

We average 1.5 l/ 100 km fuel for vehicle. Charging network for long trips just didn’t make me feel comfortable Owning ev only.

Always been a tech head, and the whole setup brings a smile to face. Not economically viable but in 10 years I would say so.
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