Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them??

   / Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them?? #111  
Said before and will say again that all dealers (except company run stores are independent dealers and as such can accept or refuse work at their discretion. How it works in the real world. My dealer is no different.
You really need to read the franchise contracts. They will differ, but many do require them to service any of the OEMs tractors. Just because the manufacturer doesn't own them does not mean they are not or cannot be bound to contractual obligations. For some, refusing to do warranty work would be breach of contract and the OEM could dump them without recourse. But it really depends on the OEM and how they write their franchisee contacts.

Otherwise, anyone who bought a tractor and moved to another area would effectively have no warranty. Reading Kubota's warranty, for example, it says warranty work must be done at one of its authorized dealers. In no way does it imply that you must get the work done at the dealership from whom you purchased it. That is clear enough that a court could compel a dealership to do the someone mentioned though, do you really want them to touch your tractor if they don't want to? Of it were me, I would push very hard with OEM, the courts and the press to make the dealership a pariah. I am sure with enough effort you could get a copy of a dealership agreement.
   / Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them?? #112  
Dealer say he will not do warranty work on new ls not purchased from him. I know that a dealer can refuse to work on other stuff but a new LS tractor. Any ideas? Thanks

I worked at a dealer. They had a big sigh. If it's is warranty work take it back where you bought it. It's still there.They still in business.
   / Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them?? #113  
There are ways to combat a bad dealer. For example, they put you in the back of the line, you report to LS that you’ve been waiting X months, and you think other customers are getting in and served first. Tell them the dealer seems to be holding a grudge because you reported them. You are worried that the dealer is going to do a poor job when they get to you. When you ask about status, they seem irritated and won’t give a clear answer. It will go very poorly for the dealer.
   / Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them?? #114  
This thread just keeps getting revived. I will just say this about warranty work. I bought a new 4500 series truck at the local dealer. Transmission lines started leaking at 14000 miles. I took the truck back to dealer and the service rep said we dont work on that size truck. Wanted me to take it to another dealer 80miles away. I made the call to GM and the dealer fixed my truck. They sold it, they should service it is my opinion. Anyways, about 2 weeks later I noticed a axle seal leaking so back to the dealer I went. Service rep pitched a fit said I had to take it to other dealer he wasn't working on it. I told him that's alright, I drove down to the ford dealership and bought a new f450 and drove it on the chevy lot. Told the service rep I fixed the leak and drove off. I had bought 7 new vehicles from that dealer but haven't bought one or been back on his lot since. I have bought 3 new vehicles from the ford dealer I bought the truck from. I hope the chevy dealer reads this and it brings back old memories.

You should have driven every single one of those new trucks to that dealer and showed them to the sale manager
   / Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them?? #115  
You should have driven every single one of those new trucks to that dealer and showed them to the sale manager
I could only afford to buy one.
   / Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them?? #116  
So it seems some tractor dealers want to operate like RV dealers.
   / Can ls dealers refuse warranty work on tractor not purchased from them?? #117  
Had a dodge dealer refuse me warranty work because I didn't purchase from them.
Told me to take it back to the dealer I purchased from.
I have no idea why, they get paid to perform warranty work.

I told them I nor anyone I know will ever purchase a vehicle from them.
Sadly, they're still in business

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