Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2

   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,141  
1. We do produce our own oil. The US is a net exporter.
2. Eggs went up because of bird flu.
3. Covid made a wreck out of the supply chain.
Hence me not wanting to be held hostage by any terrorist, foreign, or domestic. Solar panels and an electric car, flock of 50 chickens, 1/8th acre garden, there's not a lot I need from others if push comes to shove.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,142  
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,144  

“There are lots of other serious implications to losing permafrost coverage, such as releasing more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, as well as uncovering radioactive materialsand unleashing dormant viruses, which could spark new pandemics.

Gale , do you even read half the crap articles you copy/paste on this thread?
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,145  
You must be a midget. Getting into and out of a vehicle is one of the major deal killers for anyone above average size. If you can't access it and sit comfortably, everyone will keep looking

So am I midget, or just not above average size? There is a big area called normal size in there without being a midget 😂 Im 5’11”… maybe I’m small I stature? Who knew.

Also, he stated easy to get into and out of WITH FSD. That is a very small sector of the population. Especially considering they only had a 2% conversion rate with FSD subscriptions for actual Tesla drivers
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,146  
From a Tesla facebook group this was reported as a misrepresentation of Musk response to a reporter.
What else did you expect a Tesla group to say !! Hmmm.....heck they would get fired unless they comply ....ask the Tesla Charger division CEO .
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,147  
“There are lots of other serious implications to losing permafrost coverage, such as releasing more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, as well as uncovering radioactive materialsand unleashing dormant viruses, which could spark new pandemics.

Gale , do you even read half the crap articles you copy/paste on this thread?
Your points of other serious implications to losing permafrost are spot on.

Most days I try to read 20+ articles that are science or history related and this quoted site is heavy on the sciences.

I find ice core samples and their interpretations very interesting. Warming articles like the one quoted removes all doubt about global warming being a real thing.

Man-made global warming is short on supporting science at best and at worse it is often only supported by cherry picked forced fitting data that crumbles on scientific exclamation.

In short I question everything I read written by one that tells me what to believe on any subject. I got burned badly by old men standing up three times weekly regurgitating what other old men told their ancestors.

In 2019 when I realized the EV thing was more than smoke and mirrors I spent $13,500 to get a 2016 Nissan Leaf SL that looked to be mint but the traction battery turned out to be 5 weeks from triggering the 8 year battery warranty. It getting totalled 8 months after getting a larger 2020 battery with better chemistry was another major EV learning experience.

There were so many advantages of EV over ICE I decided I wanted to keep an EV for my daily driving and for cross-country trips.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,148  
Man-made global warming is short on supporting science at best and at worse it is often only supported by cherry picked forced fitting data that crumbles on scientific exclamation.
Nonsense. Global warming from fossil fuels is solid science that has been well established for years. This article is from 2016. I have posted it here before, but getting people to actually read and understand the facts is an uphill battle.

   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,149  
Nonsense. Global warming from fossil fuels is SHAKY science that has been MODIFIED TO FIT POLITICS YEAR TO YEAR. This article is from 2016. I have posted it here before, but getting people to actually read and understand the facts is an uphill battle.

Fixed your post above with Caps ......YEP It's based on assumptions on how old the world is and that all processes created have remained the same for " millions of years" . Assumptions like that send " science " onto paths that include the 60s ... " we are heading into an ice age " in 2024 we are going to boil in a decade.... meanwhile the Co2 is having opposite effect on vegetation that is now handling moisture better and growing better and absorbing MORE Co2 easier ( read some Jordan Peterson stuff on climate change)
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   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,150  
Nonsense. Global warming from fossil fuels is solid science that has been well established for years. This article is from 2016. I have posted it here before, but getting people to actually read and understand the facts is an uphill battle.

I see your point and your need for it to be true but there has been times in ancient history when humans was not a factor where the CO2 level was higher than it is today and that's one reason we got all the plants we got today.

For one to do true studies, one needs a control that is not subject to change and we just don't have that in this world today other than ice core samples that go back over millions of years.

Is man a factor in the increase of CO2 and other things that we maybe don't desire? Yes, but we do not have any weight of knowing how much is and is not a factor.

With the permafrost melting we may see more CO2 increase then we have in the last hundred years from cars, trains, trucks and tractors.

We are learning we're not living in a universe of absolutes.

We own two EVS but the purchase of neither one of them was dependent upon rebates or global warming concerns.

In my case, EV ownership is just a financial common sense thing and not to make somebody happier or someone sad.