Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2

   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,191  
“There are lots of other serious implications to losing permafrost coverage, such as releasing more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, as well as uncovering radioactive materialsand unleashing dormant viruses, which could spark new pandemics.

Gale , do you even read half the crap articles you copy/paste on this thread?
Permafrost is never permanent. It wasn't there before it formed.

And gee, what was happening back then for all those nasty materials to have been laying about then get covered in "permafrost"? Space aliens mining the Earth?
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,192  
Nonsense. Global warming from fossil fuels is solid science that has been well established for years. This article is from 2016. I have posted it here before, but getting people to actually read and understand the facts is an uphill battle.

Lame article.

"We also do not need models or predictions to directly measure the source of heat in the atmosphere. There are five gases that are primarily responsible for the greenhouse effect. They are CO2, methane, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and ozone. We can tell this because of spectroscopy."

The lame assumption is that because these gasses are "greenhouse gasses" in the laboratory that they behave the same in the atmosphere. Every single atmospheric model making that assumption fails bigly. The problem is much more complex. We really need those gasses in the upper atmosphere to regulate the temperature of the planet.

Also Climate Change advocates make awful assumptions in that somehow the Earth's Climate is unchanging. And that emissions from our sun are constant and unchanging. Neither has ever been true.

How about those Ice Ages! Something happened to create glaciers and "permafrost" and it is natural for something to happen again to melt.

"Highest temperature recorded in 100 years!" Wonderful, so if man made global warming is the cause what happened 100 years ago to set such a record? Why did it take 100 years to break the record?
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,193  
Just throwing this out there.

The end of an era.

This Sunday will be the last Indy 500 with Internal Combustion engines only powering them.

Later this season IndyCar will go all Hybrid.

A Chevrolet Corvette 'E-Ray' 3LZ coupe will be the first hybrid pace car in the race's history. The 6.2-liter V-8 engine with an electric motor produces 655 horsepower

I already feel sad, and sense of loss.

Formula 1 has been hybrid for years.

Cars go faster when they can harvest energy at other times.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,194  
You forgot our domestic production.

Just over 3 years ago we were a net exporter of energy. That got nixed pretty quick to where once again we are dependant upon terrorists and dictators to make up our shortfall.
I guess that depends on who you call terrorists and dictators. :D

Oil imports and exports - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,195  
Formula 1 has been hybrid for years.

Cars go faster when they can harvest energy at other times.
F1 goes fast despite their rules. Renault wanted small turbo engines because they were good at them and then had their rears kicked by the others when they agreed. F1 is alpha testing tech the big names are interested in.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,196  
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,197  
How about being forced to pay for farm price controls?
Or "higher education" for worthless diplomas?

The problem is Little Men will migrate to government to use government power to become Big Men they never could have been without the bully power of government.

EV matters not, it is just Today's Popular Thing these Little Men have lathed on to to make their names in history.

The solution is to gut the government. Little things like EV tax credits are nothing.

When elected Dictator For Life I promise to wreck the housing market in Washington DC. Housing will be worthless because there will be no jobs. At least none in government.

We are supposedly a free society. Vote for candidates who will limit the size of government.

It never was. People complained about having to buy emission controlled automobiles. In 1980s they were really really bad.

We agree here on most of it.

One thing I will say is it is pretty clear our vote means nothing, they will do what they want to do.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,198  
The magic of a good hybrid such as Prius is in harvesting electrical energy when the getting is good from the ICE. There is 100% loss when the ICE is idling. When only a few HP is needed there is the fuel for those HP plus the idle losses. A hybrid can add electrical production to the load distributing some of the losses for the engine to be running. A hybrid can harvest regeneration. And then with electric propulsion one can turn the ICE off when coasting or stopped then move instantly without having to start the ICE. A.S.S. (Automatic Start Stop) is annoying on most pure ICE vehicles.

I had a 2008 Ford F-250 Powerstroke 6.4L diesel and a 2007 Prius at the same time. While the Powerstroke was perhaps the most complex diesel of it's day (first DPF model) I was convinced the Prius was even more complex.

The gyrations they do these days with diesels, having actually added a throttle body, digitally regulate turbocharger and throttle, to produce exhaust gases favorable to the DOC and DPF, is amazing. Believed impossible only a few years prior. Diesel emissions make up Ford's most precious patents. Today one must add SCR (and DEF) to the equation. Daimler got the DEF patent for figuring out how to keep urea and water in solution.

I thought about that, how much does it use up when sitting there at idle. It turns out not all that much.

My wife has a fancy smanchy volvo, and like most cars it will tell you your instant MPG as well as the average. However unlike most cars it will tell you the instant when you are sitting at a traffic light.

I would be interested in the loss of electricity between the power plant and the plug. We all know you loose something through the wires.

Here is a pick I snapped sitting at a stop light one day, I was floored at just how little it uses when not moving.

   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,199  
Formula 1 has been hybrid for years.

Cars go faster when they can harvest energy at other times.
The question is how much faster they would be over the long run without the weight of the batteries, motors and all the other jazz that goes with it.

Ever watch F1, there is not a great deal of passing going on. When there is it really comes down do who is going to brake first. I will not debate the KERS or ERS will help you get up and next to the guy provided he is out of button pushes at the moment.

That is a pretty hollow argument. Now if you choose the 24hrs of Lemons, the one in france or the one here, yes I spelled it that way for a reason. You would have a better a point.

You also have to look at the rules for the body. Rules changes to take an advantage away is very common, or to make something that would get stomped be able to hang in there, and even give them an edge, like in both of these racing bodies. Even here in the US NASCAR killed the winged cars because they are too fast, other issues around them being too fast existed, but using something like racing is not a good argument. Really it is rigged. What do you think a double overhead cam fuel injected engine of the same size would do to the rest of the nascar field.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #19,200  
Here is another hot issue....get it hot....that I have not seen on the national news but one single time. First we need to ask why that is. Second it shows just how dangerous this foolish push to put batteries in cars really is.

Flat out this stuff is going to burn till there is nothing left to burn. Going this way is just flat stupid. And the "grid" needs this now because "you" idiots keep shuttering existing power plants.
