Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them??

   / Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them?? #101  
I have to agree with the statements about buying from a dealer I trust even if it will cost me a little more.

To be honest, I have no idea if my dealer would do warranty work if I'd gotten my current tractor from someone else, but it really isn't something I wanted to find out later.

I can say that with previous equipment that I've never had an issue getting any work done, but then I was not asking them to do warranty work and I was prepared to pay them for the work they did at the time. I have been working with them for many years and it is why when I decided to get a new tractor that I got it for them. I also was not on an extremely tight budget, I mean even a couple of thousand $ probably would not have swayed me.
   / Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them?? #102  
I tried to buy from the local dealer, I was onsite and ready to pay the 2nd visit but it was ~$1800 difference. If they would have just come down to within $500-750 difference I would have done that, but they wouldn't even budge at all! I have bought my filters from the local dealer, so there's that.
Hopefully I won't need any warranty or service work for years maybe decades. Time will tell.
   / Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them?? #103  
I worked for a dealer. His dad opened in 1944. Man was 78 several years ago. He took care of what he sold. I felt bad for one fella. He retired out of the Army and moved back home. Brought his machine for repair. I had the parts and fixed it that day. But it was months before they called him about to pick it up. I remember the shop foreman looked at the ticket, said naaa, put it back in the stack. You know, a fella retiring out of the Army, he cant help it he didn't buy it there. But, that's how things were done up there.
That's when a crotchety 78 year old has no business running a service department.
That's the same shop that couldn't fix M series emissions issues, am I correct?
   / Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them?? #104  
If dealer A does a crappy job of setup and pre-delivery and something isn't right, dealer B is not responsible in fixing that problem because it isn't warranty work. It was poor workmanship that dealer A got paid for. That was the only instance that our dealer would balk on fixing an issue. Some dealers may not want warranty work because they pissed off the factory service rep that okays warranty claims. We always kept all paperwork and tagged all parts so it was quick and easy for the rep when he dropped in. Sloppy dealers never get manufacturer service awards. We were proud of the ones we received.
   / Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them?? #105  
If dealer A does a crappy job of setup and pre-delivery and something isn't right, dealer B is not responsible in fixing that problem because it isn't warranty work. It was poor workmanship that dealer A got paid for. That was the only instance that our dealer would balk on fixing an issue. Some dealers may not want warranty work because they pissed off the factory service rep that okays warranty claims. We always kept all paperwork and tagged all parts so it was quick and easy for the rep when he dropped in. Sloppy dealers never get manufacturer service awards. We were proud of the ones we received.
Amen. I had an excellent relationship with my Kubota ASM's and New Holland service reps. Good ones are invaluable and keeping their confidence and trust is well worth the effort.
   / Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them?? #106  
That's when a crotchety 78 year old has no business running a service department.
That's the same shop that couldn't fix M series emissions issues, am I correct?
No, the old man owned the business. The shop foreman was much, much younger, he was only 74.
   / Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them?? #107  
People go to another dealer to purchase a
tractor and save a few bucks then whine when
the local dealer don't want to fix it. Dealers loose
money on warranty work as I have been told and
I understand why they don't want to do the work.
You saved a few bucks now take it back to where
you purchased you tractor or call the dealer where
you! purchased your tractor and tell them the problem
and maybe he will send you the parts to fix it!
I have a dealer that's 50+ miles closer to me but I
will not go there for anything, he missed out on a
sale of a few bucks under $50k just because of their
sales people.
I am very Happy the the K&S Tractor sales in
Lubbock, TX
I save on shipping because if I want anything all
I have to do is call Mike tell him what I want and
when they make their trip to Lamesa, TX I can
just drive the 40 some miles when they deliver
their supplies and have lunch with Mike and
get my products.

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   / Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them?? #108  
This thread just keeps getting revived. I will just say this about warranty work. I bought a new 4500 series truck at the local dealer. Transmission lines started leaking at 14000 miles. I took the truck back to dealer and the service rep said we dont work on that size truck. Wanted me to take it to another dealer 80miles away. I made the call to GM and the dealer fixed my truck. They sold it, they should service it is my opinion. Anyways, about 2 weeks later I noticed a axle seal leaking so back to the dealer I went. Service rep pitched a fit said I had to take it to other dealer he wasn't working on it. I told him that's alright, I drove down to the ford dealership and bought a new f450 and drove it on the chevy lot. Told the service rep I fixed the leak and drove off. I had bought 7 new vehicles from that dealer but haven't bought one or been back on his lot since. I have bought 3 new vehicles from the ford dealer I bought the truck from. I hope the chevy dealer reads this and it brings back old memories.
   / Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them?? #109  
Dealer say he will not do warranty work on new ls not purchased from him. I know that a dealer can refuse to work on other stuff but a new LS tractor. Any ideas? Thanks
Do you really want to force a dealer to work on your tractor?
   / Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them?? #110  
Said before and will say again that all dealers (except company run stores are independent dealers and as such can accept or refuse work at their discretion. How it works in the real world. My dealer is no different.

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