Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2

   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,152  
Just throwing this out there.

The end of an era.

This Sunday will be the last Indy 500 with Internal Combustion engines only powering them.

Later this season IndyCar will go all Hybrid.

A Chevrolet Corvette 'E-Ray' 3LZ coupe will be the first hybrid pace car in the race's history. The 6.2-liter V-8 engine with an electric motor produces 655 horsepower

I already feel sad, and sense of loss.

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   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,153  
We baby boomers (ages 60-78) are no longer the driving force when it comes to automobiles or most anything.

Just watch the first 30 seconds! 76% under age 40 are open to buying EVs made in China.

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   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,154  
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,155  
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,156  
Fixed your post above with Caps ......YEP It's based on assumptions on how old the world is and that all processes created have remained the same for " millions of years" . Assumptions like that send " science " onto paths that include the 60s ... " we are heading into an ice age " in 2024 we are going to boil in a decade.... meanwhile the Co2 is having opposite effect on vegetation that is now handling moisture better and growing better and absorbing MORE Co2 easier ( read some Jordan Peterson stuff on climate change)
Hey don't alter another's post when you 'quote' him! That's dishonest. Make your own rebuttal in your own words.

If you want the reader to compare your view with his, just say what you mean.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,157  
This happens a lot here, and as long as it's prefaced with 'fixed your ....', I think it's ok. It's easy to go back a few posts and find the original. To post it without the preface = not cool!
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,158  
And you think all of this, but are still on board with the EV thing. You can't see that the EV is a tool for everything you stated again here.
What makes you think I am "all on board with the EV thing"? Newcomer hasn't been paying attention, thinks with his biases not paying attention to what is written.

I like my EVs, I defend their properties. Not the politics.

Clearly Everyone Knows Money Is The Root Of All Evil. So you must immediately divest of all of your money else you are "all on board with the Evil thing."
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,159  
Well... I have a different take or more accurately experience..., never been harassed in my diesel trucks or any other vehicles by anyone and have owned something north of 70 ICE vehicles.

The Tesla, it started before I even brought it home.
Yes! A clown "rolled coal" at me on my 200 mile drive home from Memphis having just picked up my Model Y and before I knew how to make the dash cam work.

I was berated at the bank for even thinking about buying a Tesla by a teller. Had obscenities' screamed at me while being flipped off by a girl in a a Ford pickup as she accelerated to over 50 into a school zone in the first 2 days, and been coal rolled by 3 diesel truck owners so far.
I remember at a gas station in my Prius being told "all the gas savings things you have been told are lies!" Was recording my purchase and calculating tank MPG in logbook at the time and exclaimed, "You are right! I was promised 60 MPG and look at the past 10,000 miles, not one over 54 MPG or under 48!" The Karen stomped off.