Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2

   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #17,351  
You posted my proof in charts you can not understand.

Darkblack has to be a woman given the amount of emotional drivel with no facts.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #17,353  
Happened to notice the Housing category on now has an "EV Charging" filter.

Thumb in the eye of all of you claiming poor old decrepit renters will never get EV charging. It is happening just as I said. Those searching for housing are looking for EV charging, and Craigslist noticed.
You realize of course that just because craiglists has a filter for choosing whether a house or apartment or condo has EV charging availability, doesnt change how many units actually have level 2 or better EV charging available. So your supposed thumb in the eye is foolishness. It just means craiglists added a filter, like they have a filter for wheel chair accessible......accept that wheel chair accessiblity is in building codes for certain new buildings, whereas EV level 2 or better charging requirements are not code and is not a must have in existing housing built under previous codes. So according to studies in attached 2023 article , still over 70% of all EV owners live in owned single family homes where EV chargers have been installed. And in Canada for example cost anywhere from 2 to 5 thousand installed. These are very similar to numbers I quoted past year and was criticized as being way high.....except here is the proof for Canadians. (Use your USD exchange if need be) So lets be honest and realistic when comparing ICE operating costs to EV costs, you have to add in installments of chargers, level 2 or better. .( see article for expense to install in condos ) ....and true cost of electricity both at home and when needed on the interstates, and the cost of tires etc etc Buying an electric car? What to know about costs, logistics of at-home charging - National |
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #17,354  
Darkblack has to be a woman given the amount of emotional drivel with no facts.

I trust Ford knows what RPM to get optimal MPG from my truck. Usually about 1500 at 70 MPH. If the specific HP needed to move the truck could be had at high RPM I'm sure Mr. Ford would shift the 10 speed transmission accordingly.

Aircraft ICE are designed to get their best HP/gallon at 75-80% of rated HP. But they don't get very good HP/gallon at those outputs compared to automotive engines at lower % output.

And then one doesn't put an automobile engine in an airplane running at lower output to get better fuel economy because more HP will be needed to keep the heavier engine airborne.

There are a lot of equations with a lot of variables to be balanced. How much heavier of an engine? How much extra fuel? Jet engines put out a lot of power, low weight, high fuel consumption.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #17,356  
You realize of course that just because craiglists has a filter for choosing whether a house or apartment or condo has EV charging availability, doesnt change how many units actually have level 2 or better EV charging available.
So, you didn't actually go to Craigslist and search before posting the wisdom you just simply know.

So your supposed thumb in the eye is foolishness. It just means craiglists added a filter, like they have a filter for wheel chair accessible......accept that wheel chair accessiblity is in building codes for certain new buildings, whereas EV level 2 or better charging requirements are not code and is not a must have in existing housing built under previous codes.
You do not understand the consumer-driven economy. You should run for government.

Craigslist did not add "EV charging" filter because some government code told them to. They did it because someone using their site will see the filter and say, "Yes! I want that in my new apartment!" and will have a better Craigslist experience. It will better match renters to apartments. Will motivate landlords to add this feature if they don't have it.

So according to studies in attached 2023 article , still over 70% of all EV owners live in owned single family homes where EV chargers have been installed.
First step in propaganda is to start quoting statistics as if it means much.

And in Canada for example cost anywhere from 2 to 5 thousand installed. These are very similar to numbers I quoted past year and was criticized as being way high.....except here is the proof for Canadians. (Use your USD exchange if need be) So lets be honest and realistic when comparing ICE operating costs to EV costs, you have to add in installments of chargers, level 2 or better. .( see article for expense to install in condos ) ....and true cost of electricity both at home and when needed on the interstates, and the cost of tires etc etc Buying an electric car? What to know about costs, logistics of at-home charging - National |
Yeah right, you find an article that says what you want to hear and quote it over and over again as if it is the last word. But many in your audience here have actually installed L2 charging connectors (not chargers) and know what is involved. Especially when dealing with professional organizations who have been granted an exclusive monopoly by government.

You have no EV experience other than reading that which says what you want to hear. 10 years ago we used to swap stories of getting quotes from electricians to install a 50A circuit with Tesla Wall Connector. The electricians referred by Tesla started at $2000 for the simplest install. Believed they had a rich sucker. But cold calling an electrician out of the phone book who has never seen an EV before typically did the job for $200-$500 plus the Wall Connector.

Don't believe everything you read.
Don't read everything you believe.

Same sort of thing for PV solar. Parts for a 10kW system was $17,000. Parts and installation from the local utility's "approved vendor" list was $35,000. So I postponed about 10 years to add solar to my new house. A 14kW system with 20kWh battery (previous did not have battery or off-grid capability) is $33k in parts and the general contractor electrician will install.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #17,359  
So, you didn't actually go to Craigslist and search before posting the wisdom you just simply know.

You do not understand the consumer-driven economy. You should run for government.

Craigslist did not add "EV charging" filter because some government code told them to. They did it because someone using their site will see the filter and say, "Yes! I want that in my new apartment!" and will have a better Craigslist experience. It will better match renters to apartments. Will motivate landlords to add this feature if they don't have it.

First step in propaganda is to start quoting statistics as if it means much.

Yeah right, you find an article that says what you want to hear and quote it over and over again as if it is the last word. But many in your audience here have actually installed L2 charging connectors (not chargers) and know what is involved. Especially when dealing with professional organizations who have been granted an exclusive monopoly by government.

You have no EV experience other than reading that which says what you want to hear. 10 years ago we used to swap stories of getting quotes from electricians to install a 50A circuit with Tesla Wall Connector. The electricians referred by Tesla started at $2000 for the simplest install. Believed they had a rich sucker. But cold calling an electrician out of the phone book who has never seen an EV before typically did the job for $200-$500 plus the Wall Connector.

Don't believe everything you read.
Don't read everything you believe.

Same sort of thing for PV solar. Parts for a 10kW system was $17,000. Parts and installation from the local utility's "approved vendor" list was $35,000. So I postponed about 10 years to add solar to my new house. A 14kW system with 20kWh battery (previous did not have battery or off-grid capability) is $33k in parts and the general contractor electrician will install.
You are hilarious Grumpy,..
......First the craiglist website aspect is like a dating website having a filter for the guys to check off if they own a Ferrari . doesnt change how many guys actually own a Ferrari, nor does it change how many girls actually find it important whether a guy owns a Ferrari. Second this isn't a podcaster in a basement article this is a national news organization that doesnt have a built in bias like Grumpy or a podcaster does. Third the article even explains the headache of condo associations in Vancouver or Toronto, yes being willing to listen to EV owners, but researching that it would cost each condo owner $35,000 added cost to modify parking to have charger ( probably a similar stand alone electic meter like you showed on your post above, besides the regular condo meter they all are built with) So whether $35,000 or some how even $25,000 , it's much more difficult and expensive for Apartments and condos to add that metered feature in parking location , any way you look at it. So it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that will be a major hurdle for housing infrastructure to catch up to EV tenant "wants." Fourth comparing your individual single house dwelling's solar installation is a bogus apples to pickles comparison. But I do see you continue to totally discount the validity of the major class of demographic that lives in apartments and condos etc.....all because they are not exactly the same as you......
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