Bear Trouble

   / Bear Trouble #91  
Around here it used to be that we only had a problem for a few weeks between when the bears came out of their dens and the berries started getting ripe and there was a good mast crop the previous fall...
...Now days with the price of honey...bee keepers from surrounding counties all bring their hives here for the Sourwood bloom that lasts into August...
With all the hives (protected with electric fences) the bears hang around...
The sad part is if you call wildlife they just tell you to stop putting bird seed out etc...meanwhile the bears tear up bbq grills and get into to feed bins etc...and wildlife won't do anything...but if a bee keeper has a problem with a bear they will come out and set a trap and remove the bear...!
   / Bear Trouble #92  
Around here it used to be that we only had a problem for a few weeks between when the bears came out of their dens and the berries started getting ripe and there was a good mast crop the previous fall...
...Now days with the price of honey...bee keepers from surrounding counties all bring their hives here for the Sourwood bloom that lasts into August...
With all the hives (protected with electric fences) the bears hang around...
The sad part is if you call wildlife they just tell you to stop putting bird seed out etc...meanwhile the bears tear up bbq grills and get into to feed bins etc...and wildlife won't do anything...but if a bee keeper has a problem with a bear they will come out and set a trap and remove the bear...!
Well, there you go. Get a super or two and bait it with honey.
   / Bear Trouble #93  
I agree with you but according to them we would have more chance to get hurt with a gun then bear spray 🤷‍♂️

That's hysterical. One can always tell when something that mentions firearms was written by someone with absolutely zero knowledge and also incapable of apprehending the depth of their ignorance.
"Unlike an attack by a human assailant,
who may be able to use your own weapon against you,"

Umm not after they eat a couple rounds they won't.
   / Bear Trouble #94  
That's hysterical. One can always tell when something that mentions firearms was written by someone with absolutely zero knowledge and also incapable of apprehending the depth of their ignorance.
"Unlike an attack by a human assailant,
who may be able to use your own weapon against you,"

Umm not after they eat a couple rounds they won't.

Id be curious to see the statistic that they are sighting as well, I also am skeptical and also would rather have a gun then bear spray but to play the devil advocate here and because you just made bold claim I will challenge you on this. I don't think this is ''hysterical'' I think it represent the chances of the average person.

I can see why it make sense, when a bear charge you don't always have line of sight to the vital organs therefore more likely to miss a deadly hit on a oscillating object that runs towards you at 35mph straight on or at a bad angle. If you hurt him he would be more incline to deliver more damage in return at this point its life or death for him. So unless you adopt the shoot first and ask question later method and shoot him before he become a threat which most people don't do, because that would be poaching. After all remember we are talking about every day activity here and not bear hunting so you will in most case only get one shot at it. Not everyone uses the right rifle or shotgun if it happen to you and me it might work but statistically might not for the average Joe. I can see why these statistic are what they are and probably not a agenda written from someone who don't know what they are talking about. But I forgot you are the only one that knows and the ministry who investigate, collect evidence and analyze data's from incident don't know what they are talking about ...
   / Bear Trouble #95  
My sons father in law was hunting out west with a friend about 5 yrs ago they were attacked by a grizzly that was on an elk kill, they both pepper sprayed the bear but it had no effect and his friend was badly mauled , the bear did run off as he was being sprayed at close range in the face, The friend survived with lots of medical care, Bear spray does not always work
   / Bear Trouble #97  
5 times in the last 3 years a 500lb bear estimated by law enforcement has done property damage to the cabin in Tahoe.

The first two times it ripped the pipe off the propane tank losing 450 gallons the first time and nothing the second because the valve was off which turns out to be a violation but I digress.

Second and Third times bear ripped off siding attempting to get in crawl space.

Early this morning bear made kindling of the front door and trashed the inside.

We have been in Tahoe since the 1930's and never a single issue until 3 years ago.

Located in a residential subdivision of small lots, city streets, street lights, year round neighbors etc.

Police told me Do Not threaten or hurt the bear... the penalties are severe if a bear is injured due to property damage.

I said what if I'm sleeping in the bedroom and a bear comes in... the officer said Black Bears only want food and you are not food...

Is this really how it is in 2022...???
Fire have anything to do with it?
   / Bear Trouble #98  
Can't be too hard...
Actually, this woman was a very experienced trapper.... probably had bigger balls than most of us
   / Bear Trouble #99  
That's hysterical. One can always tell when something that mentions firearms was written by someone with absolutely zero knowledge and also incapable of apprehending the depth of their ignorance.
"Unlike an attack by a human assailant,
who may be able to use your own weapon against you,"

Umm not after they eat a couple rounds they won't.
A lot depends on if one can stay reasonably calm in such a situation and take good aim at a vulnerable spot.
I doubt I could, and I know I couldn't outrun a bear (black or brown).
And I'll admit, even though I pack a .357 sometimes, I'm not a good enough shot...
   / Bear Trouble #100  
Yep… no food on cabin… refrigerator empty with door left open…

It is all wood sided so really as simple as prying off a few boards and busting studs and you are in.

All trash packed and brought home… Never use the mandatory garbage service as pickup is Wednesday.

Maybe time to surrender?

My plate is full these last couple of years…

Just spoke to someone in Alaska and they never leave the house unarmed and it’s because of the bears.

So if you Bear spray a bear wouldn’t it simply get more determined?

Our letter carrier used an entire can of dog repellant and the pit bull still latched onto her leg as she retreated to the mail truck.
Unfortunately it really depends on the specific animal and why they are attacking. Generalizations don't really work.

What about an electric fence around the place or common entry points?