Brushes with Celebrities anyone?

   / Brushes with Celebrities anyone? #51  
Well, my encounter:

Wife's daughter worked for one of the producers (Billy Van Zant) in Hollywood.
Van Zant did a community college play (he'd graduated there years ago...his alma mater). So, at wifey's behest, we went to the play (the college is in NJ...don't recall the name).
Anyway, Van Zant's wife is Adrienne Barbeau. Our seats were next to wife sat next to Ms. Barbeau.
She was a bit standoffish...not sure if that's due to snobbiness or shyness. Also, she was more petite then I expected..shorter. However, she did have a serious set of mammary glands for her size.
I guess she was 52 or 53 then (two years ago).

Since I'm not into stargazing, didn't bother to ask for her autograph...just commented how much I enjoyed her, movies
   / Brushes with Celebrities anyone? #52  
In the early 60’s, my Grandmother took a flight out of NYC to LA to visit her son (my uncle had moved there a few years earlier) During the 4-5 hour long flight, she struck up a conversation with this gentleman seated next to her in the first class section. Well, cocktails, dinner, family talk and a lot of doodling by the gentleman entertained her for the long flight.

After landing, she waited outside the terminal with the man, when a limousine pulls up and takes the gentleman’s baggage and to pick him up… He turns to her and asks, “Mae, can I offer you a ride to your son’s home?” My Grandmother politely refuses and thanks him for the offer and thanked him for his enjoyable company on the flight. As the limo pulled away, some nearby women came over and asked my Grandmother how long she had known Walt Disney… /w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif

   / Brushes with Celebrities anyone? #53  
ohhhh, sure, no way, Ronald Macdonald is just a fictional cartoon character. Now I met Captain Crunch at the Quaker Oats celebrity bake off at the mall. Real nice fella. Short and a little weird, but very fine fella. I hear he's dead now. Rat...
   / Brushes with Celebrities anyone? #54  
Seriously now, I run into so many celebrities that I have stopped counting. Its standard protocol here in California. We all do it all the time. I've met almost all of our milk cows. The California raisins are perhaps the most famous celebs I have personally met. The kid in the Koolaid commercials back in the 70's and I were big buds. The lady manicurest who soaks folks hands in the green Palmolive dishwashing soap was at my 5 year old birthday party. That big mouth gal that does the Polident denture cleaning commercials (pearls dipped in blueberrys) was another big time celeb I met. Kathy Rigby who did the femine protection commercials declaring she didn't talk about femine protection more then anyone else but definitely talked about it more then me was at the same airport as me at the same time. I almost touched Jane Fondas ex husband Tom Hayden at the same airport that I saw Kathy Rigby. I wanted to go tell this self important celebrity looking politician (they all think their vital) what I thought about that pooh ball ex wife of his, but the line was too long. Oh the life of us in California, very, very busy you know, Rat...
   / Brushes with Celebrities anyone? #55  
I have met many celebrities over the years but Johnny Cash and Gordie Howe were the two that stick out. Both were perfect gentlemen and very big.
I was expecting Gordie to be a big man but I could not believe how large Johnny Cash was. This was in around 1978 and Johnny must have been pumping lots of iron!
   / Brushes with Celebrities anyone? #56  
<font color=blue>Now I met Captain Crunch ... . I hear he's dead now</font color=blue>

You're right, he was the victim of a "cereal killer" /w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gif
   / Brushes with Celebrities anyone? #57  
i am a deputy sheriff here in indiana. one year i was working off duty at the indianapolis 500. i was asssigned the pit area on race day, they told us when it gets close to the end and you have an idea who will win, go to there pit, to help with crowd control. so i wandered to michael andrettis pit area, and was behind the wall. michael andretti was on the back stretch when the announcer came over the p/a and said the famous words and michael's slowing on the back stretch...he ran out of gas. there was a small person in front of me in pit crew clothing. the guy turned around took off his sunglasses and looked up at me, it was paul newman ( movie star/car owner) he said a 4 letter word , as i looked at him and said hey your paul newman , he stomped off and got in his r.v. and slammed the door...he can't be over 5' 2".
   / Brushes with Celebrities anyone? #58  
OOMBALA, [censored] am I glad you posted to this slightly out of date thread. Two reasons: 1. I liked your story and 2. I won't be alone telling my LATE tales.

Lets see, I'll be brief and pick out a few that were interesting or entertaining to me and hope they do something for y'all.

Flew to London with Farah Faucett (Majors) on same plane, created quite a stir at customs at Heathrow all the lady customs clerks were a twitter and wanted to "handle" Farah. She was dressed way down, minimal makeup, not as "nicely done" as her secretary, a little standoffish, and seemed apprehensive about crowds (probably for good cause). Not much to look at without makeup, wardrobe, etc.

Another London flight story: You know how sometimes someone will set off your alarms and make you ill at ease and suspicious. There was this guy on the flight that really made me nervous. Hijacker, thug, mafia enforcer, motorcycle tough with a shower, whatever, just really set off my internal alarms. I was travelling as was my normal situation on business with two passports. One is the regular blue one like all the American tourists carry and the other a red one (official Government business). My informal off the record instructions, don't laugh, were that in case of imminent capture, compromoise, highjack, skyjack or whatever to "lose" the red one (eat it, flush it, whatever) and show the blue one as official Government passports would likely earn you unwanted special attention from the bad guys.

Of course the red one gets you "front of the line" sudden service at any American embasy/consulate installation whatever. I was just short of ordering a drink of water to help wash down the red passport when suddenly my retarded pattern matcher locked in on the ID of the "bad guy". Seems he is an actor who specializes in playing big tough bad guys. I had seen him in counless movies. My subconscious recorded him as a "threat" but my conscious brain (I had a little left back then) didn't register him. I respected his privacy and didn't bother him.

I was nearly run down in the lobby of LAX by a big old bald guy, we weren't paying attention to each other. No harm done, we didn't go to the floor, and no one should have been bruised. He said sorry, I said sorry, we parted, and then the VOICE registered. Without the clothes, makeup, and maybe a big hat perhaps you wouldn't recognize Marion either, you know, John Wayne, from the movies.

On a sailboat trip to Catalina island with my wife and a friend (we lived on a sailboat for nearly 9 years) we were on a sailing and SCUBA outing. We were at the little village of Two Harbors at the isthmus where Catalina nearly becomes two islands to have dinner ashore. The next table over behind and to my left was occupied by a couple Holywood types I didn't recognize AND Natalie Wood. She was siting in one of those high backed wicker/reed/whatever queen looking chairs in regular street clothes and "normal" street makeup. Everyone was either oblivious to who she was or, like us, respected her privacy as no one approached them for autographs or whatever. She was sort of "holding court" and her suplicants were vying for top joke telling honors. I still cherish one of the jokes and tell it often. We left and went back to the boat (Pacific High) to sleep and get ready for the next morning's early dive.

The three of us dove our first tank near a reef with depths of up to about a hundred feet. My wife stayed in the dingy after her first tank but my bud and I had a cup of hot cocoa, changed tanks, and went again. There was a lot of unusual activity on the surface...a couple helicopters hovering and such. We thought it may have been some sort of SAR drill. Anyway, after lunch on board we weighed anchor and headed for San Diego. About 10 days later I finally figured it out. Natalie Wood was lost overboard shortly after we saw her and the choppers were definitely searching. Bummer. It would have definitely made diving unpleasant for my wife if she had seen Natalie floating past. Later, after gathering our composure my bud and I joked how we could have taken each others picture with Natalie on our knee and used our underwater slates to get an autograph. Later I met her brother in law (Wood) where he and I are neighbors with nearby recreational leaseholds down in Baja. They totally poo poo any idea that his brother (her husband) would have ever harmed her.

We used to have lunch every so often in the "sleazy bar" from the Tom Cruise movie, "Top Gun". We were ever alert for but unfortunately never saw Kelly McGillis.

My mom went to grade school with Gene Autry's wife.

   / Brushes with Celebrities anyone? #59  
I met James Garner at a livestock auction in little Topeka, Indiana. A much larger man than I'd imagined. Must be 6'-4 with a large frame. I met Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper during the filming of Hoosiers (a college classmate was involved in the production). He actually got me a couple small lines as an opposing team's assistant coach, but, alas, I was left on the cutting room floor. [cry] The worst part was while I got to meet two of my favorite actors, I didn't get to meet Barbara Hershey.

When my wife and I were in the Bahamas we noticed a guy at breakfast a couple days in a row by himself and asked him to join us the third day. Nice guy originally from Canada but living in New York City then, he told us. We asked the typical questions on would upon meeting someone new. He seemed to skirt the issue of what he did for a living, though. Finally, almost sheepishly, he muttered, "Well, I play professional hockey for the Rangers." He said he had a friend coming down to open her house who'd be arriving later in the day and asked us to join the two of them for dinner. We met him at the restaurant and he introduces his friend, Cheryl Tiegs.

This woman was actually more stunningly beautiful in person than in any photo of her I'd ever seen. We were truly awed. She was very nice and even invited us to a party she was having at her place there that weekend but we were returning before then.

The next winter, I happened to turn on ESPN and saw the Rangers were playing so I thought I'd see if this guy we'd met had made the team again this season. It was just at the end of the first period and they had a short interview with a player lined up. "We'll be talking with NY Rangers All-Star defenseman and team captain, Barry Beck." That was the shy, polite Canadian. I had to laugh at myself thinking, "Yeah, I guess he made the team again, alright."

I have kind of a laundry list of sports personalities I've met over the years through my involvement in sports. I even have some kids I've coached now making their living as professional athletes. I'll save everyone from reading all that unless someone's really interested.
   / Brushes with Celebrities anyone? #60  
<font color=blue>...I even have some kids I've coached now making their living as professional athletes. ...</font color=blue>

Gary... Bravo... more... more... /w3tcompact/icons/grin.gif
