Brain Tumor

   / Brain Tumor #31  
Technology and procedures advance at a rapid rate. I'd go with a doctor that keeps up on the latest developments, whether that be a young or old(er) doctor. This morning I was in the hospital for surgery that just a few years ago would have had to cut me open and would have been in the surgery room for a long time with a long hospital stay. They had me come in this morning at 6:30 am. They did the surgery, recovery, put me in a room to monitor me for awhile, then released me in time for lunch. My wife & I had a quick lunch and came home, I slept for a couple of hours and now I'm on the computer. I'm a little groggy yet and I've been told to take it easy all day, but tomorrow, I'm back to whatever I want to do. So - procedures, anesthesia, etc. have all changed in a short time.

BTW - when I went in the operating room they had me get on an X-ray machine table and the whole operation was done by a probe and was guided by x-ray.

And I'll be praying for you and a quick recovery as well as for the doctors and staff that will be assisting.
   / Brain Tumor
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I am sure feeling better about all this since hearing from all of you. Haven't heard a single horror story.
   / Brain Tumor #33  
Best to you Doofy, you値l be using those pallet forks soon.
   / Brain Tumor #34  
Not myself, but my cousin had a pretty long head surgery involving some tumors up at I believe Geisinger around Danville Pa. I was getting updates via text from her daughter, and I believe it was around an 8 hour surgery.

Per my cousin and what she had done (this was during the last quarter in 2018)...

"I had 2 meningioma tumors. Both frontal lobe but on both sides. The surgery involved them making an incision from temple to temple, peeling down then removing 2 areas of my scull then putting the pieces back with screws and probably some mesh. My follow up MRI is soon to see if anything has grown back. If so, I have to make the decision of either letting it go or spot treat with radiation. The 1 tumor was large and too close to the Superior vein that runs down the center of the head. The surgeon said he got it all but wasn稚 able to take as much of the surrounding area as he wanted to. He said it was too risky."

It was non cancerous.

Saw her perhaps 3-4 months later while I was up in Pa and in all honestly, you would of never of known she had the surgery she did.

I hate needles. It's natural to be pooping bricks IMO when you're going under the knife. That said, for as much as people complain about the good old days not being around, the reality is medicine has jumped light years ahead of the 1950's, and I believe even the 80's now.
   / Brain Tumor #35  
I am sure feeling better about all this since hearing from all of you. Haven't heard a single horror story.

Sorry to hear of you're troubles. I wish you good luck and a quick recovery.
   / Brain Tumor
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Thanks for all the encouragement. I wish they would get the show on the road because the suspense is killing me. Not sleeping well so I hope melatonin will help.
   / Brain Tumor #37  
I would agree that waiting is hard. As long as they do not rush it and you get the best doctors, that is the important part. Keep up the positive attitude, that helps a lot ! You will be fine.
   / Brain Tumor #38  
Does anyone have first hand knowledge about tumor removal (on pituitary)? Apprehensive, to say the least. It would be nice to know what I may be getting myself into.

Thanks for any info on or about this subject.

I have a cancerous tumor on my pituary gland. Mine cannot be removed because it is located "on the brain side" whatever that means. They say success is 50/50, so they are leaving it for now, and watching my cancer markers very carefully. If it gets to be a bigger problem then they will go in and dig it out, but for now it is just high doses of medication, a lot of testing, and almost weekly Dr visits.

Several of my Pituitary Functions have started shutting down so I have been taking medications that replace them.

I guess there are only a few places that can deal with it because I was told, if I get the worst headache I have ever had, get to Mass General, or Dartmouth Hitchcock, as no one else in New England can deal with it. I have a house an hour North of Dartmouth Hitchcock, so I have been going there.

Interestingly, this is the most rare form of cancer. Only about 300 new cases per year!

Mine was found when I had a logging accident three years ago. I cut through a spring pole and my chainsaw go launched into my face at full throttle. It hit me right between the eyebrows, and so I spent 4 days in the hospital. It was doing the CAT Scan for that issue that they found a huge lump in my Thyroid. That proved to be full of cancer so they slit my throat and took my thyroid out, but my cancer markers were still going up, so they looked deeper and found the tumor on my pituitary.

It has not been easy these last three years, but people have been nice to Katie and I, and I am determined to give back to my community because of it.
   / Brain Tumor #39  
Thanks for all the encouragement. I wish they would get the show on the road because the suspense is killing me. Not sleeping well so I hope melatonin will help.

How are your calcium levels?

I have trouble sleeping too, but have had some success with taking tums at night. Calcium works with magnesium to generate melatonin, so often two tums at night will let me sleep better. For me, it is not getting to sleep...I can sleep is staying asleep. Most nights I am awake between Midnight and 2 AM.

You can tell if your calcium levels are off though because your skin will itch.

For me...and I was warned this might happen, there are two cords that run up along your windpipe, and in trying to scrape out the cancerous thyroid, the surgeon nicked my cords, so I must be on high doses of calcium and vitamin D3 for the rest of my life. It is no big deal, just something I have to deal with.
   / Brain Tumor
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Wow, Broken Track. Sounds like you have been run thru the mill! Continued prayers for you and your family.

I have not actually seen my Neurosurgeon yet so I'm not sure about anything. Had blood labs done last week so I should be hearing something soon. My vision is very wonky. Went to the DMV for a Real ID card and couldn't see anything clearly when I tried the eye test. Time will tell, I guess.

No clue about my calcium levels. I will have to research some past blood tests. I did start on some melatonin supplements last night and actually got 7 hours of sleep and only woke up 2 or 3 times. That beats just lying there.