Bush Hogging Poison Ivy

   / Bush Hogging Poison Ivy #41  
I've tried all the pills, steriods, and commercial washes, but none have worked well for me. I have researched the heck out of PI since I get it so bad. Here are some tips that work for me:
Think of the PI oil as a sticky varnish/tar/paint residue that is stuck to your skin.
I use Goop or DL hand cleaner, and a bar of lava soap. The secret is to give it enough time to do it's job of disolving the oil. First rub in a heavy coat of the hand cleaner to areas of possible contamination, or areas already inflamed. Rub on a liberal amount for at least 2 full minutes until it has time to disolve COMPLETELY. Then add some more and scrub it a couple more minutes. Sometimes I use a small brush. Think of how you would clean dried on paint/tar when doing this. It takes the hand cleaner several minutes and then all of a sudden it disolves paint/tar all at once. Now rinse with cool water, COMPLETELY. Then take the bar of lava soap and scrub affected areas with the bar, for several minutes. Rinse again with cool water. If I have a small area, I just use the bar of lava and scrub the heck out of it, then rinse. ItThe PI is usually dried up the next day. Heavy contaminated areas that are swollen and blistered and oozing bad require the full treatment once a day for a few days.
Once you get the oil off your skin, use hot water. As hot as you can stand it. There will be no surface oils to spread since you washed them off, and the hot water deadens the itching. For me the hot water treatment works for 8 hours, then I use hot water again if needed. The hot water will allow you to make it through the work day or get a nights sleep.
These really work, and cost next to nothing. I used the Lava on my arm last night for a 2" row of red blisters I got from my dog the day before. They were just starting to swell and itch a LOT. I scrubbed with the bar for several minutes with very little water. rinsed with cool water. This morning all that is left is a red line of dried up bumps. No itching.
   / Bush Hogging Poison Ivy #42  
Having been a board certified dermatologist for over 20 years who gets PI every year and has treated hundreds and hundreds of cases here is my 2 cents (its alot more for a visit though ;) )
1)IMHO antihistamines work for some and not others....they probably help more by allowing sufferers to fall asleep.
2)Prednisone is king (corticosteroids). usually most docs prescribe too little for too short a time. I prefer a 15 day course to prevent REBOUND flare-up.
short term prednisone is not anywhere as dangerous as your friends and relatives will tell you (everyone knows someone who has a prednisone related horror story related to long term use:months/years). since people die from allergic reactions to strawberries, bee stings, aspirin etc, remember nothing that works is completely "safe and natural" like these naturopaths, homeopaths and other "paths" like to argue. there is nothing, let me repeat NOTHING "good" in medicine...just what is bad and what is worse. a bad case of PI is "worse" to me than a round of prednisone. (prednisone will increase your blood pressure temporarily and is very risky with brittle or insulin dependent diabetics).....
3)I prescribe cortisone creams but none work like the prednisone pills or cortisone shots
4)inadequate washing will spread the oil that causes PI....a very thorough washing will help to remove the oil if done within hours of exposure.
5)oozing vesicles will not spread PI...
6)hot showers worsen PI but man do they feel good.(I advise against them and advise against vigorous scrubbing except immediately AFTER exposure).
7)there are some desensitization shots that supposedly work on the same principal of the homeopathic pills. I really don't know if they work and am too afraid to try them myself.
8)prevention is key:
   / Bush Hogging Poison Ivy
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OK - Poison Ivy drill - SWMBO and I were back in the woods this afternoon, the same area I got into the ivy last April, pulling wild raspberries when I got a handful of vine with no thorns (bad sign :eek: ); right had only, took the glove off immediately and threw it away (what a shame, a real nice deer skin glove, and nicely broken in to boot). Got the spray paint out and marked the vine where I noticed it, then traced it up a tree, back down and to the roots, along the ground 15 feet to another root system and up another tree, the idea being to watch the vine until it leafs out, or I beak out, whichever comes first and then I'll know for sure it's ivy.

Of course I followed some of the great advise hear and scrubbed with dish soap, threw the clothes immediately into the washer and now am sitting here feeling like a lab rat waiting to see what happens next, having been too dumb to prepare ahead of time but I think I will run to Walgreens tomorrow and pick up some Zanfel, hopefully not on my way to see the doc. Wish me luck!
   / Bush Hogging Poison Ivy #44  
Never tried Zanfel- at about $40 of ONE ounce it better work! Of course I've had it so bad so many times I would have considered $40 a bargain to get rid of it;)
   / Bush Hogging Poison Ivy #45  
I have good results with evening primrose oil (the capsules) . Also if you take a supplement with vitamin C or just vitamin C it will make it worse. Good luck.