Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2

   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #17,202  
It's funny how propaganda works one direction... Always. And if you don't buy into ALL of something, you are "anti" or a "hater". To me, seeing the pros and cons is just balanced and normal. To some the cons for their purposes make something not an option they would pursue.

It reminds me of how people who were against "A" vaccine... Are now "anti vax". Or if you don't believe in transitioning kids, you are "transphobic". The all or nothing attitude is tiring. It's the easiest way to not have to defend ones position... Because the other person is just too stupid to really understand. Or, other people just have different opinions and thoughts, which is sort of anti cultish. Some people consume a plethora of ideas and information, which is both positive and negative, and then through free thought come to their own conclusions.
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   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #17,203  
I’m not a battery car fan, and know that FSD is a separate technology on its own as it could be used in any propulsion technology vehicle such as gasoline or diesel ICE .
That said, I’d prefer a good functioning FSD, vehicle ferrying cognitively declined senior citizens, rather than them trying to drive themselves. I’ve seen many seniors on the road who absolutely shouldn’t be
That's why the Lord made Ralph Kramden.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #17,204  
I prefer that the general public all around that FSD driven vehicle not be used as guinea pigs as Ego Musk beta tests his FSD for his profit , at our risk.

The self driving vehicle software is only one version of what is taking place right now.

Currently NASA has been working on UTM- Unmanned Traffic Management / UAS Unmanned Aircraft System for years now and it is advancing. UTM 1-3 are in the books UTM 4 high density urban use is well into testing this, and will inevitably branch out into space travel as well.
NASA FAA and over 100 entities are involved

   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #17,205  
"Tesla CEO Elon Musk took to X (formerly Twitter) to refute the report, saying that "Reuters is lying (again).""

Well, If there is anything that will guarantee Elon will get something done, it is to tell him he can't- or it is going to be just to hard to accomplish.

Good Job Reuters.

New Robo taxi to be revealed on 8/8.

Modular design car that can be built to be either fully autonomous or human driven.?.?

New line crossed, 1 Billion miles driven on FSD
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   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #17,206  
The self driving vehicle software is only one version of what is taking place right now.

Currently NASA has been working on UTM- Unmanned Traffic Management / UAS Unmanned Aircraft System for years now and it is advancing. UTM 1-3 are in the books UTM 4 high density urban use is well into testing this, and will inevitably branch out into space travel as well.
NASA FAA and over 100 entities are involved

Of course the Government is involved, they are happy to take more of our decision making freedoms away from the public. Lets increase immigration and put single family homes out of reach of the general public too....instead maybe live in urban apartments , your social and enviro score card will determine what perks you are allowed. But those robotaxi tokens or mass transit ones are just to get to work, unless your score is above a certain threshold.... my grandkids have soooo much to look forward too in a few decades. :( hmmm remember in the 70s when the computer was going to provide us all a 4 day 32 hr work week, how did that work out ? Many times Technology has a biting negative, that gets overlooked in our rush , many positives, but lets not let the negatives be poo pawed away.
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   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #17,207  
Of course the Government is involved, they are happy to take more of our decision making freedoms away from the public. Lets increase immigration and put single family homes out of reach of the general public too....instead maybe live in urban apartments , your social and enviro score card will determine what perks you are allowed. But those robotaxi tokens or mass transit ones are just to get to work, unless your score is above a certain threshold.... my grandkids have soooo much to look forward too in a few decades. :( hmmm remember in the 70s when the computer was going to provide us all a 4 day 32 hr work week, how did that work out ? Many times Technology has a biting negative, that gets overlooked in our rush , many positives, but lets not let the negatives be poo pawed away.

Or we could go back to living without indoor plumbing...

With all of the non occupant drones flying something had to be done. Government and corporate overreach are always going to be a problem.
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #17,208  
Or we could go back to living without indoor plumbing...

With all of the non occupant drones flying something had to be done. Government and corporate overreach are always going to be a problem.
We don't need to go back that far ;) There was no NHL hockey back then Screenshot_20240406-174347_Samsung Internet.jpg
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #17,209  
Or we could go back to living without indoor plumbing...
That’s a pretty poor analogy.
Wawajake was clearly talking about government intervention.
Good free market inventions, never need government intervention to become widespread

Government and corporate overreach are always going to be a problem.
Don’t conflate government overreach with corporations. Totally different subjects
   / Battery based vehicles of today and tomorrow pt 2 #17,210  
Wasn't sure why the rave over Full Self Driving (Supervised)?

Sure it is slicker than snot.

It turns out it is more or less solved for the entire world. People in the know are seeing $$$$.

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