Brush hog hyd motor

   / Brush hog hyd motor #1  


Super Star Member
Sep 6, 2003
Power-Trac 1445, KUBOTA B-9200HST
Would any of you that own a brush hog mower, post the cu in of the hyd motor that is used on the 48 in or 60 in? I remember 3 cu in from somewhere .
Also the boom mower, and the knuckle boom mower hyd motor cu in.
   / Brush hog hyd motor #2  
I don't know what my 48" is. All signs of identification have been removed. Sorry. :(
   / Brush hog hyd motor #3  
Your welcome to look at that 48" flail mower out back, but don't have a clue on displacement.
David from jax
   / Brush hog hyd motor
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Your welcome to look at that 48" flail mower out back, but don't have a clue on displacement.
David from jax

Does it have a label on the motor as to manufacturer?
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   / Brush hog hyd motor #5  
I'll get #s for you tomorrow. I did not have my glasses with me today in the barn to check. There is only the powertrac label and then one or two markings on the motor case. Will the powertrac #s help you o or just the case markings?
   / Brush hog hyd motor
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If it is a PT label, they don't put much info on it. If it has an original manufacture number , that would be good. The purpose is to figure the cu in of the motor that drives the brush hog. Any idea of the max hyd motor shaft rpm. From that I can figure blade tip speed.
   / Brush hog hyd motor #7  
Other than the PT label which had PT's serial number/model number then there were no other info on the motor.

I'm no hydraulic expert but could somebody extrapolate the motor size given the 425s 8 GPM pto if we also new the RPMs which the mower turns?

I tried to count the revolutions but lost count after .001 seconds! :laughing:

   / Brush hog hyd motor
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In comparing hyd motors for cutting decks,

We can make assumptions that are logical, so here goes. Smaller length blades have to turn faster to achieve a good blade tip velocity. Lets assume that the hyd motor on the 48 in brush hog is 3 cu in. If we push 8 GPM's through that motor, it will turn at 616 rpm, and a torque of 1433 in lbs.

You can relate that to a 48 in 3pt brush hog, where the 540 PTO speed is turning a 48 in blade at 540 rpm if the gear box is a 1 : 1 ratio, and a higher rpm if the gear box is say, 1 : 1.5. That will give a higher brush hog shaft rpm of about 810 rpm, and is within the range of brush hog cutting operations. Some tractors have three PTO rpm's.

Back to the hyd brush cutter.

The brush hog hyd motor will turn faster if you increase the GPM's to the same 3 cu in motor.
The other way to increase the rpm is to decrease the size of the hyd motor to a smaller cu in displacement, say 2.5 cu in. That will allow 8 GPM's to turn the hyd motor at 737 rpm. If you decrease the cu in of the hyd motor, the torque will decrease also, keeping the pressure at 3000 psi .

If you kept the same 3 cu in hyd motor and put it on a 60 in deck, with 19 GPM"s flowing, the shaft speed would be 1463 rpm, a little high for a 60 in brush hog, and the blade tip speed would definitely increase. In order to get the rpm of the brush hog back to a lower rpm, you have to increase the cu in. So now if we have 19 GPM's flowing through a hyd motor of 8 cu in, the rpm of the shaft would be 549, and the torque will be 3852 in lbs, at 3000 psi.

Remember the torque on the 48 in deck would be 1433 in lbs. at 616 shaft rpm. Pressure of 3000 psi.

In general, if you decrease the cu in displacement of a hyd motor, the rpm will decrease, and the torque will increase. Therefore the larger hyd machines will have large displacement motors, and the rpm will be lower
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   / Brush hog hyd motor #9  
I've got an Ambusher 60" (thats the mnfr) and I don't see any tags on the motor, sorry maybe you can get some info off their web site? Bobcat sells one also. I could physically measure it but don't think that will tell you anything but how big it is! (lol)
   / Brush hog hyd motor
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One of the PT guys had to replace his rough cut deck hyd motor, and the original hyd motor is this one.


3.14 cu in
734 rpm
900 torque
9.5 HP

M+S Hydraulic
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